Movies Coming to a Handheld Near You

Pocket PC Films has made a multi-year licensing agreement with Generic Media to use their gMovie Player to play feature films and other types of programming on any Palm OS handheld. Pocket PC Films holds a library of more than 25,000 titles, including ones from Lions Gate Entertainment. Their catalog has titles of all genres, including business training videos, animated and children's programming, sporting programs, and religious programming.

gMovie Player will be preloaded into every Pocket PC Films program sold on CD-ROM. In order to be able to view these movies, a handheld with the ability to store large files will be required. The latest version of gMovie Player can play directly from external memory cards.

Typical shows available from Pocket PC films cost between $5 and $15. The gMovie Player is free.

Thanks to Ed Baran for the tip. -Ed

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Poor Choice of Name

I.M. Anonymous @ 6/3/2002 10:13:28 AM #
I'd say "Pocket PC Films" made a bad choice when they picked their name. Pocket Films would have been much better. Is that name already taken?

My guess is, despite what PPC users claim, very few of them actually want to watch a movie on their handheld. This forced Pocket PC Films to expand their market to the dominant handheld platform to find more customers. They are probably still doomed. I can't imagine anyone enjoying watching a movie on a 2 inch screen.

Before they go under, could all of you who work with an obnoxious PPC user download a movie and play it in front of them? This should shut them up about the multimedia capabilities they paid an extra $100 or $200 for.

RE: Poor Choice of Name
I.M. Anonymous @ 6/3/2002 11:06:06 AM #
I can't wait for time when I will be able to watch full-length movies on my portable device, with decent space (5-10Gb) and battery life (10hr+), I am quite happy to pay money for that. Screen is small, but its ok, if you really feel being hardcore you can pick up some visual glasses and watch it before your eyes,
RE: Poor Choice of Name
I.M. Anonymous @ 6/3/2002 11:38:30 AM #
depends what you mean by "my portable device" but there is such thing as portable DVD player.
RE: Poor Choice of Name
Altema @ 6/3/2002 11:39:19 AM #
"very few of them actually want to watch a movie on their handheld"

Very true. I was doing some comparitive research between FireViewer, gMovie, and TealMovie. I also wanted to see a movie clip on a PocketPC to see where it would stand in the mix, but NONE of the PPC users I know had anything loaded, and did not want to load anything.

RE: Poor Choice of Name
I.M. Anonymous @ 6/3/2002 11:44:58 AM #
What a joke! Movies on your handheld.
I bet you can only watch 1/2 hour before the battery goes dead. If the battery does last longer, just imagine how tired your arm will be holding the pda in front of your face for 2hrs, and what about all the butter stains on your Pocket PC from eating popcorn?.
Under no circumstances do I ever want to watch a movie on a handheld....ha ha ha what a joke..these are the days of large screen multispeaker home theater systems, gimme a break...ha ha ha
RE: Poor Choice of Name
I.M. Anonymous @ 6/3/2002 11:54:24 AM #
Anyone would be nuts to watch a full length movie on a PPC or Palm screen. They are much better used for showing off movie previews to friends, or watching TV series episodes. As for showing off a Palm playing a movie or movie preview to a PPC owner, forget about it. I wouldn't want to be embarrassed. True, I can play a movie preview on my Sony 760C but even if it is overclocked, the picture is still not very sharp. A PPC can play a movie sideways and use therefore a larger screen size. From what I've seen too, the movie is much sharper on the PPC. As a demo for movie previews it blows away anything shown on a Clie or Palm no matter what software you use.
RE: Poor Choice of Name
I.M. Anonymous @ 6/3/2002 11:56:19 AM #
It's just like reading e-book. Put on headphone and enjoy.

Tho' not very good for watching big movie, but for short pieces it's pretty amusing. Full screen landscape seems to work the best.

RE: Poor Choice of Name
Altema @ 6/3/2002 12:03:40 PM #
"I bet you can only watch 1/2 hour before the battery goes dead"

Depends on the device. On my former device, an M505, a 30 minute movie would drop the battery level by 16%.

RE: Poor Choice of Name
I.M. Anonymous @ 6/3/2002 12:43:13 PM #
I went down to Frys last week and watch Star Wars trailer on a Zaraus demo. Very impressive as Darth would say. I wonder when my Palm is about to do the same, though I would rather opt for light weight, long battery life, built in wireless, and I am still satify with just reading ebook and notes taking.
RE: Poor Choice of Name
I.M. Anonymous @ 6/3/2002 1:00:55 PM #
All who dismiss video on Palm and PPC because "No body would want to watch a movie on a PDA," are overlooking the serious business applications of video on a PDA. Sure I probably wouldn't watch "Star Wars" on my Palm but I sure would like to port some of my training videos to the Palm platform. Could be very handy for walking and talking users through tasks, especially when video on the workstation is not posible.

