Kinoma Launches New Video Suite
Kinoma has announced the first major update to Kinoma Player 2 and Kinoma Producer 2, the leading video solution for Palm Powered handhelds. The new version features high res widescreen display, DivX support, Bluetooth and streaming movies from the Internet.
Kinoma Player is the most popular video player for Palm OS and is currently bundled with selected handhelds from Palm, Sony, and Tapwave.
With an all new user interface, Kinoma Producer 2 guides users through the process of encoding video. Novice users will appreciate the straightforward, highly visual user interface while power users will immediately benefit from the streamlined interface and ability to create their own encoding presets.
DivX File Support
With more content available in the DivX file format, Kinoma Producer 2 now directly encodes Kinoma movies from this popular format. So that your handheld movies will look and sound their best, Kinoma Producer 2 supports stereo audio, higher video bit rates, and widescreen video at up to thirty frames per second. Kinoma Producer 2 can also encode video at lower bit rates for Internet delivery directly to Palm OS 5 handhelds with an Internet connection.
Kinoma Player 2 has been enhanced to take advantage of the unique features of many Palm Powered handhelds. Kinoma Player 2 allows users of widescreen handhelds from Sony, Palm, Tapwave, and Garmin to hide the text input area making more room for video. High quality stereo audio playback is available on all Palm OS 5 handhelds. On the Tapwave Zodiac, Kinoma Player 2 uses Tapwave's graphic acceleration to speed video playback and virtually eliminate image tearing. And on Bluetooth enabled handhelds, users can now exchange Kinoma movies over Bluetooth.
Streaming Movies From the Internet
Kinoma Player 2 supports the playback of Kinoma movies directly from the Internet. For the first time, Palm users can tap a link in a web page and immediate begin viewing video on their handheld. Kinoma movies are delivered to the handheld using a technology called progressive download, which maximizes the use of available network bandwidth while ensuring the best possible quality. Progressive download also allows the user to download the movie once and watch it as many times as they want. Kinoma movies may be stored on an ordinary HTTP web server, so no special server infrastructure is required. Kinoma Player 2 supports progressive download on any Palm OS 5 handheld with an 802.11, Bluetooth, or cellular Internet connection including Sony CLIÉ models, Tapwave Zodiac, Palm Tungsten T Series, and Handspring Treo 600.
More than just a great media player, Kinoma Player 2 is a platform for delivering interactive multimedia applications. Using iShell Mobile from Tribeworks, creative professionals and educators can create interactive Kinoma applications that combine video, VR, images, text, databases, buttons, and interactivity.
Kinoma Player 2 and Kinoma Producer 2 are available immediately. Kinoma Player 2 is available for download free of charge and is compatible with nearly all Palm Powered handhelds running Palm OS 3.5 or later. A free trial edition of Kinoma Producer 2 is available for download. The full version of Kinoma Producer 2 can be purchased through the Kinoma Web site for $29.99. Kinoma Producer 2 requires Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows Me, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Mac OS 8.6 (with CarbonLib 1.0.4), Mac OS 9, or Mac OS X. Customers who purchased Kinoma Producer may upgrade to Kinoma Producer 2 for $19.99 until November 15, 2003.
iShell Mobile is available immediately for download at A free trial is available and it may be purchased for $395. iShell Mobile is compatible with Windows XP and Mac OS X.
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Psion 5/Motorola StarTac -> Palm Vx -> Palm m505 -> Sony N770C -> Sony T625C -> Sony NR70V/Ericsson T39m -> Toshiba e310 -> Palm Tungsten T/Ericsson T68m -> HP h2210 -> Palm Tungsten T/3/Ericsson T610
RE: Exciting times...
MMPlayer rocks!
"It's In", the hungry Palm Handheld says....
Can't wait to try it out....
In a Desolate Forest, an enchanted Palm-Powered Handheld is waiting to possess a helpless soul in the wake--The Palm-Powered Handheld's name is EURENZANNIG.
