MemPlug SD/MMC Released
A while back, Portable Innovation Technology announced that it was working on a SD/MMC version for its MemPlug line of flash-memory Springboard modules. The company has just officially released the MemPlug SD/MMC, which allows Visors to use these removable expansion memory cards. It also has vibrating alarm. It is available now for $70.
It can only handle memory cards, not input/output devices like the Bluetooth SD card expected to be released soon.
The Springboard comes installed with applications to backup the Visor's RAM to a card, copy or move applications and databases to and from the SD or MMC card, a JPEG viewer and an eBook reader, and even a registered copy of gMovie for playing movies from the card.
It also comes with PiDirect, which allows users to access read-only apps and databases on the card, and PiVFSMgr, which allows Palm OS 4.0 VFS-supported applications to run on the Visor just like they would on the m500 series or Sony Clié.
Its 1 MB of onboard ROM is flashable so it can be updated by the company with new versions of the applications.
It works with the Visor Neo, Pro, Edge, Prism, Platinum, Deluxe and Solo.
Portable Innovation Technology also makes versions of the MemPlug that can use Memory Sticks, SmartMedia cards, or CompactFlash cards.
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2) Any word on price, and where they will be available?
RE: Interesting...
RE: PalmPaks?
RE: PalmPaks?
RE: PalmPaks?
Someone try it and let us know!
RE: PalmPaks?
"Our latest application, PiDirect, allows direct execution of Palm read only applications and databases stored on the SD/MMC. "
Next time read the info before making assumptions guys. sheesh.
RE: PalmPaks?
Scroll all the way down to the bottom and you will read:
"Note: MemPlug SD/MMC does not support SD content cards"
If at first you don't succeed, then skydiving definately isn't for you.
Color Visor edge
it would be nice
RE: Color Visor edge
Apparently, it might already be in the works!
RE: Color Visor edge
forget it
So if Hanspring ever to enter the $480-600 price range, they better show some new nifty trick than repackaging old edge with color screen and try to push it at $499. Because that's how much the next generation CE.40 with Xscale proc is going.
one more note, Palm still need to come out with the 5.0, and than wait till MOT/TI start producing in mass quantity.
so...time is ticking....the first wave of next generation PPC will be introduced in March and start going on sale by summer.
RE: forget it
> in March and start going on sale by summer
and by then the sales of the first generation PPC will still be miserable. The makers of the next generation PPC had better have some good gimmicks up their sleeves.
RE: Color Visor edge
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