Color Treo 270 Now Available
Handspring has just released the Treo 270, the color version of its smartphone. Aside from its 12-bit color screen, the 270 is quite similar to the Treo 180. It includes a built-in keyboard and 16 MB of memory. This isn't the CDMA version of the Treo expected before the end of June; it uses GSM wireless networks. It costs $500 with a service contract, which is $100 less than Handspring originally said it would cost.
The Screen
The screen has 12-bit color, rather than 16-bit as on most other color Palm OS handhelds. This means it can display over 4,000 colors. It is the same screen as on the just-announced Treo 90. Like the rest of the Treo line, this screen is slightly smaller than the display on most Palm OS handhelds, though it uses the standard 160 by 160 pixels.
The screen is CSTN, or Color Super-Twist Nematic. Though a passive matrix type of screen, the newest CSTN displays have good refresh rates, wide viewing angles, and bright colors that compare well with TFT displays. And they cost about half what TFT screens do.
According to Handspring, the Treo 270's screen was picked because it is usable outdoors, though the colors aren't as good as they are inside.
Because it has a keyboard, it doesn't have a Graffiti area. All the functions normally performed with Graffiti have keyboard equivalents on this model.
The Hardware
The Treo 270 is 4.3 by 2.7 by 0.7 and it weighs 5.5 ounces. It has a non-removable flip cover with a clear window in it that allows the screen to be seen without having to open the cover.
It uses the same keyboard as on the Treo 180. To make it easier to use in the dark, the screen's backlight also shines behind the keyboard.
One of the major changes from the 180 series is Handspring has decided not to make a version without a keyboard, so there won't be a Treo 270g.
It has a jog wheel, which Handspring calls a Rocker Switch, that Handspring has worked to integrate into the functioning of the Treo line as much as possible.
On the top is the power button, an infrared port, the antenna, a switch to turn the ringer off, and a single LED used to indicate both battery status and whether the device is in range of a transmitter.
It doesn't come with a cradle. Instead it has a HotSync cable. A travel A/C charger is also included. A cradle will be available separately.
The Battery
The 270 uses a li-ion rechargeable battery. According to Handspring, when using the wireless functions, it will last about 3 hours of talk time or 150 hours of standby time. When used like a regular handheld with the mobile phone functions turned off, the battery provides about 1 week of normal use. This is actually better battery performance than the Treo 180 provides.
Like the other members of the Treo line, the 270 has 16 MB of RAM. It runs Palm OS 3.5 on the 33 MHz Dragonball VZ processor. It doesn't use flash ROM so its operating system can't be upgraded but Handspring has found ways to work around this for applying patches.
It comes with the latest version of Handspring's Web Browser, Blazer 2.1. It also comes with an SMS app.
In addition to all the standard Palm OS applications, it includes, Date Book+, which is Handspring's enhanced version of the standard Date Book.
The Phone
Like the Treo 180 and 180g, it is a GSM phone. There will be a 900/1900 MHz version for North America and a 900/1800 MHz version for Europe and Asia.
It does not yet support GPRS, though Handspring says an update is on the way which will allow it to use this much faster wireless standard. Even without this upgrade, it can still handle data, just at a slower speed.
The speaker on the Treo is inside the flip cover. The user can talk by placing the inside of the flip cover to their ear and speaking into the microphone built into the front.
It also comes with a tiny headset for those that don't like to put the handheld up to their face. This has a button on it that allows the user to answer the phone. The 270 can also be used as a speakerphone.
It comes with an application that acts as a telephone dialer with large buttons. There is also a phone keypad superimposed on the QWERTY keyboard.
It has other handy functions like 3-way conference calling and Caller ID.
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RE: Treo 90 also announced.
One more rant. I have 2 Voicestream stores within 5 miles of my house but when I enter my zip code on the Handspring site it says that Voicestream does not offer any plans in my area (I know this is wrong). The only way to order the Treo is without service! The cost is $699. That is ridiculous for a handheld that cannot take advantage of high speed data. The new XDA (Pocket PC phone) that Voicestream is going to release in June will only cost around $499 and be avialable to anyone off of thier web site. It is a color pocketpc (looks a lot like the IPAQ) with GPRS enabled.
I think Handspring has made a mistake with the Treo (high prices, limited expansion options).
RE: Treo 90 also announced.
Treo 90 has a 4oz, compact colour package with storage expansion capability. The fine tuned price point reflects Handspring marketing strategy for the Treo 90.
xda pocket pc wipes HAH!
So don't go talking about the IPAQ looking XDA till you see how much standby time the batter gives. If less than 24 hours, it's useless.
David in Pflugerville, TX
RE: Treo 90 also announced.
RE: Treo 90 also announced.
I believe it is Qwerty, not Qwert. :)
well....12-bit...that's more than enough for daily use.....but just feeling a bit strange.....)
don't know if that would have any compatability problem...?
Read your manuals before you ask!!
Handspring's Toast
Handspring just can't seem to do anything right these days (on that note, whats with releasing your product on a holiday, pretty stupid).
RE: 12-bit
I think the 12-bit screen was a good, cost-cutting move. This handheld definitely beats out the m130 overall.
RE: 12-bit
RE: 12-bit
RE: 12-bit
unless they come up with self-developed 12-bit code again, just like last time when they do with 16-bit....)
Read your manuals before you ask!!
RE: 12-bit
but still, most apps won't be able to use that.........
Read your manuals before you ask!!
