U.S. Undergoes Major Terrorist Attacks
The devastating attacks on the World Trade Center in New York and the Pentagon will prevent any further handheld-related updates today.
I've been told that many people who are still at work don't know what is going on because major news sites are swamped and they don't have TVs so I'll add what I've been able to get from CNN. -Ed
Early this morning, several airliners were deliberately crashed into both towers of the World Trade Center. The building has been totally destroyed. There are no reports yet on casualties, thought they are expected to be high, as 50 thousand people work in the two buildings.
PIC contributor Mike Cane, who lives in New York, was not injured by this. He said, "I heard a WHUMP! and a pressure wave that rattled windows at exactly 9:03AM."
There was another airliner crashed into the Pentagon.
Terrorist Osama bin Ladin is currently the prime suspect.
Update: A plane hit the north tower of the World Trade Center shortly before 9 a.m., followed by another plane into the second tower about 20 minutes later. Both towers have collapsed. More than 10 thousand rescue personnel rushed to the scene. The entire downtown area of Manhattan has evacuated as far north as Rockefeller Center
About an hour later, a plane crashed into the Pentagon. It, the White House, the State Department, the Justice Department, the Capitol, the CIA and all other government buildings in Washington evacuated.
First the first time ever, all flights nationwide have been stopped at their departure airports.
The Immigration and Naturalization Service has put the U.S. borders with Mexico and Canada on highest state of alert.
Update 2: The first casualty estimates state that as many as 10 thousand people may have been killed.
Update 3: CNN is reporting that there has been some kind of attack on Kabul, the capital of Afghanistan.
Update 4: CNN says the attack on Kabul was carried out by an internal faction, not an outside attack.
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RE: Understandable
Nostradamus Prophecy
Ennosigee feu du centre de terre,
Fera trembler autour de cité neuue
Deux gras rochers long tęps feront la guerre,
Puis Arethuse rougira nouueau fleuue.
Earth-shaking fire from the center of the earth.
Will cause the towers around the New City to shake,
Two great rocks for a long time will make war,
And then Arethusa will color a new river red
RE: Nostradamus Prophecy
RE: Nostradamus Prophecy
RE: Nostradamus Prophecy
"prime suspect"?
The most important thing right now is to pitch in through prayer, strong hands, and caring support to all those who have been affected by this tragedy, and leave the detective work to the professionals. May God embrace those who have died, comfort the living, and help law enforcement officials bring the guilty to justice.
> zeroed in on Osama Bin Laden as the prime suspect.
F you, I'm reporting what I heard on CNN. This situation is bad enough without jerks like you making it worse.
News Editor
"Although officials had no direct information this morning linking him to the attacks, fugitive terrorist Osama bin Laden is automatically considered the leading suspect behind the bombings, a senior government official said. "
I've been "F"ed by Ed
To you, Ed, and to anyone else who was angered or offended by my words, I offer my regrets. I am, however, sorry you thought it necessary, Ed, to cuss me out because I had a different view. Fighting with eachother is another example of the time-wasting activity (baseless, for the time being, speculation) I was originally writing about. So, Ed, I accept your "F" and offer only goodwill to you in return.
Actually, I'm pretty upset about what happened today, which I'm sure contributed to my anger; I'm normally more thick skinned and your comments weren't all that bad. Apology accepted and I shouldn't have gone off on you.
News Editor
Yes, I see that my statement (Ah, the military and criminal experts at Palminfocenter have zeroed in on Osama Bin Laden as the prime suspect) was a bit sarcastic. I stand by the point I was trying to make, however, that being that you are not an expert in these matters, neither am I, and even the "experts" don't know who is responsible yet. I'm sure we are all shaken up by this and are tense. I know if I wasn't so upset, I would have made my point in a less inflammatory fashion, and your response probably wouldn't have been so crass, either. Thanks for your graceful reply to my reply.
U.S. officials said they had received no credible claim of responsibility in the aftermath of Tuesday's events, but said their "working assumption" laid responsibility for the attacks on "overseas terrorism." "
RE: Oh Brother!!!
Ed was being very nice in reporting what the media was saying!!!
