Store Any Type of File With Receiveit
A new application allows Palm OS handhelds to recieve and store any type of file. The application accepts all documents and files from any device to an expansion card via Bluetooth or IR.
The application will receiving any files type from any sort of device. It will store the file on an external memory card without any alteration to the original file. Receiveit can also manage which application should be the default for particular file.
The program can accept files from Pocket PC devices, Cell phones, Desktop or laptop computers. The application is compatible with devices running Palm OS4.1 or higher and also have an expansion slot. There is a trial available, and the app is $8.95 USD to register.
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RE: Could have used this...
RE: Could have used this...
Very cool!
RE: Could have used this...
It also reminds me of why a file manager (for managing files on the memory card) does not come with the OS yet.
With great power comes great responsiblity.
RE: Could have used this...
So clueless newbies don't get into trouble and clog up Palm's tech support lines even more. It's actually a smart idea on Palm's part. Anyone that needs a file manager should take the time to learn how to use it without Palm having to spend money spoon feeding them.
RE: Could have used this...
Amen. I had a friend bring me his iPaq because he could not load desktop applications...
When a Palm receives a file, it checks the filetype and verifies that it can register with an application. Keeps folks from beaming midi files for use with their mp3 player ;)
However, there are times when you just need to receive a file, perhaps for download to your desktop, or for an app which is not yet installed. That is where this app hits the target.
BTW; sending images to the Palm has always worked for me, so it may be up to the phone regarding pseudo-jpg or real jpg format.
RE: Could have used this...
That is useful, and I think you'd have to be butt stupid to not understand how it works. These are the things that keep people buying PPC's (along with some palms still not having an office suite, file manager, or outlook synchronization), and palm should bundle such features right away if it wants to stay competitive in the corportate environment.
People no longer expect PDA's to be just address books and calanders. If that were the case i would still use my Pilot 5000 which did that job just fine.
RE: Could have used this...
Most current Palms come with an office suite included. Which, by the way, make Pocket Word and Pocket Excel seem pretty lame according to public testing and general concensus. I also have to agree based on real world experience and as a former PPC owner. It's rough when you can't read a cell entry that is wider than the screen... no choice left but to sync and view on a desktop computer, or beam it to a Palm and borrow it for a minute. Worse yet is making an update, then having it destroy your formatting. Even our resident hardcore PPC evangelist agrees that Palm does it better.
File managers are free, but yeah, they should have included one anyways. The default methods of moving files around sucks. Outlook syncronization is old news, been around as a choice made during installation since the M505. Come to think of it, one of the guys at work asked for my help because he was no longer syncing with his Outlook calendar, and he had a IIIx. This is not a flame and I respect your preference, it's just to let you know that some things have changed.
RE: Could have used this...
Isn't there another Palm program that has similar functionality? Than it came to me, BeamPro. To my knowledge, BeamPro does everything this program claims and much, much more.
Not much use for this type of program but if memory serves BeamPro is very good software.
In the Spirit of Umoja,
Doesn't work on my T3
RE: Doesn't work on my T3
RE: Doesn't work on my T3
RE: Doesn't work on my T3
RE: Doesn't work on my T3... RTFM
That was then. This is now. Palms aren't simple Stone Age hardware anymore. If you want multimedia and all that jazz, incompatibilities and increased complexity are part of the deal. (Just ask any PPC owner...) Palm users can no longer be clueless, passive zombies that don't have to make any effort to get things working smoothly. From now on, people will have to actually READ THE MANUAL. I wonder if Little Joshy bothered to do that before he deleted the app.
RE: Doesn't work on my T3
then, delete the one on your device and re-install the new one. (the version number is still the same, 1.0, when you download from our website)
Please do let us know what you think, and how we can improve this application as well as bug report at:
Thank you
The Power in Your Palm
RE: Doesn't work on my T3
RE: Doesn't work on my T3
We posted on 3 yahoo groups, the one that I have joined long time ago. Since I am a member of these groups, I decided to ask few members to test it out and to get feedback for this application.
The tests were all great, and we went public on November 12 for full version. (not beta)
We are commited to develop a stable and a very useful application for all Palm OS users.
Please posted any error, comments or suggestion at:
Thank you for trying Receiveit.
The Power in Your Palm
RE: Doesn't work on my T3
RE: Doesn't work on my T3
But crashes shouldn't be. Besides, just because PPC does it poorly doesn't mean that Palm needs to emulate them.
The real reason is that PalmOS is pretty limited. Why do you get good PDF viewers, image viewers, video players, etc. for machines like PPC and the Zaurus? Because those machines have decent file systems, memory management, windowing, multitasking, and all the other things people expect from a modern computer. But Palm stubbornly clings to an outdated and simplistic set of OS abstractions.
RE: Doesn't work on my T3
It reminds me of the first Mac users bitching about how MultiFinder wasn't easy to use. You know what? Grow up! The platform grows. You need to grow with it ... hopefully you will.
