Quickies: Xiino, Office Suites, Palm Tipsheet, and More

The English version of Xiino is now available. This is a web browser that offers support for Javascript, 128-bit SSL encryption, color, tables, cookies, and frames. It costs $25. -Ed

PMN Publications has an article on office suites, including reviews of the latest versions of Documents To Go, Iambic Office, and Quickoffice. It also has interviews with the software developers behind each product. -PR

In the June issue of the Palm Tipsheet, Mike Rohde shares thoughts and experiences gained from his own Handspring Visor Deluxe to a Sony Clié transition. The Tipsheet Interview is with Palm Venezuelan user Gilberto Bermudez. -PR

Wave Industries has released the Olympia Soundbug, an audio device that lets any hard, smooth surface act as a speaker. It plugs into the standard 3.5mm headphone socket on some Sony models. -Mark Quering

miniMusic has released an upgrade for BeatPad, a pattern-based music sequencer. It now supports the enhanced sound found in the new Sony Clié handhelds and the Beat Plus Springboard module. Users also now have the option to change what instruments are used for BeatPad's eleven drum tracks to better take advantage of the drum sounds built into these recent handhelds. -Chad Mealey

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Xiino and Javascript

I.M. Anonymous @ 6/6/2002 11:06:39 AM #
I tried this with some anticipation because my office has a Javascript / Web interface to its internal messaging system. The logon window pops up in Javascript. Xiino couldn't see it, which was a big disappointment. If anyone knows what I might be doing wrong -- or whether there's another Javascript solution in the Palm OS -- do tell.
RE: Xiino and Javascript
big_raji @ 6/6/2002 1:02:56 PM #
Perhaps Xiino only supports Javascript embedded in the web page you're looking at, but does not support external window Pop-Ups.

I haven't tried this version of Xiino, so can't say for sure.

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Staroffice and Palm's various spreadsheet apps

I.M. Anonymous @ 6/6/2002 11:21:04 AM #
Any of the spreadsheet app for Palm that support Suites other than that of Microsoft? Some like Quickoffice will not even let you transfer .xls files to your Palm unless you have MS EXcel installed on your Desktop.
RE: Staroffice and Palm's various spreadsheet apps
popko @ 6/6/2002 12:32:11 PM #
I use www.openoffice.org and would like to see Palm's various office suites support some non-Microsoft desktop office suites.

RE: Staroffice and Palm's various spreadsheet apps
big_raji @ 6/6/2002 1:01:14 PM #
From what I remember, Docs to Go will allow you to transfer files to your Palm regardless of whether you have Microsoft Office installed. The files just have to be in a Microsoft Office file format, which most office suits let you export to anyways.

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