RE: Oh Brother!!!
Ed was being very nice in reporting what the media was saying!!!
"MEDIA WAS SAYING" Beign the key word
Some people would not have known becuase they do not have tv's at work. This was (IS) very important, and he thought he should of informed it to us that read the Palm Info Center
I say, thank you ED for the information. And everyone watch the news for further information. ( I think that was the main purpose!)Stop taking it personal. I did not see anyone in this post pointing their fingers at any ethnical groups!!
That said, Please Drop it!!!
I'll bet that when the investigation is over, it'll be some self-delussional cleric in a tent in some obscure corner of the Middle East (be it bin-ladin or some other loser) that will have heard from his "god" that it was time to kill his fellow man.
Praying won't help... it never does other than to shift the blame off yourself onto some fictional diety. Dropping your irrational superstitions and using logic for a change is what we really need. That and some support for the families of American heroes who died trying to help the victims today.
I.M. Anonymous @ 9/11/2001 2:04:41 PM wrote: "I'm afraid your "god" is the root cause of this tragedy. It's the irrational zealots (on both sides) fighting over a dump of worthless sand in the Middle East that has lead to this."
When you stated "I'm afraid your "god" is the root cause of this tragedy.", you are in fact both right and wrong. You are right in the fact that god (with a lower case "g") is responsible. Satan is the lower-case god of this earth. He obtained dominion over the earth when Adam and Eve chose to defy God's commandments. Satan, in fact, still uses people today (that are weak) to carry out his acts of destruction. Because you reject God, you also reject the tools that are available to prevent these acts - like prayer and the spreading of the gospel (which is the good word). The people responsible for these acts were fed lies that allowed them to be used for these horrific actions. The hijackers that flew these planes into the structures were mere puppets of the men that manipulated them. These puppeteers too are foolishly manipulated and controlled by this lower-case god.
Just as you are blinded from the truth, and inadvertently wrote the truth above, you are false in your intended communication that God is some how involved with this. the reason that many people fall for the counterfeit god is that the lies are tightly intertwined with truth. Any thing that is a counterfeit has enough of the real stuff in it to fool people. You are correct when you say that, "Most great world tragedies can be traced back to some sort of religious conflict... ". The bible says that "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high [places] - Eph 6:12". Therefore the battles that are fought on this earth are spiritual conflicts (or a "religious conflict" as you called it).
You wrote "when mankind finally grows up and thinks for itself instead of relying on all the supernatural mumbo-jumbo (Christianity, Muslim, Hindu, Jewish), maybe we won't be so inclined to kill each other."
"Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths. Be not wise in thine own eyes: fear the LORD, and depart from evil. - Prov.. 3:5-6"
It is when man tries to rationalize and determine that he is smart enough alone to fix the problem is when these situation arise. When he ,as you put it, "...grows up and thinks for itself instead of relying on all the supernatural mumbo-jumbo" is when he does not have a chance for the right outcome.
You wrote: "I'll bet that when the investigation is over, it'll be some self-delusional cleric in a tent in some obscure corner of the Middle East (be it bin-ladin or some other loser) that will have heard from his "god" that it was time to kill his fellow man."
Gods says: "The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom: and the knowledge of the holy is understanding - Prov. 9:10". What is fear of the Lord? "The fear of the LORD is to hate evil: pride, and arrogancy, and the evil way, and the froward mouth - Prov. 8:13"
Clearly one who allows himself to carry out these types of acts are not one who fears God. They clearly have not acted with wisdom or knowledge of the truth.
You wrote: "Praying won't help... it never does other than to shift the blame off yourself onto some fictional deity. Dropping your irrational superstitions and using logic for a change is what we really need."
Read Proverbs chapter 10, and you'll see the distinct differences in people. There are of two types: one that accepts the truth and is wise, and one rejects truth and is foolish. The heart of the wicked is of little worth, they die in search of wisdom. It is as sport to a fool to do mischief. The tongue of the just is as choice silver, and their lips feed many and the desire if the righteous shall be granted - Prov. 10:20-24.
