Red-M Intros Bluetooth Springboard

Red-M will begin selling a Bluetooth Springboard module later this month. It's small enough that using it doesn't make the Visor either thicker or taller. It allows users to connect via a Bluetooth access point to a network or PC or even another Bluetooth-enabled handheld or mobile phone. It will be in retail stores for $180.

It runs off power from the Visor. Red-M estimates the combination will run for two days with typical use. It will work with the Visor Edge, Prism, Platinum, Pro, and Neo.

This is another member of Red-M's Blade line of Bluetooth products. They already sell a version that works with the Palm Vx that is $150.

Simon Gawne, Vice President and co-founder of Red-M, adds, “The Red-M Blade product family underlines Red-M’s commitment to driving widespread wireless adoption. The new Red-M Blade gives Handspring users the ability to access a wide variety of information quickly and easily wherever they are, a facility which can only enhance the popularity of Handspring PDA’s as business and leisure tools.”

About Bluetooth
Bluetooth is the name of a short-range radio frequency (RF) technology that replaces cables. Bluetooth allows computers, peripherals, and other devices to communicate with each other without having a physical connection, or direct line-of-sight with each other, and without needing extra communication protocols. Bluetooth technology operates at 2.4 GHz and is capable of transmitting voice and data. The effective range of Bluetooth devices is 32 feet (10 meters). Bluetooth transfers data at the rate of 1 Mbps, which is from three to eight times the average speed of parallel and serial ports, respectively. Bluetooth technology allows users to create a PAN (Personal Area Network) in which they can synchronize data with handhelds and PCs, and access data and E-mail on handhelds remotely with the use of a Bluetooth enabled cellular phone.

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I.M. Anonymous @ 10/24/2001 8:42:57 AM #
Now where is the bluetooth sd card? or the bluetooth memory stick?

RE: sd/ms
I.M. Anonymous @ 10/24/2001 9:22:59 AM #
Nov/Dec. by panasonic

RE: sd/ms
I.M. Anonymous @ 10/24/2001 10:20:30 AM #
Over at InfoSync they're saying that the Palm Bluetooth SD card will require OS4.1 (and not Sony's version). That card better include the upgrade then!

RE: sd/ms
I.M. Anonymous @ 10/24/2001 6:59:34 PM #
I'm using a Palm BT card with 4.0...

RE: sd/ms
I.M. Anonymous @ 10/25/2001 3:08:06 PM #
How'd you get one? Does it work well? What bluetooth devices are you using it with?

I don't suppose the bluetooth SD card has any memory on it. It would be cool if it was a combo memory/BT card.


skoty @ 10/24/2001 10:15:07 AM #
Does anyone else think that $150 is pricy for a 3 meter radius of communication? Supposedly the Bluetooth transcever is going to cost about $5 by 2003 (per the Bluetooth site). They must cost about $50 right now for that thing to be so expensive.

This just seems like way to much to pay for a 3 meter radius of communication. The only way I'll be getting one of these (at this price) is if work or school (research) pays for it.

RE: Expensive?
I.M. Anonymous @ 10/24/2001 10:41:21 AM #
It is $180 actually.

RE: Expensive?
I.M. Anonymous @ 10/24/2001 8:28:38 PM #
The purpose of bluetooth is for "low power" for you to make a small network to your phone (in your briefcase), printer, PC etc. To say "only 3 meters" is rediculous. This is not 802.11 that sucks power, it's wireless network to close proximity devices that may have extended capability.

RE: Expensive?
skoty @ 10/24/2001 11:44:25 PM #
I'm familiar with the usage model of Bluetooth. I wasn't trying to suggest that Bluetooth devices sould work farther than 3 meters. What I was really getting at was that $150 - $180 is a high price to pay to replace a few wires on your desk top. Unless that price comes down Bluetooth will never be adopted by the masses.

RE: Expensive?
I.M. Anonymous @ 10/25/2001 3:38:39 AM #
I agree, cost is everything. I bought into the bluetooth
hype because of the '$5 chipset' eventuality. At my local electronics super-store (Fry's) I can get a refurbished Visor Deluxe for $99. If I could add bluetooth for at most $40, then bluetooth will be put in a lot of handhelds and open the door to multi-user wireless applications.

RE: Expensive?
Why8 @ 10/26/2001 6:53:36 AM #
Actually, it's 10 metres, not 3 metres. Is that equivalent to 3 feet?

Anyway, future Bluetooth units can be boosted to 100 metres, I guess you know that already.

Bluetooth with Palm is going to be a huge breakthrough.

Cheers :)

Springboard size justified?

I.M. Anonymous @ 10/24/2001 11:32:38 AM #
My question is whether or not, despite claims, the SD and Memstick BT modules will actually not add to the form of the device. Will it be that the Visor is the only PDA that is bluetooth enabled without adding to form (that is, until a PDA with integrated Bluetooth arrives)?

RE: Springboard size justified?
I.M. Anonymous @ 10/24/2001 7:00:52 PM #
The Palm BT card is marginally longer than a standard SD/MMC card. It pokes roughly 0.5"



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