Quickies: Write Rights, Drug Interactions, PalmSource

While not shown on the Fellowes web site yet, Write Right screen protectors specifically for the Palm m505 are available at some Staples stores. They are similar to the IIIc protectors as they are clear and have no texture to them. They perfectly fit the screen and could also be used with m500 or Vx for users who prefer clear, untextured screen protection. -Ed Neisch

Franklin has publish The Medical Letter Handbook of Adverse Drug Interactions for download to Palm OS devices. It costs $60. A subscriptions costs $100. A Springboard version is planned. -Ed

Registration is open for PalmSource 2001, Palm's fifth annual worldwide developers conference. It will take place October 23-26 at the San Jose Convention Center in California. PalmSource participants will receive information on the new ARM core-based version of the Palm OS software. They also will have access to pre-release tools and the option to collaborate in a lab environment with expert engineers from Palm and other licensees. Participants will learn about the future of Bluetooth and the evolution of web clipping in a special Wireless Technologies session. It costs $1300 but people who register before August 31 have to pay only $1000, and a special discount is available for PalmSource alumni. -Ed

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Write-rights for m505

Moosecat @ 8/13/2001 11:03:12 AM #
They have been available at CompUSA for quite some time now. I bought them over a month ago. (My first experience with screen protectors -- somewhat underwhelming. Difficult to apply without bubbles, but a necessary evil.)

RE: Write-rights for m505
I.M. Anonymous @ 8/13/2001 3:04:39 PM #
You must follow the directions for the application to be successful. You cannot take the write-right off the backing before applying. If done correctly you should have a few bubbles under the protector but over the period of a couple of days they should smooth out. It took me a more than one try to get it right the first time (back on my old Palmpilot Pro, which really hurts @ about $1.75 per protector), but you can get it installed without any bubbling. I also tried the screen protectors by VSPS before finding the write-rights. They were much thinner than the write-rights and seemed to install with a lot more bubbles. The bubbles also did not seem to dissapate as much as with the the write-rights. Also they were cut slightly too big for the Palm M505 and I had to trim them slightly so they would fit.

RE: Write-rights for m505
Moosecat @ 8/13/2001 4:05:45 PM #
I'd love to rip this one off and put on another one with (hopefully) fewer bubbles ... But my God these things are expensive. Anyway, I just have bubbles on the top 1/3, where it was difficult for me to squeegee effectively. (This is my second one -- the first one had fewer bubbles. I guess practice doesn't necessarily make perfect.)

RE: Write-rights for m505
I.M. Anonymous @ 8/13/2001 4:43:16 PM #
I actually put one on, and had some bubbles in the top of the screen, and then left on a 2 week Baltic Vacation. Lo and Behold, the bubbles were gone when I came back. I had left it in the cradle, and I guess they just slowly floated out of it. Don't know why, but it's a really nice screen protector now.

Write Rights

Gonzo @ 8/13/2001 12:31:38 PM #
Bubbes, huh? Try using the card (or a credit card) that comes in the pack and sgueegy-ing it on as you stick it down holding the other end off the screen. I've used them for a year now and don't have any bubbles at all. It does take patience, but worth it!

Drug Interactions...

Gonzo @ 8/13/2001 12:31:38 PM #
www.epocrates.com is another such site. A doctor (MD) friend of mine uses it all the time. So does my niece who is a pharmacist. It is updated constantly and comes with a conduit to keep your Palm O/S device up to date with all the latest info each time you sync.
RE: Drug Interactions...
I.M. Anonymous @ 8/13/2001 1:54:50 PM #
I can't imagine anyone paying for this when epocrates is has an excellent interface and updated content.

especially when you can download it for FREE

So which Write Right would with a Clie S320?

I.M. Anonymous @ 8/13/2001 2:28:41 PM #
any help would be appreciated.


I.M. Anonymous @ 8/13/2001 8:16:24 PM #
I am using a IIIc and I just cut it....try that
RE: sony
Altema @ 8/15/2001 3:23:33 PM #
Cut it? You are more brave than I! I'd probably cut right through the digitizer...

Aside from bubbles, how do you like the Write Rights on the IIIc? Do they feel like you are writing on vinyl like their monochrome protectors?

I bought a set for my former IIIe, but they felt too rubbery and blurred the screen. I cut the top off and left the graffiti area covered, but then pulled that off and used removable tape instead.



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