Becides, power users like you subconsciencely like to find these bugs and bitch about it. If you didn't care, you wouldn't post. Since you don't code, this is the closest you will get to cutting edge.
Enjoy the game!
RE: Doesn't work on my T3
BTW, I did "read the manual" as you so gently suggested in bold letters. When a new application crashes my handheld over and over, regardless of what action I take after installing and running it, it suggests to me that there are some gross incompatibilties that need to be worked out. My post was to inform others, succinctly, of my lack of success with it. If others had the same problem, they'd know it was a more general issue and not specific to them. It seems the program is working well for you. I'm glad to hear it.
Please remember your manners when posting on these sites. It's tempting for people to type inconsiderate comments into a computer because you aren't standing in front of soemone and looking them in the face. I hope you'll treat others with the same courtesy you'd like to have extended in return.
RE: Doesn't work on my T3
It's tempting for people to type inconsiderate comments into a computer because you aren't standing in front of soemone and looking them in the face.
Joshy, my feces has more character than you'll ever possess. And I would tell you the same thing - and a lot more - in person if you were "standing in front of [me]". Did you ever finish Med II? Didn't think so.
Get an L branded into your forehead to warn people who see you approaching.
RE: Doesn't work on my T3
That's a pathetic excuse. The ability to send around images, movies, and other files is trivial both technologically and from a UI perspective. So is the ability to categorize information into a hierarchical file system, another capability that has been with us for nearly half a century and that the Palm lacks. None of those features are for "power users", they are for anybody who has more than half a dozen data objects.
I like my Palm for its basic functionality: calendaring, addresses, and todo lists. It works better for that than PPC. But I'm under no illusion about Palm's skill as a software development company: they company doesn't know what they are doing, and they are living on borrowed time. PalmOS 6 better be a technological knock-out and the BeOS programmers they hired better bring some basic technical skill to that company, because otherwise even the anything-but-Microsoft folks like myself won't be able to keep Palm afloat much longer.
RE: Doesn't work on my T3
The real reason is that initially Palm didn't have to change anything, because they were selling well as-is. Then Palm finally realized that they would soon have to compete feature for feature with PPC and would need to completely revamp the OS. But until they did that (OS6), they wanted to avoid the headaches associated with supporting users - that often don't even know how to install an app - messing around in their Palms and deleting things they're not supposed to. Palm has limited assets and superior programmer is not one of them. PalmOS 6 is coming out two years too late, but it doesn't really matter, since standalone PDAs are doomed, anyway. The PalmOS Sony Ericsson P1000 is the future.
I like my Palm for its basic functionality: calendaring, addresses, and todo lists. It works better for that than PPC. But I'm under no illusion about Palm's skill as a software development company: they company doesn't know what they are doing, and they are living on borrowed time.
Palm is still living on the good fortune of having produced a very intuitive OS right from the beginning. But they failed to evolve the OS and are scrambling to fix things.
PalmOS 6 better be a technological knock-out
It isn't.
... and the BeOS programmers they hired better bring some basic technical skill to that company,
They didn't.
... because otherwise even the anything-but-Microsoft folks like myself won't be able to keep Palm afloat much longer.
You won't.
But Sony will.
RE: Doesn't work on my T3
Would I tell you that in person, oh yes I will. The hard facts is that newsgroups like this account for less than 1% of the Palm device user base. If you think what I said was rude, you don't know me that well.
In conclusion. You found a what you think is bug, you reported it, it will get fixed. Then you get the updated app and discover it is fixed. Congraduations! This is the edge of new software.
Welcome to the club.
RE: Doesn't work on my T3
The Symbian-based smart-phones are technically better and already out. And they aren't selling.
What is really doomed is PDA software. The notion that a handheld needs to run extra-light software is ridiculous, given that PDA hardware is more powerful than desktop hardware of a few years ago.
In a couple of years, you can expect most PDAs to run XP, OS X, and Linux. Microsoft will phase out WinCE/PPC, and Palm will likely go the way of Be--frantically trying to create a full-featured OS and instead becoming a dumping ground for failed "new" OS ideas.
Palm vs. PPC vs. Symbian vs. ported desktop OS - The RUMBLE
Technically better? Than what? Sony's P900 is the first Symbian phone that might actually get it right. But that's assuming they've fixed all conduit issues, increased software availability and made it easier to develop for the platform. These are a new class of device and haven't even been seriously marketed yet in the U.S.A. (They have more of a presence in Europe and Sony's P800 actually sold close to a million copies, despite it being an expensive phone.) Once prices come down they'll probably do well.
What is really doomed is PDA software. The notion that a handheld needs to run extra-light software is ridiculous, given that PDA hardware is more powerful than desktop hardware of a few years ago.