Stream only Kinoma format?
-better living through better technology.
Not much new here...
To me this looks like they've tweaked the interface of the desktop app (which was poor to start with) and added streaming support which is not that useful.
As a registered owner of 1.5 I don't feel that this update is worthy of a 2.0 release (v1.6 maybe) or more importantly a $19.99 upgrade fee.
RE: Not much new here...
Edward Green
RE: Not much new here...
1.5 is not listed on their website, you may have to fire off an email to Kinoma Support to get it.
RE: Crrraaassshhhh!
If anything, it seems to be running smoother for me.
I like the updated interface too.
Don't buy Kinoma producer thinking it will allow you to view divx-encoded movies on your Palm.
It appears that all the update has done is add a few lines of code to allow the Producer end on the PC to read divx. The end result is still encoded using the ancient Cinepak codec. In Kinoma-speak "Encoding of DivX, QuickTime, MPEG-1, MPEG-4" means DECODING of those formats in the Producer before mauling the video with Cinepak.
I'm a bit disappointed that the news item didn't explain this critical point but simply transcribed the press-release.
One day PalmOS will get video right. let's hope it's OS6.
It's not the OS
I'm sure better video support will be in OS 6, but we don't have to wait for a Palm version of "Windows Media Player". MMPlayer is coming along very nicely, and will play many different formats including DIVX.
God no. WMP is the last thing I want on my PDA. If it's all just software now, then great.
Just give us native file type support.
If that other app is doing it then more power to them. Let's hope they get support in updates.
Where did you get that impression? I read the article and did not think for a minute that you could dump a divx movie on your Palm and watch it. However, THAT would be cool.
Psion 5 -> Palm Vx -> Palm m505 -> Sony N770C -> Sony T625C -> Sony NR70V -> Toshiba e310 -> Palm Tungsten T -> HP h2210 -> Palm Tungsten T3
Motorola StarTAC -> Ericsson T28m -> Ericsson T39m -> Ericsson T68m -> Ericsson T610
You can view divx-coded movies with MMPlayer, and people have been able to view divx-coded clips on PPCs for a long time. Why should Palm be inferior?
webmaster at aardvarko dot com
No free or cheap upgrade
Kinoma on the Sony UX's?
Thanks, appologies if this has already been addressed...
RE: Kinoma on the Sony UX's?
Content on Kinoma is a joke
Two versions of 2.0?
Anyone no what the deal is here with the 2 differing versions of 2?
RE: Two versions of 2.0?
RE: Two versions of 2.0?
Psion 5 -> Palm Vx -> Palm m505 -> Sony N770C -> Sony T625C -> Sony NR70V -> Toshiba e310 -> Palm Tungsten T -> HP h2210 -> Palm Tungsten T3
Motorola StarTAC -> Ericsson T28m -> Ericsson T39m -> Ericsson T68m -> Ericsson T610
Well, here are some specs. For anyone interested, maybe I could mail you a version for $5 to reduce *my* cost. ha! Take that, Kinoma!
Encoding up to 30fps.
Bitrate up to 2000kbps
Selectable "wide" format for T3's.
I encoded a Spiderman trailer at 2000 kbps, 15fps, and it looked great...
RE: Specs
You may imagine that this is a witty statement, if you like.
Kinoma should provide a conversion server
Why not provide the ability to send an MPEG, Quicktime, Divx, etc. file you received in an email wirelessly to a Kinoma server. This could then convert the video and stream it back. This is the way Inbox to Go/Docs to Go, etc. does it (don't talk to me about native Word and Excel files, it's not ready for prime time yet) and it works great.
Is Kinoma still using Quicktime for everything?
This statement implies that Kinoma Producer is making a special case for DivX. That's a big disappointment to me, since it's really the wrong thing to do. What Kinoma /should/ do instead for the Windows version is to use Windows' own VfW or DirectShow media handlers. Not only would they avoid reinventing the wheel, but they would be able to support a much wider variety of video formats.
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