Quickies: N770C, T415, AvantGo, Vindigo

Sony has announced that the PEG-N770C will be available in Europe at the beginning of November. The European version of SonyStyle is now taking preorders. It will cost 1,200 DEM. -Kenneth

A rumor has been circulating that the background on the T415's screen is paper white. A Sony spokesperson described it as being less green and more gray than the S320's and less dark, too. However, he never refered to it as "paper white". -Ed

Yesterday, AvantGo announced its most recent quarterly results. Revenues increased 24% over the same quarter last year. They lost 22 cents a share but that's less than half what they did in the third quarter of 2000. -Ed

When Vindigo announced its new service for the Pocket PC, it also announced that it would be charging PPC users $30 a year. This raised the question of whether the company planned to eventually charge for the Palm OS version. According to a company spokesperson, "We have no plans to charge for the Palm version of Vindigo at this time. We've had thousands of requests for Vindigo from Pocket PC owners, and we wanted to offer the marketplace a solution. However, as the installed base of Pocket PC users is far lower than the number of Palm users, it is not possible for us to make this application free - the potential audience is not large enough yet for us to recover the cost of development through advertising alone." -Ed

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This doesn't seem right.....

I.M. Anonymous @ 10/25/2001 9:26:43 AM #
The new Clie is in stock everywhere in London as of right now. Nearly all of the Sony stockists in Tottenham Court road have them on the shelf, and are already starting to be discounted. 363 pounds including VAT from www.scan.co.uk

Also stocked in Amsterdam (as seen last weekend).

RE: This doesn't seem right.....
mtg101 @ 10/25/2001 9:37:15 AM #
I agree. The Tottenham Court Road shops have had them in stock for about a month now, and the SonySyle EU sit was offeing them for release in September.

I got mine from Tottenham Court road last month, so I can vouch for the fact that these things have been available over here for some time.

The only thing I can think of is that the news items refers to the rest of Europe. I've heard from a number of people that Sony treat the EU and UK seperately, so maybe they're officially shipping to mainland Europe now?

Diga ao Falante pelos Mortos

RE: This doesn't seem right.....
Ed @ 10/25/2001 10:10:28 AM #
> I've heard from a number of people that Sony treat the EU
> and UK seperately, so maybe they're officially shipping to
> mainland Europe now?

Sorry, my research on this quickie was weak. It is already available in the UK but not the rest of Europe. According to the German version of SonyStyle, it will be available there at the beginning of November. Same for the French version.

News Editor


I.M. Anonymous @ 10/25/2001 10:45:35 AM #
In spain they charge 130.000 spanish pesetas for the CLIÉ 770C, that's about $720!!! That's double the price in the US!!!
I'll NEVER buy that!

I.M. Anonymous @ 10/25/2001 11:00:02 AM #
Here in Afghanistan they charge 6 camels w/ blankets or 4 virgin women for the N710c.

I.M. Anonymous @ 10/25/2001 11:39:15 AM #
6 camels OR 4 virgin women? When I went there my girlfriend -not virgin- was worth 50 camels! They're cheating you, if you can get 6 camels take the 4 virgin babes and forget the CLIÉ!

I.M. Anonymous @ 10/25/2001 12:23:47 PM #
Question is, how many virgin camels is the Clie worth? And, where in Afghanistan will you still find a virgin camel ...

I.M. Anonymous @ 10/25/2001 1:43:22 PM #
There are only a few virgin camels left.
Osama bin Ladins policy is that he will take the virginity of every camel himself( both boy camel and girl camel ) before they reach the age of 4 months.

Rumour has it there are still a few virgins left up north. If you really want one, hurry, you might just be able to reach one in time...

I.M. Anonymous @ 10/25/2001 1:54:49 PM #
Actually at 4 months old, a camel can really kick you in the ass and let you feeeeeeel the pleasure...

I.M. Anonymous @ 10/25/2001 3:40:01 PM #
¿130.000? I know, I'm from Spain, and ALL PDAs are much more expensive than in USA. For example, m505 cost 135.00 (=750 $), the same as a Ipaq whit 64 Mg of RAM.
An sony S300 cost 70.000 Pst = 390 $ (yes, Sony S320 cost 170$ now in USA, don't remember it to me :-(
Thanks and sorry for my English

Here is Borneo, a Clie is worth
I.M. Anonymous @ 10/25/2001 4:00:28 PM #
2 donkeys and a pound of coffee.

