Quickies: TreoCentral, OS 5, NR70V
TreoCentral, a new spin-off from VisorCentral, is devoted to Handspring's new Treo line of smartphones.
Cnet has a article on Palm OS 5. Little in it is new but it's a good overview of what is and isn't in the new operating system for those who haven't been following its development.
Sony is running a contest on AvantGo under the title, "Let the Handheld Revolution Begin." The prize is a new NR70V.
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RE: Wow
That would include yourself, since:
"If I want to watch a video, I'll take my portable DVD player with me. And I'll take my iPod for tunes."
Well, I want playback of DivX movies. That way, you have 1 portable device instead of 2 (or 3 if you add the mp3 player). It is possible, since the DivX people have already made a codec for the PocketPC platform. Not sure how it performs though.
RE: Wow
RE: Wow
RE: Wow
I think Palm has found a very good balance of price, feature, size, battery life, power and ease of use. It will not fit everyone, but it fit a majority of users' majority needs. That is something that everyone else including MS seems to be struggling to get.
I tend to agree that OS5 doesn't seem too interesting. Partly because I still use Palm OS 3.1 (Visor Deluxe) and it works well enough for almost everything. I hope Palm doesn't run itself to the ground by taking the MS bait to introduce overly burdensome hardware/software combinations. It is a fatalistic view many non-MS companies got baited into and died trying to fight MS by their rules. And as users, we should stop thinking the way MS wants us to think: we need features, we need power, we need color, we need a super-computer (to use notepad? :)), we need high-speed wireless (to view movies on a 2x2inch screen? With 320x200 pixels?), etc. etc... True, those features are appealing to some, but those are really a minority of the population. Despite having many gadgets myself, I think those are too geeky even for me :). I know my father has 3 WinCE/PocketPC devices... but guess what, he barely knows how to use the address book, and has added zero programs to it, never used any of the PocketExcel/Word stuff, never watched movies (of course). That's quite some bit of money paid to the evil empire for lack of information. That... though... is the general population... even in Asia.
Ok. Off soap box.
RE: Wow
You mean Palm Inc. is back at 90% market share again? Last worldwide sale we have Palm just nudge little more than 35%.
RE: Wow - yes!
Depends on who you are.... If one is in the market for a new device (whatever the reason - e.g., dropped mine...), I think it is huge.
If it delivers on it's promises, we'll see a broader range of devices, from sub-$100 to higher end machines than are possible today with PalmOS. Wider range of possible applications & uses = more market share = even more apps/innovation....
For example, would be interesting to have an iPod that included PalmOS, for example (why carry two devices? 1,000 songs or 1 Million contacts? Inkwell input, Low res digital camera.... That would be cool, and no, I have no inside sources, just thinking about potential synergy between two non-MS companies with the aboce iPod comment -)
Also, I would hope/expect compatibility with OS 6. Won't have that with non-ARM based products.
Treo Only Message Board
Here is the link :
Hard work
RE: Hard work
RE: Hard work
Just because Microsoft CALLS it a major upgrade, doesn't mean it is one. All PPC 2002 did was drop MIPS support and add a few bells and whistles stolen from the Palm OS. It was mostly a bug fix. And there sure were a lot of bugs to fix. They didn't do anything about the unusable UI.
That said, the Palm OS is about a year behind where it ought to be. Good thing the competition has no idea how to make a decent OS so PalmSource has time.
Also, PalmSource is going to ARM chips at exactly the right time. Microsoft made a big mistake using them when they were battery hogs. With the next generation chips, OS 5 models will have 5x the performance for the same power.
RE: Hard work
You're kidding, right?
Apparently, you haven't been paying too much attention to the news over the last year talking about how much Palm, Inc has screwed up, and the financial troubles they've endured as a result. I'm sure the having to work with a backlog of old Vx devices after announcing the m5XX series too early, and dealing with the issues surrounding the m515 wasn't done just for the fun of it.
Comparing Palm and their OS development against Linux or Microsoft is way off base. Linux is open source, hence it's always being "upgraded" by anyone willing to tinker with it. As for Microsoft, their company is a big large and is able to place revenues from other sources (such as PC operating systems and a certain suite of "office" applications) that it can throw behind other areas (like PPC, or even the recent $2 million they've sunk behind XBox). Palm has handhelds and the OS. That's it.
If you still think they're comparable, I'd be happy to trade a few shares of Palm stock for Microsoft on a 1-to-1 ratio.
RE: Steal
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I am looking forward to having my datebook and memo applications running at full ARM speed.
We don't need no stinking upgrade to icons either. The icons look fine in color. What are we using? A Gameboy or something?
As for multimedia, who needs it? MP3 and video playback is for teenyboppers. If I want to watch a video, I'll take my portable DVD player with me. And I'll take my iPod for tunes.
In any case, Palm is doing the right thing. I don't want to re-buy all of my applications. Running in emulation is fine.
Bottomline: I don't see any reasons to upgrade to OS 5 at all. My next hardware upgrade will probably be OS 6.