Quickies: Taiwan, Zagat, pedit 6

The Handspring Treo 180 and 180g are now available in Taiwan. The suggested retail price is NT$22,580 and they are being sold at Far EasTone and IT retail stores nationwide. PR

LandWare is now offering the 2002 Zagat Restaurant and Nightlife Guide on an MMC card. It includes reviews, ratings, costs, and features for over 18 thousand restaurants in 31 locations. It sells for $35. -PR

PaulComputing has released pedit 6.00, a replacement for the Memo Pad, with many new features, like printing, text sorting, text moving, support for the HandEra 330, and more. It is $20 shareware. -PR

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No support for Clie High-res but support for Handera

I.M. Anonymous @ 4/24/2002 12:24:53 PM #
That sucks, how come the author added suport for handera with its 10 or so users and no support for the Clie high-res.

Everyone knows that 320x320 is becoming standard on future Palm OS handhelds.

RE: No support for Clie High-res but support for Handera
nategall @ 4/24/2002 12:53:19 PM #
the 320 x 320 screen is just higher resolution, not any additional screen space. Unless you wanted the text to be smaller, what would be the point of having smoother fonts. For graphics, it matters, for text... well i guess it's a judgement call.

Handera support allows them to use the graffiti area also.

Hopefully, we will see something for the NR70 series from sony.

ps. darn good program. with alot of "Cool" factor when you use this with friends in the city.

nategall says "blah!"

RE: No support for Clie High-res but support for Handera
I.M. Anonymous @ 4/24/2002 12:55:50 PM #
Who cares about this "pedit" thing ? It will sink with handera anyway.
RE: No support for Clie High-res but support for Handera
I.M. Anonymous @ 4/24/2002 12:56:32 PM #
Well, as a developer, if you have ever had to actually work with the Sony Hi-Res APIs compared to the HandEra ones, you would know why.

You can't even use the small font on a Sony in edit feilds. The small font is for "display only". Some of its fonts are not supported in the standard palm edit fields, which means, if you want to utilize them, you end up writing a major part of the OS from scratch for just your app.

RE: No support for Clie High-res but support for Handera
I.M. Anonymous @ 4/24/2002 2:00:15 PM #
Get real (Sony Troll)... there are differing reasons for ownership... you buy what fits your needs, not what everyone else has. This is a free world (well, for the most part).

At least HE does not make a new model every 15 minutes and drop support on older ones. What they make works and fits some real needs (e.g. CF & MMC/SD, plenty of options – Ethernet, serial, 802.11b, virtual graffiti, ability to use older Palm III add-ons, etc., etc.).

I for one am happy we have so many selections, Sony, HandEra, Palm, Visor, etc. The world would be a boring place if there were no choices.

BTW... Aren’t you supposed to be in school at this hour of day?

RE: No support for Clie High-res but support for Handera
I.M. Anonymous @ 4/24/2002 4:30:22 PM #
I sent an e-mail to Paul, developer and he stated that he is not supporting the Clie mainly due to the fact the he programs in a Machintosh and the Clie "is not Mac friendly".


RE: No support for Clie High-res but support for Handera
I.M. Anonymous @ 4/24/2002 4:55:16 PM #
I don't understand your complaints. Clie products are designed for games only not serious use. So why do you need useful software? pedit is designed for people who want to maximise their handheld word processing capabilities - it has no relevance at all to MP3 playback, picture viewing, games, movies and other multimedia garbage. To put this another way, if you buy an X-Box, why complain if you can't use it for spreadsheet work?

RE: No support for Clie High-res but support for Handera
I.M. Anonymous @ 4/24/2002 7:03:19 PM #
If the Clie is for games as you say, why then it inclludes documents to go?

And why Tiny Sheet, Action Names, Quick Office, DateBK 4, Shadow Plan, and other business oriented programs support it instead of your super productive Handera?

RE: No support for Clie High-res but support for Handera
I.M. Anonymous @ 4/24/2002 7:42:21 PM #
>> And why Tiny Sheet, Action Names, Quick Office, DateBK 4, Shadow Plan, and other business oriented programs support it instead of your super productive Handera?

While I do not agree with the poster who said the Sony is a multimedia only machine, I do not understand your reply... are you stating that the HandEra does not support these applications? If so, you are incorrect.