Further, how great would it be to be able to beam others video business cards? Instead of just a little card with your name and phone number on it, or just an entry in a phone book. You could be distributing a 15-30 sec. commericial along with your contact info. This would be a sure way to remind the person who you were and why they were interested in you or your product.

think outside the palm people! Video is for more than watching your favorite "Ren and Stimpy" episode.

RE: Poor Choice of Name
Altema @ 6/3/2002 1:16:40 PM #
"You could be distributing a 15-30 sec. commericial along with your contact info"

A cool idea. It would not be difficult to create a custom app just for this purpose of beaming two specific files in one shot. However, one of the good things about address beaming is that it is quick because there is only a few hundred bytes being transferred via IR. A 30 second video clip will be between 400k and 1.5Mb depending on frame rate and audio compression, so instead of an almost instant beam, you would be standing there for a couple of minutes.

RE: Poor Choice of Name
I.M. Anonymous @ 6/3/2002 1:33:45 PM #
built in bluetooth or Wi-Fi maybe? most of new PDA will have either one of those built-in
RE: Poor Choice of Name
Altema @ 6/3/2002 11:41:47 PM #
"Depends on the device. On my former device, an M505, a 30 minute movie would drop the battery level by 16%"

Went to try the same thing on an M515 and wound up with a 10% battery level drop for 30 minutes. The clip was a 2 minute 11 second looped movie segment in TealMovie, 5058071 bytes, 10 frames per second, uncompressed audio at moderate volume, 12 bit color. There is a 16 bit color option in TealMovie, but it does not work well in my opinion... it looks worse than the 12 bit color.

Based on this crude test, you should be able to make it through a 2 hour movie (not something I would do unless desperate) and still have slightly more than half of the battery life depending on your device. For (very) rough estimates on devices with different battery life, take your usual total runtime and chop off two thirds.

The M515 was at 86% at the start of the test, and 76% at the finish. I did not want to start it with it at 100% because most M series palms drop from 4.17v to 4.07 and still show 100%. There's some latency, kind of like a car's gas gauge after a top-off.

One thing that became clear to me was the benefit of having earphones. Watching this thing on the plane without them will probably bring on irritated glares from other passengers. Something to keep in mind for my next PDA purchase...

RE: Poor Choice of Name
I.M. Anonymous @ 6/4/2002 7:12:04 AM #
I want something better than ToDo list on my pda, and i am prepared to play up to $1000 for functionality I want, ie fast cpu, long battery, huge storare -- mp3/mp4.
RE: Poor Choice of Name
Altema @ 6/5/2002 11:52:49 AM #
"I want, ie fast cpu, long battery, huge storare -- mp3/mp4"

They don't make it yet.

Storage is a moot point, both will use whatever card capacity is available.

The champion of battery life in the PPC camp hits the low battery window at 4 hours, 22 minutes when playing MP3 with the screen on medium brightness. Thats with no other functions going on, no multi-tasking, no concurrent pim functions, and the RAM empty except for the media player.

RE: Poor Choice of Name
I.M. Anonymous @ 6/5/2002 1:02:50 PM #
The low battery warning typically first shows up at 50%

A few comments ...

popko @ 6/3/2002 11:59:47 AM #
1. Of all the PPC users I know (my company issues out iPAQ so there's lots of PPC users at work) only a few of them had movie clips loaded on their iPAQs. Even so, they didn't have it so they can watch it. Rather, the clips were there only for showing off (e.g. whenever I have my Pam with me, they will ask "can your Palm do that?").

2. IMO I don't believe a lot of people would pay for the movie, download it, and than watch it on that small screen of his/her handheld. I sure don't want to do that. Maybe it will take off if they movies where for free and had ads in the movie instead (like TV). Maybe when 3G networks are common, some of us will like it.

3. There's a lot more Palm powered users than PPC users out there. But given the current stats of the Palm hardware, watching a whole movie on Palm won't catch on out side of geek community. With next gen ARM based Palms however, this might change.

RE: A few comments ...
I.M. Anonymous @ 6/3/2002 1:11:54 PM #
I do not think so, like someone said previously. Why would you want to watch a movie in 2inc screen. I have a 27 inch tv at home we're looking for a 43/50/67 inch TV screens 'cause we cant stand the 27 inch anymore....!!

I certainly do not want to watch a movie on my palm, not even if its free!

