Palm Releases m515 and m130
As has been rumored since January, Palm has just officially announced two new color models, the high-end m515 and mid-range m130. The m515 is the replacement for the m505 and is quite similar, adding a brighter sidelight and more memory. The m130 is a color version of the m125. Both run Palm OS 4.1 and have 16-bit color screens.
The official announcement of the two models went out at midnight. Though the announcement was only a few minutes ago, these models have been available for several days from a few retailers around the country who either were unaware that they weren't supposed to begin selling them until today or just didn't care.
The m130 has 8 MB of RAM and runs on a built-in rechargeable battery. It has a expansion card slot on one side, allowing it to use SD or MMC cards.
It has the same general shape as the m125 and uses Palm's Universal Connector, which means there's a wide variety of peripherals already available for it, like keyboards, modems, and more. It can also use the clip-on face-plates from the m100 series.
According to Palm, it will last for a week on its lithium-ion battery, with "normal" use. It doesn't have flash ROM, which means the operating system can't be updated, though patches can be applied.
"We've created the Palm m130 handheld to bring color and rechargeable batteries to a broader market, giving value-conscious consumers a fun and easy way to organize their lives; share photos and video clips; and view, edit and create documents,'' said Todd Bradley, CEO of Palm's Solutions Group, the part of the company that creates hardware.
It sells for $280, which makes it the least expensive color PalmOS handheld available.
The m515 is an updated version of the m505 with 16 MB of RAM and a stronger sidelight, leading to a brighter screen. Its TFT screen can display 65,000 colors. it has 4 MB of flash ROM.
Interestingly, the official pictures of the m515 lack the small "sun" icon in the Graffiti area that, when tapped on, open the brightness control. The sidelight has three possible settings: High, Low, and Off. High is much brighter than an m505, while Low is comparable or possibly a little brighter. Unlike the m505, the m515's Graffiti area is not illuminated by the sidelight.
It runs on an internal lithium-polymer battery and, according to Palm, can last for two weeks with "normal" use.
Like its predecessor, the m515 has an SD/MMC slot and a vibrating alarm.
"With 16MB of memory, the handheld lets businesspeople more easily carry their corporate databases, important applications, and Word, Excel and PowerPoint files anywhere for instant productivity," said Mr. Bradley.
The m515 sells for $400.
Both models ship with DataViz' Documents To Go 4.0 Professional Edition, which lets users read and edit Microsoft Word and Excel documents on their handhelds, and view Microsoft PowerPoint presentations, too.
They also come with Chapura's PocketMirror 3.0, which lets Windows users synchronize calendar, contacts, tasks and notes with Microsoft Outlook for Windows.
In addition, they are bundled with MGI PhotoSuite Mobile Edition v2.23 for viewing pictures, the powerOne Personal calculator, and the Palm Mobile Connectivity software, which lets the handheld use a mobile phone as a modem. Both come with other software, as well.
As part of the roll-out of these two models, two older ones have been discontinued. Both the m505 and m100 are now listed on Palm's Handheld Hall of Fame, which is where the company lists handhelds that are no longer in production.
The m505 is no longer necessary as it has been replaced by the m515, which has more memory and lacks the notorious bug that causes the m505 to have problems HotSyncing via USB.
The decision to discontinue the m100 is a bit more controversial as many people believe Palm ought to have a very low-end device that sells for $100 or less. Without the m100, the cheapest model Palm has is the m105 at $150.
The m505 is still available from the Palm Store for $400, though it's almost certain it will be marked down in the near future. The m100 is no longer available from the Palm Store.
Palm has not discontinued the m500, which it is now selling for $300.
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Palm Says Bluetooth is at Core of its Connectivity Strategy
Palm's $129 Bluetooth SDIO card is a stand-alone product that is already available in most international markets, the company says; multilanguage versions are scheduled to be available April 4. The Bluetooth card enables users to create a "personal area network," the company says, whereby consumers can wirelessly send data from their handheld to their Bluetooth-enabled mobile phone, laptop, or printer.
Palm Says Bluetooth is at Core of its Connectivity Strategy
Interesting 'Bluetooth and (not Versus) Wi-Fi' articles
thanx, great info. check palm bluetooth page
Bluetooth links your Palm™ handheld to other nearby devices, such as mobile phones, laptops, printers, accessories and even other Palm handhelds. It's like having a universal remote for the kinds of devices you use every day. And it's as easy as switching on the lights.
What Bluetooth can do.
Think of Bluetooth as a wireless USB technology. It supports both point-to-point, and point-to-multipoint connections. This enables you to connect with a single device, a single person, or several people and/or devices at once.
Perhaps you're on the road and want to access the Internet. Your Bluetooth-enabled Palm handheld and mobile phone (you pick the carrier) make great companions. Bluetooth establishes a connection between your handheld and mobile phone wirelessly, so you can browse the web or check your email. Your mobile phone can even automatically dial any number from your handheld Address Book.
cool blueteeth stuff
RE: m505
RE: m505
Lack of the Small Sun
RE: Lack of the Small Sun
Nope! 8-(
So it's off to Best Buy for the 2 yr ext. warranty and my 515.
More after a few days of road show...
RE: Cranberry
RE: Cranberry
Not too shabby.
News Editor
RE: Bragging
Marco Schouten.
RE: Bragging
RE: Bragging
RE: Bragging
Mike Mace promised us some exiting new products. Well he was true to his word.
RE: Bragging
RE: Bragging
Nah, just kidding. ;^)
Your bragging rights were well deserved. Thanks for constantly posting up to the minute articles on all Palm related news (especially for the excellent PalmSource coverage). Keep up the great work.
If it wasn't for slashdot, you'd be my home page. ^_^
(Oops.. forgot to post anonymously.)
congrats Ed
RE: congrats Ed + Gordon
Great job.
But let's not forget Gordon from Edinburgh.
He was here last week, participating in most discussions around the new Palms. It's his birthday today. There you go mate...
(btw, did Palm send you a new 515 as a birthday gift?)
One thing a computer can do that most humans can't is be sealed up in a cardboard box and sit in a warehouse.
RE: congrats Ed
RE: congrats Ed
RE: congrats Ed
RE: congrats Ed
Happy Birthday Gordon from Edinburgh
RE: congrats Ed
Thanks very much for remembering! Unfortunately I have not yet received a new handheld from any manufacturer, but the day's not done! Oh, I'm especially pleased about the Playboy Bunny on her way. The problem is: what do I tell my wife? Suggestions?
Gordon from Edinburgh
*Can't think of a good Palm pun today*
RE: congrats Ed
Gordon from Edinburgh
*Eyre's Rock but Palm Springs!*
RE: congrats Ed & Gordon
Maybe you should show your wife this amd other threads
She will never believe you anymore about this 'lots of hard work to to, dear' thing anymore though... It's the dishes for you every night after that Gordon.. ;-)
Cheers and don't get too plastered,
One thing a computer can do that most humans can't is be sealed up in a cardboard box and sit in a warehouse.
Aussie ?
RE: Aussie ?
So my take is that it'll be available in some numbers in the UK this week (although the UK portion of the Palm Web site hasn't any details yet ... 9.25am 4th March).
RE: Aussie ?
RE: Aussie ?
RE: Aussie ?

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