Prayer is the key. We must resist the devil and turn to God. Pray for those involved and affected by this mess. Admit that we don't know everything and that everything is not in control in the hands of man alone. God uses men to do good in the earth. We must chose to accept the responsibilities that we have - one of which is to pray.
You wrote that we need to focus on"...support for the families of American heroes who died trying to help the victims today."
There is good into you and you are seeking the truth that is why you wrote what you did. God has heard you and responded.
God says "I urge, then, first of all, that requests, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for everyone-- for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness. This is good, and pleases God our Savior, who wants all men to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth. For there is one God and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus, who gave himself as a ransom for all men--the testimony given in its proper time. And for this purpose I was appointed a herald and an apostle--I am telling the truth, I am not lying--and a teacher of the true faith to the Gentiles. I want men everywhere to lift up holy hands in prayer, without anger or disputing. - 1 Timothy 2:1-8"
Father, in the name of Jesus, We pray for those in authority. That they make the proper decisions concerning the swift capture and punishment of the misguided persons involved. We pray that people resist the fear that man might to implant in them to try and thwart the investigation. That they fear You and come forth with information that they know. We ask that your ministering spirits go forth and guide your people. To have your people boldly speak the truth - even more bolder than those willing to spread lies. We thank you for your angels that you have assigned to the issues of this day. You have given your angels charge over those affected by these events, to keep them about the actions that are in line with your ways. We reverence you and acknowledge you as our Lord and Savior. Thank you for the angel of the LORD who encamps all around your children and delivers them from perilous situations. We bless the families of the lost, the rescue workers, the nation's security experts, and all those mentioned above, that they may be powerful in the land, and fulfill their divine destiny. Amen.
God loyal before Palm loyal,
Carl Brooks
Palmloyal Author
911 - America pauses to absorb the impact of the terror
The first estimate says that 10,000 people are dead (not injured, wounded, etc. but DEAD) and here you are quoting useless bible verses, debating over the existance of god or God or gOD or whatever! UN-FSCKING-BELIEVEABLE!
Drop the high and mighty tone and theological debates and just FEEL for the people and families affected by this mess.
Again, Donate Blood for those in need!
No one can resolve right now the "GOD" vs "Devil" thing.
Do something to help, if not Shut UP. Praying just calms the soul of the person who is praying.
If God is so MIGHTY, what makes anyone think That WE Humans beings (misly little things) have the power to make HIM/HER/IT do stuff like we like it!!!
Drop the discussion, its useless, everyone has their conviction and no one is going to change it.
This is the reason why wars and things like today happen!!!
Deuteronomy 30:19 - I call heaven and earth to record this day against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing: therefore choose life, that both thou and thy seed may live:
Some choose death and cursing as oppose to life and blessing.
"No one can resolve right now the "GOD" vs "Devil" thing. Do something to help, if not Shut UP. Praying just calms the soul of the person who is praying. If God is so MIGHTY, what makes anyone think That WE Humans beings (misly little things) have the power to make HIM/HER/IT do stuff like we like it!!!"
No one is trying to convert anyone here, if you are going to fill the pages with things that are incorrect, I will fill it up with the truth. I am not quoting my opinions, like you are. I am quoting God's word. Because you reject the truth does not make it a lie. I didn't start this thread, I'm reponding your posts.
Carl Brooks
Palmloyal Author
911 - America pauses to absorb the impact of the terror
God is love and it is rediculous to say that he is the reason this happened. If you are to say that, you are completely ignorant of the subject and you sould be the one to shut up.
YOU pray to your 'god' that (if he exsisted) is at least partially responsible for this - If only for standing by and letting it happen.
Personally, I think any ONE of those rescue workers is a thousand times greater than your so-called 'god' - At least they're actually DOING something.
Here's how you can help the victims of Tuesday's tragedy.
Give Blood
Donate Funds Online Through The Red Cross
Donate Funds Online Through The United Way of New York City
United Way, 2 Park Ave, New York, New York, 10016
Pray for the Nation
Carl Brooks
pray for peace and wisdom why dont you!!!
Any suspects as to whom might have done it?
Or it could be some other country trying to make some other country a scapegoat.
RE: Any suspects as to whom might have done it?
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