All the available Palm and Palm clones can run these apps, including the HE and Sony. You people need to understand all sides of the story before you post comments and start flame wars.

As I stated above… “you buy what fits your needs, not what everyone else has”.

IMHO… I think it is sad the way certain people troll around this site and have nothing better to do than pick fights. You need a life. Get outside, smell the fresh air, take a deep breath and think before you post. If that does not help, then go away and leave us alone.

RE: No support for Clie High-res but support for Handera
I.M. Anonymous @ 4/24/2002 8:52:13 PM #
I think he was referring to high-res support. In any case perhaps he's not aware that even titles he listed support the HandEra 330 in high-res mode (and it's jog dial) just as much as they does Sony's (Quick Office, Datebk4/5), as well as others he didn't mention (Wordsmith, Pilot-DB, J-File, Progect, iSilo, Palm Reader, Mapopolis, GPSpilot and so on and so on).

This Place Is DEAD!

mashby @ 4/24/2002 5:41:19 PM #
Palmstation.com has news about the new English version of the Acer PalmOS device and this place doesn't. Give it up, this place is dead!!!!


I just thought this great site needed a little troll action like Palmstation gets. :P I love PIC and visit it every day. Ed and the gang do a GREAT job.

I just felt like being a smartass, so keep your flames to yourself.

RE: This Place Is DEAD!
Ed @ 4/24/2002 6:46:03 PM #
The reason I didn't act on the tip I was sent is because this isn't new. Acer announced an English version of the s10 in January. You can read a bit about it here:

The big question is, will Acer release it anywhere besides China? When I was at the PalmSource conference, I asked Mike Mace if Acer's licencing contract allowed it to sell outside of China and he said he wasn't allowed to reveal that info. I'm still hoping though.

News Editor

RE: This Place Is DEAD!
tiger_bb @ 4/24/2002 8:40:31 PM #
As I know, Acer will launch its Palm in several places, by using different brand name and different langauage OS.

In Taiwan and Hong Kong: "Acer" with Traditional Chinese OS
In Mainland China: A new brand name "Benq" with Simplified Chinese OS
In Singapore and other place: "Acer" with English OS

So, one day, it "MAY" come to US and other European Countries.

Acer uses memory stick
I.M. Anonymous @ 4/25/2002 2:38:16 AM #
I just noticed that the Acer device uses Sonys Memory Stick - 2 slots according to PCWorld :
RE: This Place Is DEAD!
I.M. Anonymous @ 4/25/2002 2:57:27 AM #
If Acer does well in Taiwan and Hong Kong, this could put a serious dent in CLIE sales in Asia.

SONY will have to think hard about it's marketing and distribution chains. With all of it's muscle, SONY is getting about 15% of the market, which is a marginal proposition. If it's core markets (geographically, that is) come under attack, this could really put the pressure on.

Anyway, Acer's entry should lead to some more discounting, so can't complain about that!

Kudos to Acer
I.M. Anonymous @ 4/25/2002 3:25:13 AM #
I had missed the earlier report about the S10. Full marks to Acer for the dual memory stick, I hope Sony take note. A pity about the mono only screen.

I think there's lots of potential for Palm devices in China if the manufacturers can get a decent Chinese input system at a reassonable price. Probably lots of MicroSerfs working on it at Chairman Bill's lab.


Decent Chinese input
I.M. Anonymous @ 4/25/2002 8:47:25 AM #
There are already a few decent Chinese input systems available.

PalmDragon for one does pretty good hand written recognition and a few other keyboard based inputs.


NT$22,580 = US 645......No competitive price....

I.M. Anonymous @ 4/25/2002 3:13:28 AM #
Without chinese SMS ,(Big problem....)
Not Native chinese OS, which permited.
(need extra 2MB ram space to install CJKOS or Palmdragon)..

though T600 in Taiwan cost NT12000$

RE: NT$22,580 = US 645......No competitive price....
I.M. Anonymous @ 4/25/2002 3:52:43 AM #
T600 to T615 = Free service from most shops. Extra 4MB flash RAM. The shop will still offer the same warranty. Sony support sucks anyway, so much better support from the shop in Taiwan..mmmmmm...



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