McFile No Longer Freeware
Since the rise in popularity of Sony's handhelds and the introduction the SD slot on some Palm models, many people have turned to McFile to help them access files and folders on their expansion cards. The original version was freeware but the latest, McFile 2.0, costs $12. It lets users transfer files between RAM and a card, copy, delete and beam files, and even perform backups.
It supports the high resolution screens on the Sony N and T series and the HandEra 330. It also supports the jog wheel on models from Sony and HandEra.
By creating associations with applications that contain interfaces for external links, it is possible to Open or Send a file.
Included with McFile 2.0 is an application called McTransfer, which allows users to HotSync files into directory on their SD card or Memory Stick, rather than the default palm/launcher.
Sony handhelds come with an application called MS Gate but McFile has more functions. If Palm m500 series or m125 users wanted a good file manager, they have little choice besides buying one.
A 30-day demo version is available.
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RE: m600?
I didn't want to complain in the article but the documentation for McFile is a bit weak. Thanks for letting me know what McTransfer does.
News Editor
RE: m600?
You may wanna check it out...
RE: m600?
He did read the documentation, as I have. Just because something's in English doesn't mean it's easy to understand or clear.
McFile Documentation
News Editor
Am I missing something?
Am I supposed to pay $12 to be a beta tester for them?
I don't think so.
RE: Am I missing something?
RE: Am I missing something?
RE: Am I missing something?
and I don't see anything about a Beta anywhere. The name of the file I have is McFileEng.prc Where does the one you have say b7?
RE: Am I missing something?
To me the "b" in this case would represent "build" 7, but that is just my view from a programmers stand point. "B" or "Beta" would make me think it is a beta.
Just my $0.02
RE: Am I missing something?
RE: Am I missing something?
RE: Am I missing something?
yes there have been tons of beta of mcfile version 1.x and 2.x 2.0b7 is a beta, so is 2.0b8 and 2.0b9, but 2.0b9 was the last beta.
If you go to Imazeki's website there's an entire English site.
The 2.0 final is there:
Btw, make sure you load the files in the english directory.
RE: Am I missing something?
RE: Am I missing something?
The final version does not say any b on it.
Even a small look on his website, you can notice that there are tons of betas before the 2.0 final.
Sold only through Handango
RE: Sold only through Handango
RE: Sold only through Handango
RE: Sold only through Handango
RE: Sold only through Handango
No waiting...
RE: Sold only through Handango
Best File Manager?
What's you favorite file manager and why?
RE: Best File Manager?
A good alternative...
PDANature - - Great hourly refreshed pda news, discussions, chat, reviews, commentarys, software, software update notices, features, and what not! Simply the best.
RE: Best File Manager?
But i Agree with the first reply....
There are some file managers out (like FileMan, and FilePoint). They look good on the eyes (nice bright colors, big text) but in functionality, they suck, plain and simple, and charge insane amounts of money.
McFile is, has and will be the best File Manager there is.
RE: Best File Manager? don't think so?
Here is the link
RE: Connections...
McFile 2.0 went final December 4, 2001
This should be part of the OS
Next year: buy a Palm and then pay 20 dollar for the display driver or to be able to use the hotsync button?
RE: This should be part of the OS
RE: This should be part of the OS
RE: This should be part of the OS
-------------- huggy ---------------
RE: This should be part of the OS
Sure, you can still manage file without McFile, but there's a lot of things that just gets done faster and easier with McFile.
I have been using McFile since I first got my Clie (almost a year ago), and McFile had helped a lot (even a few restores after hard reset). I wouldn't mind sending him $12 even if McFile was only mildly enhanced since 1.0, but the current version actually is quite a step forward... IMHO, there might be other file management software that have functions that McFile does not have, but McFile is one that have almost everything done right...
RE: This should be part of the OS
RE: This should be part of the OS
And I don't think MSGate is anything to call home about... it stinks...
My 16 SD is in the mail from Palm hopefully, so I'm speaking without having worked with it at all, BUT. . . from reading posts and lurking I'm having a hard time seeing what McFile offers over the Palm management.
Both offer the ability to copy files to and from cards and the internal memory. Great. I don't need the jog dial, I don't need the high-res, so that leaves the basic functions of copying and moving, right?
"Sure, you can still manage file without McFile, but there's a lot of things that just gets done faster and easier with McFile." Like what? Or is that McFile offers it in one place instead of scattered in different menus?
Or is this a case like alternative PIMS? Action Names serves the same function as the Datebook app from Palm it just does it differently, right?
[Note: I am not trolling or trying to be a OEM cheerleader, just being a novice.]
RE: Confused
You'll see.
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and also, you've missed out that, an application named McTransfer is included in McFile 2.0,
which allows users to use hotsync to sync files into ANY directory on their SD/MS (rather than
palm/launcher w/o using it), which is a darn useful function...