Quickies: m125, Missing Sync 2.0, Stalag '99

According to PDA Geek, Palm has begin to ship the m125 to its distributors as part of the process of having it in retail stores soon. The site, quoting unnamed and contradictory sources, now says the m125 will be available either September 29 or October 4. -Ed

Mark/Space has released The Missing Sync 2.0 which now allows the Sony N610C and N710C to display the Memory Stick as a removable drive on the Macintosh desktop. It allows all currently shipping Clié models to HotSync on a Mac and costs $30. -Ed

Now, Stalag '99 has made the jump and created a mobile edition. Same Stalag '99, but fully browzable on any device with AvantGo. -STrRedWolf

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Missing Sync 2.0 is shipped free to recent owners

I.M. Anonymous @ 9/13/2001 8:46:03 PM #
and possibly all owners of Missing Sync.

M125 what junk

I.M. Anonymous @ 9/14/2001 11:19:56 AM #
I work at a retal store that sells PDA's and yeaterday when I went in the m125 was there it cant be sold till to 20th but I played with it and all I can say is Palm has done it once again. Put out a piece of junk that just plan suck. First of it is ugly way ugler then the other 100 series, and when I tried changing the faceplate with one of the 125 it didnt work, good call there guys. Then there was the speed when I played with it I could tell that it was a slow piece. My old deluxe ran faster then this. I ran bechmark and it was at 154...154 with a 33 processer, what is that. It had os 4.1 but there were nno new options and the sd card work all right but who cares. Then I checked the price 249.99, what kind of stuff was that Palm must be prying on all the stupid people becasause, why is someone going to pay that when they could get a visor platnum for less or a sony s320 for less and still gett a beter unit. UI dopnt know but after looking at this and at the 500 series I come to the opnion that Palm must have objectins to making quality handhelds. In closing all I have to say is good job Palm keep setting back the market while SOny and Handspring move it forward and burry you like apple.

RE: M125 what junk
I.M. Anonymous @ 9/17/2001 8:14:08 AM #
What Palm needs to do if they are going to keep doing stuff like this is to move the entire price scale downward. I originally thought it would be nice to have SD at that price... until I saw what it looked like. My wife had an M105, for about 2 days. Even at $199 for the M125, I don't think I would consider it worthwhile. A quick note about Benchmark though; Benchmark does not work properly on OS 4.x devices, and will return invalid results. We are a three Palm family, and I have been through six Palms myself. My IIIc, overclocked to it's maximum 27Mhz, tested faster than the M500 and M505, even when they were overclocked to 40Mhz (they both run fine at 50Mhz). However, running tests using actual programs showed otherwise, with the 500 and 505 clearly much faster. For a test you may want to load one of the free Bible programs, start at the beginning, and search for something in the last chapter.



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