RE: 12-bit
RE: 12-bit
RE: 12-bit
out of 25600 pixels, 4096 number of colours should be fairly enough....right..?
Read your manuals before you ask!!
RE: 12-bit
if a student teaches teachers, do they become students?
RE: 12-bit,aid,86803,00.asp
Why the differences?
Why are there such pronounced omissions in the Treo 270 as compared to the Treo 90, announced on the same day? Why does the high-end 270, a $500+ device, include an older version of Palm OS, no expansion slot, no "Contacts," and no WordSmith, all features found in the "entry-level" 90?
Both of the Treo releases have seemed like products in transition. The first two Treos were black and white, with GSM but without GPRS, which makes them pretty useless as email devices (relative to the always-on blackberry). These Treos add color but not GPRS, and they have weird differences between them. Should we assume that an upcoming release will even out the featureset between these devices? Why would I spend $500 on a 270 now if the 90 is indicating that Handspring will finally upgrade the OS and will move to a standard expansion format?
What I want from Handspring is the same thing I've always wanted: a "power user" model that has everything a geek like me would ask for. In the Treo line, looking over these releases, that wishlist would be: PalmOS 4.x, Flash ROM for OS upgrades, SD slot, color screen, always-on email (GPRS or Sprint or whatever), full software complement, jog dial, phone, wireless net. I'd pay as much as the 270 or even somewhat more to get a device like this.
A lot of the features I list above are _not_ needed for the average user, and I think Handspring is right to leave them out of lower-end models (for instance, flash ROM). For me, though, Handspring devices feel like bad commitments without them. And I'm exactly the kind of person who pushes recommendations out to tens or even more than a hundred other people, and with a "power user" device in my hand I'd be a great Handspring salesman. Looking at these releases, though, all I want to do is stick with my Palm Vx -- on which I've upgraded the OS several times, with great results -- and wait for the dust to settle.
I really want to like the Treo. I want to buy one. Please, Handspring, hire a product manager and make it possible for me to do so!
RE: Why the differences?
The pocketpc phones are coming with critical fault of low standby battery life. When I pick my smartphone out of the cradle in the morning and head for work, the last thing I want to worry about is that the battery might go dead before I set it back in the cradle in the evening.
I've used Blazer 2.0 at 14.4. It's soooooooooooo sloooooooooooowwwwwwww. They better make 2.5->3G a priority.
David in Pflugerville, TX
RE: Why the differences?
they've siad that GPRS would be available by installing pathces at a later time and i don't found that as a problem.
but no expansion slot is really a big problem. i would prefer a slightly larger treo over a treo w/o SD slot......the programs nowadays are getting larger and larger and the number of apps are getting more and more. w/o SD slot, applications such as maps, etc.. would not be possible and that would really make your palm pretty useless.
well i have no idea what handspring is thinking of.
Read your manuals before you ask!!
RE: Why the differences?
Lack of Palm OS 4.1: Why do you need this? Exactly what is in 4.1 that isn't in 3.5? VFS access, there's no slot anyway (presumably, 4.1 was included in the Treo 90 precisely because there was a slot) I can't think of any other compelling reason. Compatibility isn't a problem.
Flash ROM for OS upgrades: Even given 4.1, there aren't going to be any more OS upgrades. (OS 5 won't work on this.)
Color screen: Got it.
Always-on e-mail: Treo Mail is close (although "close" might not be good enough) GPRS is imminent, although could be vaporware.
Full software complement: Go out and buy it yourself, if you're a "power user" then the lack of bundled software shouldn't be a problem.
Jog dial: Got it.
Phone: Got it.
Wireless net: Got it.
Finally, for $700, I seriously wouldn't want anything that would make it more expensive than it already is...
RE: Why the differences?
Bundled apps: Sure, I can download apps. The point, though, is that Treo 90 buyers are getting more features for less money. It's not fatal, it just looks bad.
GPRS: My point about this is that the real functionality of the Treo isn't realized until GPRS is available. As a result there's no compelling reason to buy _now_ -- it makes more sense to wait and see. I think Handspring should release a Treo that looks from any analysis to be the device to have now and for the immediate future -- not just a device that will be pretty cool six or nine months from now. They should be orchestrating their releases to make me want to buy one right now, and so far at least (with GPRS needing an upgrade and no color on the first models, then the omissions I listed at the head of this thread for today's announcement) they've failed to do that.
RE: Why the differences?
GPRS: The only issue is whether you believe Handspring will support GPRS or not. I believe they will... therefore I'd rather have a Treo now and GPRS later than both a Treo and GPRS later.
Case Material
What is the case material of the 270?
RE: Case Material
Just give me...
320p x 12bit colour screen
GPRS connectivity (maybe upgradable to 3G)
No stupid flip cover.
Hmm... that's about it.
RE: Just give me...
And Grafitti !!
And built-in Bluetooth, so I can use one of the very small Bluetooth headsets ...
Maybe Palm is listening
RE: Just give me...
RE: Just give me...
No graffiti!
Big bummer, but for the rest it's ok (i don't need SD and I'm okay with 12-bit colour).
The Treo 90 is nice too by the way.
RE: No graffiti!
RE: No graffiti!
Humm, it seems to me just to be a personal decision. I don't know that it "sucks".
I for one prefer Grafitti, and was dissapointed when the released version of the Treo only had the thumbboard.
Pre-release photos of the units showed both Grafitti and Thumbboard versions.
RE: No graffiti!
RE: No graffiti!
RE: No graffiti!

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Treo 90 also announced.