Quickies: Cheap Palms, Visor Cables, Free eBooks, Oahu

etronics.com has the m505 for $370 bucks, the m500 for $299, the m125 FOR $200, the Palm Vx for $220, the Palm IIIC for $220, and cheap accesories. They're not updated on Handspring stuff though, and have no Cliés. -aaron w

Purple Data Cables is working on a new line of cables for the Visor line which can be used to connect with add-on devices like cell phones, GPS, modems, etc. These cables have interface electronics that draw less than a tenth of the power than standard RS232 interface cables. Production will start December. -PR

Venom Fictionwise is giving away Lois Tilton's work, "Written in Venom," which is a 2001 Preliminary Ballot Nebula nominee! Also free is the next edition of sci-fi magazine Strange Horizons In addition, all of their Horror eBooks are automatically discounted 20% through October 31. -Scott Pendergrast

The West Oahu Palm Users Group is having their first meeting onTuesday, November 6 at 7:00 PM at the CompUSA in Waikele. Come out, meet other Palm users, get your Palm questions answered, and maybe get some discounts. For more information, contact David Tribble.

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Where are all the PUGs?

skoty @ 10/31/2001 10:01:58 AM #
I keep hearing about different Palm Users Groups in different parts of the country/world. How can I find out if there is one in my area? Is there some website that they all register at?

RE: Where are all the PUGs?
Admin @ 10/31/2001 10:10:17 AM #

Editor in Chief
RE: Where are all the PUGs?
skoty @ 10/31/2001 11:07:54 AM #
Thanks. That link might be worth puting up every time you mention an User Group.

Where are the Platinum cables?

I.M. Anonymous @ 10/31/2001 4:23:38 PM #
If you look at the Purple Data Cables catalog, they list a ton of possible connections for the Visor Solo, Deluxe, and Prism.

But it seems you basically can't connect anything to the Platinum?

Is there a difference in the serial connection on the Platinums?

RE: Where are the Platinum cables?
I.M. Anonymous @ 10/31/2001 7:16:11 PM #
The interface on the Platinum is the same as the earlier Visor models. If it's listed for a Solo or Deluxe, it will also work with a Platinum or a Prism.

Platinum and Prism use Palm OS 3.5 versus the older Palm 3.1 used in the Solo and Deluxe models, so some software settings will be different.

m500/505 cables? Ericsson?

I.M. Anonymous @ 10/31/2001 7:08:16 PM #
Rats, they don't have cables for m50x or Ericsson phones. Anyone know who does? I have an Ericsson T28. I'd love to be able to sync it with my m505, but it doesn't have IR or cables, grrrr....

RE: m500/505 cables? Ericsson?
I.M. Anonymous @ 12/24/2001 4:17:29 PM #
Supplynet has T28 cables for iPAQ and Handspring. I Think they also have it for the M500/505.
Try http://www.thesupplynet.com.



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