RE: A few comments ...
I.M. Anonymous @ 6/3/2002 1:16:26 PM #
There are a lot of portable handheld TVs with 2 inches screen, so there is a market for small screen TV/video. Obviously it is not for everybody and evry type of programming, but for some type of programming it works.
RE: A few comments ...
Altema @ 6/3/2002 1:26:56 PM #
I would not want to watch an entire movie on a 2 inch screen either. However, my personal time alone is often limited, and it would be nice to catch a 15 minute segment when time permits.

My current difficulty with this is that TealMovie has no rewind or fast forward feature, and when you exit the program you lose your place. A solution is to break up a movie into segments, but that takes more time than I care to take for conversion. Besides, if it takes 4 hours to breakup and convert a 2 hour movie, what's the point of watching it on your Palm to save time?

Just for kicks, I converted the entire movie Shrek and loaded it on my SD card. The converter ran all night so I don't know how long it took. I broke it into two segments, which totaled around 90Mb. It played fine directly from SD, but I noticed that smaller files play at a better frame rate than larger ones from SD. The amount of free RAM also affects playback speed.

Even though I got the whole thing working well (the Palm hardware did fine), I never watched more than a few minutes. The most useful purposes I have found for movies on a handheld has been for storing movie trailers (can convince the wife to see a different movie), and for short kids videos.

My wife probably has the most valid use of video. She has her dance rehearsals taped, and has me load them on her Palm for practice sessions. If there is any question about some obscure move, they can watch the session right there. She can also take these, along with videos of the kids, into hospitals and prisons. In some of those situations, they are very restrictive about what you can bring in with you, but they do not seem to care about a "simple" Palm Pilot. Even if it is loaded with audio and video clips, reference libraries, Bibles, books, or photos.

One word:
I.M. Anonymous @ 6/3/2002 1:51:20 PM #
RE: A few comments ...
I.M. Anonymous @ 6/3/2002 2:05:07 PM #
laptop is not pocketable.
RE: A few comments ...
I.M. Anonymous @ 6/3/2002 3:39:22 PM #
It would be better to erease the Palm OS bugs first and give us the ability to enter meeetings over 00:00.

They where not even able to make the report window in Sync rememebering the last scaling...

The escape in the media world on the palm is a jump out of the window 80th floor - nobody wants to see a 2:30 movies on a palm formfactor - not even a xxx rated - Not even a freak - bet my palm shares on that.

This will be the final nail in Palms coffin - any bet against?

RE: A few comments ...
I.M. Anonymous @ 6/3/2002 4:31:13 PM #
I have a half-hour commute on a bus. Watching my favorite Simpsons episodes on the commute wouldn't be bad at all. I don't think there is a market now but I'm 100% sure there will be in the future.
RE: A few comments ...
I.M. Anonymous @ 6/5/2002 1:06:51 PM #
How about 3G network with streaming CNN or something like that? I can see a market for that.

Next Gen Palm devices should be interesting...

sub_tex @ 6/3/2002 4:49:16 PM #
I think we all agree video on a 33Mhz machine is piss poor at best, and the current lack of ANY good video codecs for Palm OS isn't helping either. NONE of the formats available are any good.

A Palm OS port of the DivX codec is all we need.

And to people who go off about not watching movies on your 2 inch screen: it's not as if you will be sitting in your living room and choose your palm over your 63" plasma screen. That's just ridiculous. But holding that in my left hand standing on a subway with my ear buds in and watching a movie i've seen a thousand times and can stand catching the littel bit i can on my commute? Sure.

Waiting in the doctor's office and instead of playing bejeweled for the thousandth time i can watch some movies or shows.

Portable DVD players are only slightly larger than the 320x480 screen of the new Sony. I can't wait for capable processors and (hopefully) video codecs as well.

RE: Next Gen Palm devices should be interesting...
I.M. Anonymous @ 6/3/2002 5:09:58 PM #
Aren't we all waiting for the savior 5.0 to finally come. clock is ticking... One week left.
Next Gen Palm devices will be expensive
I.M. Anonymous @ 6/3/2002 5:33:58 PM #
Yes - and than Palm will announce that 13 million Palm buyes shall buy a new Palm and see there old one in the dustbin.
Palm will annonce that they will not support 3.5 and 4.0, 4.1 anymore.
And all the software you bought is seing the big software Manitu soon.

Get your wallet ready folks - Palm needs your cash!

RE: Next Gen Palm devices should be interesting...
I.M. Anonymous @ 6/3/2002 6:03:25 PM #
Yea, the 66mhz Sony already does a servicable job playing video. Once the full screen is in use and the processor speed improves just slightly, video becomes viable. I'd pay $5.00 for a decent movie, that's cheap entertainment.

