Quickies: Upgrades, Screen Protectors, and More

Tony Rudenko's PalmPilotUpgrades.com has reduced the prices for all of their services. They also just added screen replacement service for Palm III, Palm V, and Visor series. -Ed

Gethightech.com has the WriteRight Screen Protector 12-pack for $10 and the Fellowes--Palm Survival Kit for $15. -PR

Bachmann Software has announced the renewal through September 2003 of its license agreement with Palm, Inc. to include its PrintBoy printing utility within Palm’s MultiMail Pro email software. -Dan Reuvers

Pumatech has announced a licensing agreement with Oracle to incorporate Pumatech’s Intellisync synchronization engine into Sales.Oracle.com, an online application that delivers the core sales applications of the Oracle E-Business Suite as an online service. Oracle will utilize Pumatech’s Intellisync SDK to let users synchronize contact information, calendars and tasks between Sales.Oracle.com, Microsoft Outlook, and Palm OS-based handhelds. -Kristalle Ward

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M50x too

PFloyd @ 10/10/2001 8:49:13 AM #
I'm surprised Tony left off the M50x from the price list. He quoted me $129 in May. If I hadn't lost my job I'd have done it in a flash.

RE: M50x too
Ronin @ 10/10/2001 9:11:36 AM #
I would consider this, can never have to much memory, but I do not want to void my warranty if I can avoid it. Does anyone know how long the warranty is on the m505? Is it still a year? I have some doubts because of the recent changes if Palm's support policy, also I do not have the warranty card readily available.

BTW, I had Tony upgrade my Palm V to a V8 and he did an excellent job after about a year the glue started to separate at the base of the unit but nothing major and the unit continues to function to this date without pause. Tony was very professional as well. I highly recommend him to anyone that is considering such a modification to a Palm device.

RE: M50x too
I.M. Anonymous @ 10/10/2001 10:18:37 AM #
The warranty is still one year you idiot.

RE: M50x too
GregGaub @ 10/10/2001 11:13:00 AM #
That's uncalled for. Ronin had genuine concern over the current state of the warranty policy.

Yes, the warranty is still a year. As I understand it, though, and support call that doesn't end up with an RMA to send the unit in for repair will result in a charge of some kind to your credit card. Would Mr. Anonymous like to clarify this issue as well? If so, please have respect for others and refrain from insults.

Screen protectors for the m505???

I.M. Anonymous @ 10/12/2001 12:54:08 PM #
Does anyone know if the WriteRights for the m505 are clear ones or are they textured ones (the page says they are for the m505/m500/V/Vx etc.)

Also it indicates that they are made under a license from that hiddeous Worman character.




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