Quickies: N610C, Palm Tipsheet, m100 Giveaway, Torpedo

Reports are coming in that the Sony PEG-N610C is appearing in stores. -Ed

In this month's Palm Tipsheet, they share ideas and solutions for using a Palm handheld as a mobile CD database tool. In the Tipsheet Interview, they chat with Indian Palm user Sandeep Shah about his own Palm handheld experience and the general state of Palm handhelds in India. -Mike Rohde

The Who We Are band, an independent songwriting band, has announced a Palm m100 computer giveaway drawing. The only requirement for entering the drawing, to be held on August 31, is to join the band's email list. -Tim Trimble

At the very bottom of this Pinetree Software page, there is a sneak peek link to see what will be in the next version of Torpedo. -Josh

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N610C in stores

I.M. Anonymous @ 8/4/2001 12:41:19 PM #
I picked mine up at Circuit City yesterday. Also, got a free back pack.

RE: N610C in stores
I.M. Anonymous @ 8/4/2001 12:45:57 PM #
Oh yeah? Which C. City store is it Jacko? Or are you
just talking trash. The 610C is not suppose to hit stores 'till late August or early September?

RE: N610C in stores
I.M. Anonymous @ 8/4/2001 2:28:32 PM #
Why do you care? You plan on flying out? Oh yeah, they only had one and I got it. Save a trip...

- Jacko

RE: N610C in stores
I.M. Anonymous @ 8/4/2001 3:49:40 PM #
Why do you have to be so damn hostile?
The only person talking trash would be you.
THe 610c IS out. SonyStyle HAS shipped them, People HAVE received them, And they ARE in stores.
Just go to the Clie Users Group on yahoo, there are Many who have 610c, and they've uploaded the MSEXPORT/MSIMPORT/PHOTOSTAND/PictureGearPocket 2.0 software for Other Clie users (700c/s300) to use. So you know what, You're the Jacko.

RE: N610C in stores/Clie User Group
I.M. Anonymous @ 8/4/2001 4:35:34 PM #
How long does it take to get approved to join the group? Its been over a week for me - what are they doin, a damn fbi background check?

RE: N610C in stores
I.M. Anonymous @ 8/4/2001 5:43:30 PM #
Approval is automatic, so either you made a mistake or there was a problem with Yahoo. Go back to http://groups.yahoo.com/group/CLIE_Users_Group and sign up again - it will probably work right away.

RE: N610C in stores
I.M. Anonymous @ 8/4/2001 8:50:57 PM #
Zeeesh, what a bunch of uptight Clie users here!

Jacko poster merely inquired about where to get them; I saw only one intelligent response. All others seemed
to have a 610 lodged somewhere unmentionable.

Chill dont spill

RE: N610C in stores
safron @ 8/5/2001 9:06:53 PM #
Here's an idea. Why don't you register and login so we can attach a name to you're immature attitude!

RE: N610C in stores
mikecane @ 8/6/2001 9:28:09 AM #
The N610C has been available at RCS in NYC since last week. They had quite a few of them. The N710C is apparently selling very well; they were down to two and keep selling out they said.

BTW, the S320 is also out in NYC at RCS, DataVision, and CompUSA. SonyStyle didn't even have it when I checked. I will be visiting SonyStyle again today.

CompUSA Richmond has'm

JimBezdan @ 8/4/2001 2:05:17 PM #
They were in on Thursday. All that came in were the purple ones.

RE: CompUSA Richmond has'm
mikecane @ 8/6/2001 9:29:43 AM #
That's all that *will* come in. The Silver one is restricted to Sony website sales only.

Clie N610C

I.M. Anonymous @ 8/4/2001 9:20:27 PM #
I HAVE NOT SEEN THEM AS OF YET IN ANY STORE WERE I LIVE...But i did recive mine in two day's from Sony...I got it on Friday the 2nd....And i have the purple one....It's a a nice looking Clie outside....The Zap 2001 play's and look's great..I have load the sofeware that also came with my Clie and i love the way all my picture's look on the N610C/P ......They look as good as if i were looking at them in a photo album.......So far am very happy the way the N610c look's like outside and in....P.s I have load my address book and other thing on a memory stick which was easy.....That's all for now...Later

RE: Clie N610C
I.M. Anonymous @ 8/4/2001 9:30:25 PM #
I recive it on Friday the 3rd....I had put the 2

Best Buy Has Them

I.M. Anonymous @ 8/5/2001 1:55:37 PM #
I just got my 610 on Saturday night 8/4 at a Best Buy in a Chicago Suburb (Arlington Heights). All other stores in the area are due to get them by Tuesday or Wednesday of next week, so they should be all over the place very soon.
I had to call every Best Buy until I found one that got the 610's on Friday night. It seems that every store will be getting 4 initially.


Mem Stick??

I.M. Anonymous @ 8/6/2001 10:04:10 AM #
Anybody know if you can run programs directly off the memory stick on the 610? This is the only thing holding me back from getting one. Is this feature inherant to OS4 or the hardware.

RE: Mem Stick??
Ed @ 8/6/2001 10:16:59 AM #
This is not a function that comes on the N610C; You will need to install third party software. You should look into either MSMount or PowerRun.

News Editor
Palm Infocenter
RE: Mem Stick??
I.M. Anonymous @ 8/6/2001 5:31:10 PM #
As with all Palm OS 4 devices, you will be able to run applications off of the expansion card. Note that it is not running "directly" off the card--the system copies it to internal memory first, runs it from there, and deletes it when you're done. The process, however, is invisible to the user, as long as you have enough free RAM available. (This behavior is common to all Palm OS 4 devices, not just the Palm OS 4 CLIEs.)

RE: Mem Stick??
Ed @ 8/6/2001 5:44:27 PM #
Good point. My comments were in haste and, frankly, not terribly correct. Thanks.

News Editor
Palm Infocenter


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