Quickies: m500 Cables, Palm Tipsheet, Palmchat Giveaway

The Supply Net now caries cables to connect the Palm m500 series to various mobile phones, including ones from Motorola, Nokia, Samsung, and others. -Ed

In the September issue of the Palm Tipsheet, Topher Macintosh has excellent ideas for using a Palm handheld as a educational power tool. In the Tipsheet Interview Ridder Dijkxhoorn shares his experiences as a Dutch Visor user. -Mike Rohde

Ardiri.com is donating five Ardiri.com game packs to #palmchat on the OpenProjects IRC network tonight. To connect to #palmchat, type /server irc.openprojects.net then /join #palmchat in the IRC client of your choice. The giveaway will run from 8.30 pm - 12.30 am EDT. Full rules are available here. -Janice Karin

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Avantgo alternate source to Supplynet

I.M. Anonymous @ 9/5/2001 8:22:45 AM #
I purchased a cable from Avantgo for $10 less than Supplynet. They carry cables for a variety of phones, however, I purchased a cable for Motorola StarTac. For more information go to:


RE: Avantgo alternate source to Supplynet
I.M. Anonymous @ 9/5/2001 9:42:19 AM #
Yes, but they don't have a cable for my phone model :-(

RE: Avantgo alternate source to Supplynet
robrecht @ 9/5/2001 10:07:30 AM #
Does anyone know where I can currently get a data cable for the Motorola V 60c?

Thanks, Robrecht

RE: Avantgo alternate source to Supplynet
I.M. Anonymous @ 10/2/2001 1:15:20 PM #
RE: Avantgo alternate source to Supplynet
I.M. Anonymous @ 10/26/2001 11:08:39 PM #
Where can you get a data cable for a V60c that connects to the M50x? I ordered at Supplynet, and received an email shortly after saying 10/31/2001 for a ship date. Now they send me an email for 11/30/2001. I understand delays in production, but come on, be more upfront on ship dates. A thirty day delay is way too much.

RE: Avantgo alternate source to Supplynet
I.M. Anonymous @ 10/28/2001 4:55:58 PM #
I found an alternate source after much internet searching. It looks as though teleadaptusa is going to be shipping their cables sooner than Supplynet is. I have mine on order at supplynet based on the 10/31/01 ship date, but with it being pushed out 30 days I don't want to wait.

So goto the following site and see if they have yours listed: www.teleadaptusa.com/nme/order_palm4cdma.htm


I.M. Anonymous @ 9/5/2001 3:10:14 PM #
Forgive my ignorance, but what do these cables do? Will it allow me to connect to my ISP via my cellular phone? What kind of data transfer is this for?

RE: cables
dckiwi @ 9/6/2001 10:20:50 AM #
The cable will allow you to connect to your ISP. The palm does the dialing, however, you will need a proper email client. Eudora (http://www.eudora.com) is free and also includes a browser. Multimail (http://www.actualsoft.com) is another alt, but is not free. I'm sure there are others,

The palm uses the cell as a modem. You are only making a local call to your ISP, so no extra charges are handed down.

I used this system for a while, not for internet browsing, but just to update avantgo and clear my email while away from the office.

I hope this helps. Let me know if you require more info.

RE: cables
I.M. Anonymous @ 9/6/2001 9:31:34 PM #
I'm glad I found this message. I have a M505 and a Startac phone using Verizon. I just received a cable for SupplyNet and having trouble with the setup. If I try to connect to my ISP it seems to work, haven't d/l a brower. But SupplyNet says I can bypass my ISp and connect directly through Verizon. I can't seem to do this. Any suggestions?

RE: cables
I.M. Anonymous @ 10/28/2001 4:54:08 PM #
I also have Verizon for my cell phone. I am currently waiting for my cable for the v60c/M505 so I can get to the internet when I am mobile.

But I talked to the Tech Support line for Verizon regarding the Mobile Office Kit and they simply told me to call back when I have my cable and they will walk me through the set up. The software appears to be for the laptop and ot the pda. So call Verizon Tech Support.



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