I.M. Anonymous @ 10/25/2001 5:43:48 PM #
135.000 pelas por una m505? un poco caro, no? Dónde?
That in english would be "$750 for an m505? A little too expensive, isn't it? Where?"

Sorry... it's funny to find another spanish guy in here, I thought I was the only geek around :-D

I.M. Anonymous @ 10/26/2001 3:46:05 AM #
You can blame the Eu for most of the price difference, then add on Spain's equivalent of value added tax and you have most of the difference. I think there is a 25% import duty on goods made outside the EU. Then if they hit you with another 20% or so sales tax on top of that, it explains most of the difference between US and European prices.

I.M. Anonymous @ 10/26/2001 1:57:12 PM #
Last time I checked +25% +20% didn't come any where near +100%

I.M. Anonymous @ 10/26/2001 6:55:20 PM #
There are a lot of spanish people reading this website (one of the best if not the best for palmnews)

And yes in Spain retailers are charging abusive prices even for the m105

Hopefully I'm living in London :)

Blame the Socialist Spain Government not Palm!
I.M. Anonymous @ 10/26/2001 9:32:30 PM #
They are adding all of the TAXES!!!!!!

Si Senor.

I.M. Anonymous @ 10/27/2001 8:39:54 AM #
Where do you live? Actually the Spain government is pure fascist!
It's not about taxes at all, anyway. There are really few distributors for handheld devices, and so they charge the price they want. I'ts a matter of market: PDA sales are so low, prices have to be high. Thus, prices are so high, thet nobody buys PDA's, and again, like the chicken and the egg.

Though I buyed my visor Prism in Spain for about $380 when in handspring's US website was $399...

For the spanish people here: What kind of wireless connection do you use, if any? I'm using an IR GSM phone with "movistar"... Has anyone tried GPRS yet?

*i'm having trouble posting with my user name and I have to post anonimously*

I.M. Anonymous @ 10/27/2001 9:47:45 AM #
Estoy con vosotros 130.000 por una pda es un crimen, es siempre igual llevo dos años metido en esto de las pdas y todo modulos accesorios y todo es jodidamente mas caro por que coño tiene que ser a si.

Mi engranaje de pesca está en la cocina.
I.M. Anonymous @ 10/27/2001 10:07:03 AM #
Siiiiiiiiiiiiiii Senor.

I.M. Anonymous @ 10/27/2001 2:10:55 PM #
To all europeans: expansys.com, a UK based online PDA retailer, is announcing the CLIÉ 770C for £360.58 (95.000 ptas) including VAT. Will be available in 14 days. Delivery costs about £18.
Also, I'm willing to sell my 3 months old Visor Prism for 60.000 ptas, if anyone wants it mail me at mail@hjara.com

Para los españoles: www.expansys.com, una tienda de PDAs inglesa, vende el CLIE 770C por 95mil pelas IVA INCLUIDO. Estará disponible en 14 días. Los gastos de envío son de unas £18, 5mil pelas.
Yo voy a vender mi Visor Prism con tres meses de uso por 60.000 pelas, si a alguien le interesa escribirme a mail@hjara.com


screen contrast

I.M. Anonymous @ 10/25/2001 6:09:04 PM #
does "less green and more gray" mean something similar to the edge screen? i'm sure opinions vary but that's my favorite currently available mono screen...

RE: screen contrast
Ed @ 10/25/2001 7:25:30 PM #
Sorry, I couldn't get the Sony guy to compare his company's handheld to those of any other manufacturer. All he would do it compare the T415 to the S320 and that's how I came up with that description.

News Editor
RE: screen contrast
Edward @ 10/25/2001 7:58:20 PM #
Looks like a wait and see job. The Edges screen is nice tho. - that with the Sony s320 backlight would be sweet.

RE: screen contrast
shoryu @ 10/25/2001 8:38:15 PM #
Guys, here's what I think . I think it will be a screen like the edge's, but instead of a blue backlight, it will have a Apple iPOD - style white LED for a light.



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