The utility is certainly greater than looking at a spread sheet on a PDA.

Next Gen Palm devices will be boring...
I.M. Anonymous @ 6/3/2002 6:46:35 PM #
How about a good book on the Palm?
This will bring more satisfaction for sure!
That can easily be done now - the shelfes of ebooks are full AND FREE.

Are people so lonely and empty nowadays that they have to turn to electronic companions?
If so:
Then be honest - rush to Vegas and marry your Palm.

RE: Next Gen Palm devices should be interesting...
Altema @ 6/4/2002 12:32:16 AM #
"Yea, the 66mhz Sony already does a servicable job playing video. Once the full screen is in use and the processor speed improves just slightly, video becomes viable. I'd pay $5.00 for a decent movie, that's cheap entertainment"

Now if they make it play in full screen landscape mode, that would REALLY rock.

RE: Next Gen Palm devices should be interesting...
I.M. Anonymous @ 6/4/2002 12:39:02 AM #
landscape? The darned screen is a perfect square....
RE: Next Gen Palm devices should be interesting...
aardvarko @ 6/4/2002 3:25:46 AM #
No, it isn't. The Sony NR-70V has a 320x480 pixel screen. Duh...

webmaster at aardvarko dot com
RE: Next Gen Palm devices should be interesting...
I.M. Anonymous @ 6/5/2002 1:10:17 PM #
The guy who mentioned codecs is absolutely right. I have a PPC and Windows media is still a bit jerky on a 209MHz ARM chip. DIVX plays 30fps landscape mode (and the sound is MP3). OK it's not cinema but it is impressive.
As soon as Palm has the hardware then the DIVX community will produce the software.

Is the timing right?

I.M. Anonymous @ 6/4/2002 3:25:09 AM #
The idea is great and I take my hat off to people like them with the balls to get into it before the physical ability is really there. Sure, you can run videos on even a Palm V and that is a 3 yr old machine but can you seriously say you can watch it? Even on a PocketPC platform specc'ed with XScale procs - the battery life is something to think about, let alone the cost of SD cards and the time required to format it for a PDA and downloading it with the cradle.

This is not a bash on PocketPC Films. In fact, without companies like them the bars will not be pushed higher with what we can do with PDAs.

I am looking forward to the day Apple puts a decent colored screen on its iPod and I can rip my DVD and download via FireWire. Or the new iPaq with that Toshiba 5Gb internal drive with USB2.0. Now, when that happens PocketPC Film will score big time. Not now.

RE: Is the timing right?
I.M. Anonymous @ 6/4/2002 9:12:49 AM #
what are you rambling about? jees....

you can already rip DVD put it into a big 500+mb SD card, and have fun. That's enough for 20 movies. In case you need to do trans-pacific flight bring those 9Volt battery extender.

you think gadget with hardrive like iPOD would ever have the battery life beating non mechanical devices? That not to mention Steve job says he never will make PDA.

RE: Is the timing right?
I.M. Anonymous @ 6/4/2002 8:37:54 PM #
Good grief. Another idiot who needs to rant! 500+Mb SD card? To my knowledge the largest SD is 128Mb. So, unless you come from Planet Alice where they have 500+Mb SD cards, I can't buy one from Planet Earth.

It is a "hypothetical" question if and when Apple releases an iPod video device, by the way. Read it properly unless of course, in Planet Alice they don't teach you that.

RE: Is the timing right?
I.M. Anonymous @ 6/4/2002 10:36:45 PM #

Panasonic 256 & 512 mb SD card released last year. Some store already offers the 512 tho' not widely available yet.

and in this planet call 'reality' people are actually already watching mpeg/divx video from SD card. (with screen almost as big as current iPod's dimension. well whaddya know......! )

PPC envy...

I.M. Anonymous @ 6/4/2002 7:58:16 PM #
If there are no ppc trolls, why does this guy come like "ha! the multimedia features they paid for 200$".

PPC envy ;)

Well, how much does the average mp3 player cost? And what about the average gameboy?

If I can play doom, quake or most gameboy/game gear games on my PPC, listen to mp3's, and also use it as a PDA, I think all of those multimedia features are well worth it.

I mean, sure, playing froggy is nice. When I'm done playing froggy, what will I do? Hmmmmm not much.

And trust me,the battery life on many new ppc's is better than the cliés, so there.. and I can recharge with a cable, not needing a CRADLE that's very big.

All that for 200$ more? A PDA, MP3 player, and gameboy would cost me at least 400$ more... heh

RE: PPC envy...
I.M. Anonymous @ 6/5/2002 1:18:26 PM #
Off topic but where can I get a GameBoy emulator for my PPC?
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