In a couple of years, you can expect most PDAs to run XP, OS X, and Linux. Microsoft will phase out WinCE/PPC, and Palm will likely go the way of Be--frantically trying to create a full-featured OS and instead becoming a dumping ground for failed "new" OS ideas.
I'd be interested to know if anyone actually makes money off selling Palm software. The prices are low, there's freeware that can do almost everything you could need to do, almost every good commercial app can be cracked in literally five seconds with a piece of software we won't mention here and not many people buy any extra software. Palm Economy? Please. Besides a few companies like Astraware, I doubt it's been worth it selling commercial Palm apps. You're better off buying a copy of PDAToolbox and spewing out a few dozen cr-apps, hoping someone will be dumb enough to send you money for them. Why bother make the effort to develop real apps?
We already are seeing Linux and PPC running on mini laptops.
PDA CPUs will reach 600 MHz next year and it may seem like a no-brainer to simply port the desktop OSes to them, but it's not that simple. Yes, eventually we'll have mini versions of Toshiba's Libretto running Real Windows, but price advantages could keep PalmOS around if they get their act together and market themselves properly. 2004 is the year PalmOS either survives or becomes a dodoOS like Mac is now.
RE: Doesn't work on my T3
Even the P800 runs rings around the Palm in terms of software architecture.
These are a new class of device and haven't even been seriously marketed yet in the U.S.A. (They have more of a presence in Europe and Sony's P800 actually sold close to a million copies, despite it being an expensive phone.)
I don't know whether that's supposed to be a large number or not. What I do know is that looking at phones in Europe, the P800 was always an odd-ball phone in the back of the room that nobody every seemed to ask for. The P800, Treo 600, etc. are all simply too big as phones.
I'd be interested to know if anyone actually makes money off selling Palm software. [...]
What the hell does any of that have to do with what you were responding to?
it may seem like a no-brainer to simply port the desktop OSes to them, but it's not that simple.
Sure, it is that simple. The only thing that needs any significant adaptation is the UI.
Yes, eventually we'll have mini versions of Toshiba's Libretto running Real Windows, but price advantages could keep PalmOS around if they get their act together and market themselves properly.
All the ARM-based Palms and iPaqs have more than enough power to run Linux with a regular Linux GUI environment. In fact, you can already download that from So, no, there is no "price advantage" for sticking with PalmOS.
The only thing Palms have going for them is backwards compatibility with Palm and a set of mature, easy-to-use PIM applications. But that advantage won't last forever--fairly soon, the Linux handhelds are going to get the PIM applications right, and eventually, even Microsoft may catch on.
RE: Doesn't work on my T3
Who said anything about "replicating all desktop functions"? Running a desktop OS (i.e., desktop kernel, desktop libraries, desktop graphics system) doesn't mean that the UI needs to look anything like a desktop. The advantage of running a desktop OS on a handheld is that you can share much more code between desktop and handheld applications. With Palm, almost everything needs to be rewritten for no good reason.
So you think porting desktop Windows to a Palm will be a simple matter?
No, that's not what I wrote (sorry that you seem to have trouble with reading comprehension). What I said was that porting desktop applications to Palm is hard because PalmOS is so different from a desktop OS. It is much easier to create powerful handheld applications when the handheld runs a desktop OS.
The Sharp Zaurus already demonstrates that--even with a tiny developer community and much less time on the market, you can get a lot of heavy-duty software for it that you can't get for Palm at all or that is much more limited in functionality for Palm.
RE: Doesn't work on my T3
Symbian has multitasking, a large memory model, fully native ARM APIs and applications, better windows layout management, POSIX APIs, consistent file system support, and applications that know about the file system. There are also lots of libraries for things like SyncML, SMIL, and other standards. And it has all that now.
PalmOS right now has none of those things, which is what makes its architecture inferior. PalmOS 6 may or may not have some of them, but any application that uses them will have to undergo serious changes in both its architecture and UI.
RE: Doesn't work on my T3
Double Entries when HOT SYNC in Address
RE: Double Entries when HOT SYNC in Address
Awesome software that you will rarely need. But when you do, it repays the registration price immediately.
RE: Double Entries when HOT SYNC in Address
RE: Double Entries when HOT SYNC in Address
Yes, it is one of the Addins. However, I still prefer UnDupe as PDT will still occasionally let duplicates slip through - only last week I had to deal with a couple. I feel more secure by simply running UnDupe every so often. Even an 'Exhaustive' search takes less than a minute, and those few seconds are worth the peace of mind.
The software is reliable, efficient and cheap. I've never had 2000 duplicates, but I have suffered from over 100 a couple of times, and I'm glad I didn't have to delete them one by one!
RE: Double Entries when HOT SYNC in Address
OT: How about a review of Brayder's ROM Crafter? KILLER APP!
RE: OT: How about a review of Brayder's ROM Crafter? KILLER APP!
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Could have used this...
-- Fammy