Send Faxes with your Palm using InStep Fax 2.1
InStep Fax has been available for some time as a technology demo and has recently been released by the InStep Group. It's an add-on for InStep Print and allows the user to fax anything from WordSmith, Quickword, and Documents to Go and can fax a cover sheet designed in any of these programs. While it can send, it can't receive faxes. It supports the PalmModem and most mobile phones, among others. It costs $20 and requires InStep Print, which is $30.
It can also fax anything that can be printed with InStep Print, like regular Palm Doc files. It is integrated with the Palm Address Book, so there's no need to maintain separate phone/fax numbers.
Just about any Class 1, Class 2 or Class 2.0 fax compatible device will work. Contact the InStep Group with questions on whether any particular device is supported.
It requires Palm OS 3.3 or later.
Thanks to Scott for the tip. -Ed
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RE: Will it work on Treo?
RE: Will it work on Treo?
When you have a Clie shoved up your mouth, you can only talk in vowels.
What a deal...
If Palm jumps on the PPC multimedia bandwagon and forgets these types of functionality in os 5, I'm heading to the Linux arena....
RE: What a deal...
I'm just sick of everyone bitching about what they should have for free. If you have enough money or a luxury toy like a PDA then shut the **** up and fork out some cash for the software, or play with MemoPad and stop crying.
RE: What a deal...
RE: What a deal...
Good riddance!
yet another...
RE: yet another...
RE: yet another...
For some reason (maybe didn't sell enough? or probably too little RAM in the Palm III models of that time to make it work properly) they withdrew it after a half year or so.
****** Pilot 5000 => Palm Pilot III => Palm Vx => M505 - I´ve had them all and loved each one of them.
RE: yet another...
RE: yet another...
RE: yet another...
Anyway, I'd love a copy of Mobile Winfax for Palm, but haven't found it anywhere. The ZboxZ thing, it looks promising, but the feature listing is a little confusing. How does one dial a phone number and then wait for a ring? I'll check it out, anyway.
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Will it work on Treo?