Hi-Res Documents To Go Comes with T650C (Updated)

A ZDnet Japan review of the new Sony T650C mentions that it comes with a hi-res version of DataViz's SheetToGo, its spreadsheet app. The hi-res version allows the user to view spreadsheets at regular size, or zoom out to get a wider view of the sheet.

Update: A DataViz spokesperson said, "At this time we do not have the high res version of Sheet To Go as part of the retail sold Documents To Go Standard Edition. It was provided to Sony for the bundle and it is something we are working on for the future."

The T650C will be out in Japan on June 8. It's possible DataViz will release a new version of their app in other countries on or near that date.

It seems likely Sony put some pressure on DataViz to add hi-res support to their product. While Sony's hi-res screens are a nice feature for U.S. and European users, they are almost a necessity to make the Japanese written language readable on a handheld screen. But a 320 by 320 screen goes to waste if a document reader or spreadsheet app displays everything at 160 by 160.

Documents to Go won't be the first Palm office suite to support Sony's hi-res screens. For example, Quickoffice already does so.

Thanks to Christian Stocker for the tip. -Ed

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Asian Fonts: 320x320 vs. 160x160

popko @ 6/6/2002 12:35:41 PM #
It is true that C/J/K fonts look a lot better on a screen that is 320x320. But this hi-res screen is not "a necessity to make" Asian "written language readable on a handheld screen." Most people can get by (and have been doing so for many years in the past)using a Palm/Visor/Workpad.

RE: Asian Fonts: 320x320 vs. 160x160
I.M. Anonymous @ 6/6/2002 1:08:50 PM #
You misquoted Ed. What he said was high res screens are "almost a necessity". There is a big difference between almost a necessity and actually being a necessity.

Sony seems to think a high res screen is the only answer. Ever notice that they don't sell the S360 in Japan?

High res

I.M. Anonymous @ 6/6/2002 1:02:17 PM #
I have a beta of DOcuments to go 5... and it has high res fonts and is high res but not high res plus...so what is the point.
RE: High res- can't get update!
I.M. Anonymous @ 6/6/2002 1:24:46 PM #
So, why can't i download the update from their site! Good thing I didn't pay for this app.
RE: High res
I.M. Anonymous @ 6/6/2002 2:41:01 PM #
>>>it has high res fonts and is high res but not high res plus...so what is the point.

Ahh - the point is that this means that Sony N760C, T615C,T650C users get the benefit of displaying spreadsheets maxed for their device. Yes, NR70 users don't get to use virtual graffiti space :( but they still get 320x320 - a better experience then if it was just 160x160. So why to you ask "...so what is the point."

RE: High res
Juice @ 6/6/2002 2:45:36 PM #
Anyone know how to get a Beta of 5.0? I'd like to see that on my NR70V...

run and edit files from expansion cards

I.M. Anonymous @ 6/6/2002 2:26:53 PM #
Hi res is nice , however I would rather be able to use docs to go from my MS. Even with a T615 it takes upa boat load of memory
RE: run and edit files from expansion cards
I.M. Anonymous @ 6/6/2002 4:31:54 PM #
Do you mean the application or the files. I can put files in my docs 2 go on the memory stick...
RE: run and edit files from expansion cards
I.M. Anonymous @ 6/6/2002 5:44:34 PM #
the application
RE: run and edit files from expansion cards
I.M. Anonymous @ 6/9/2002 11:33:06 AM #
DTG can store both the programms (sheet to go, word to go etc.) and the files on the expansion card. It was the first office program as much as I know which could it. The first version spread together wirth the first palm m500/m505 could already do that back in spring 2001. Only the document-selection-programm hast to stay in ram. You can even tell the desktop programm to store all your synchronized documents on the expansion-card per default. Only the add-on-package which syncronizes email attachmemnts does not store the documents per default on the exp. card. You can resyncronize and choose from the desktop app to put them on the card.


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