iambic Releases Agendus 7.0
iambic today unveiled version 7.0 of their popular contact, schedule and communication management software, Agendus for Palm OS. New features include a expanded month view, quick sort and multiple icon sets.
New features include an expanded month view for improved calendar organization; support for multiple icon databases to allow added schedule customization; quick sort and preference options for better data control; and Mapopolis compatibility for creating driving directions right from entries in the contact list.
Additional features in version 7.0 include optimization for the latest handheld models. Support is now in place for landscape screen on Tungsten T3 and Sony Clie UX devices, or d-pad navigation on the Tungsten series and the Treo series.
A free trial version of Agendus 7.0 can be downloaded from the iambic website. The full application is available at an introductory price of $24.95 for the Standard Edition, and $39.95 for the Professional Edition from iambic's web site. A free upgrade to version 7.0 is offered to customers who have purchased Agendus for Palm OS version 6 since October 25, 2003 as well. For customers with earlier versions of Agendus, the upgrade is available for $9.95
Agendus for Palm OS 7.0 is fully integrated with its desktop counterpart, Agendus for Windows, the contact management, scheduling and to do list application that enhances Microsoft Outlook and Palm Desktop. Agendus for Windows is available separately or in bundle with Agendus for Palm OS.
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Wait a few months for the bugs to be worked out...
I do like action names/agendus, just not the hoops and upgrades we must pay to have a stable version. The product is very good, but not until the bugs have been worked out.
RE: Wait a few months for the bugs to be worked out...
I think it is rediculous, that they come out with a 7.0 and charge again for an update! They should have provided this update for free, as 6.xx never worked like it should work.
Will be interested to see whether Iambic is still on the market in a couple of years. I used TimeReporter too, same story, I deleted that program too
RE: Wait a few months for the bugs to be worked out...
RE: Wait a few months for the bugs to be worked out...
In fairness, DateBk is overdue for a major release, but they've been improving thier produce with much less fanfare (translation: less hype).
the VisorMiser
The best argument against democracy is a five-minute conversation with the average voter. -- Sir Winston Churchill
RE: Wait a few months for the bugs to be worked out...
Since the release there are already 48 threads on their discussion forum reporting bugs in 7.0. A lot of them are like "still same bug as in beta!"
RE: Wait a few months for the bugs to be worked out...
RE: Wait a few months for the bugs to be worked out...
Another reason is that the email app in Agendus Pro 7 doesn't even support TT3's large screen. Iambic said that they are working on it for the NEXT MAJOR UPGRADE. That means those who purchased Agendus Pro 7 probably have to pay another $20 or so to get the Agendus email's newer version!
I actually tried to post the complain about this email upgrade thing but it never shows up on their discussion forum. It is more likely that they erase my post that is negative toward their company. This is yet another reason why I dumped Agendus. And I remember what they did to the domain thing from the last year too.
I bought Datebk5 for my TT3 and it works great and I love it not only because of the app itself but it's customer support. I won't buy any apps from Iambic.
Still no multi-timezone support
Iambic slicks up their app, but adds no real new functionality
No Dough
iambic boycott
I don't run Microsoft software either...
RE: iambic boycott
RE: iambic boycott
Iambic's problem seems to be that they work on so many different products. When they did nothing but Action Names, they were great. Now they are bigger and do products for all sorts of crap that nobody wants, and have lost their focus.
Frankly, considering the bugs and the problems they have with slow response to bug reports, imo, they just can't code worth a damn. Some little program like that would have been out the door of a professional shop in about two weeks.
On the Other Hand
me too
RE: On the Other Hand
ActionNames/Agendus has been the best application I have ever run on a Palm. Stable, reliable, functional and benifical.
If you don't want that set of features, don't use it. But quite whining.
Agendus is excellent.
RE: On the Other Hand
Just my .02
RE: On the Other Hand
I think best for everyone is just go to the iambic webpage and look at their own discussion forums.
There you can read about a lot of bugs. And be asured, it's a moderated forum, meaning they can remove all threads that are to worse for them.
Also this forum reflects only the last couple of weeks. I can tell you after 6.0 there were hundreds of threads. And VisorMisor wrote, 7.0 really should be 6.1, but that wouldn't give them the opportunity to charge an upgrade fee.
RE: On the Other Hand
I have checked out the bugs link (above), but found most of the 'bugs' were actually gripes about the way features worked rather than actual failures: rather like reading PIC comments actually :-) I thought the administrator's answers to these complaints were for the most part very reasonable.
I'm no expert, and I'm sure there must be some problems, but all I can say is my experience with Agendus is positive and I have yet to find anything that interferes with the way I use Agendus day-to-day.
RE: On the Other Hand
"..V7 is finished. The thing is that there are so many different devices and behaviours, along with a myriad of feature ideas and requests, that we could have worked on it for another 6 months without ever releasing it.
So we decided to release it and give all users the opportunity to appreciate its features, improvements and support for latest hardware.."
Asking a full price for a product that doesn't support the Palm T3 in some important areas........
I am so disappointed...
Leaving aside the ethical issues of the past (we do have to move past that sooner or later), what really distresses me is that I participated in their open beta program and I'm left with the feeling that the product was rushed out the door before there was time to really address many of the testers concerns or bugs...
I've been on many beta teams for products ranging from shareware to full-blown enterprise-scale commercial applications. I have never seen a beta cycle rushed through so quickly in my life. I've seen minor Service Packs in beta for longer than Agendus was!
In almost every case, I expect that a stable beta version is produced and given to testers to confirm that everything works before the final release (which usually ends up being just a version-number change, and perhaps a few really minor cosmetic bugs). There were maybe three beta builds in a two-week period, and the last beta build (360) was still full of bugs, some of which were quite serious. Four days after the last beta build was sent out, I wake up one morning to discover that they've taken the next build and [I]released[/I] it, without even giving it a QA cycle (beyond what the developers may have tested themselves).
There is no doubt in my mind that the "released" 7.0 product is basically still a beta.
I am not angry so much as I am disappointed. I cannot continue to risk using Agendus knowing that there may still be lurking issues there that won't be addressed until some future "maintenance" release. Therefore, I have now gone back to the built-in apps on my T3, which although they may not be as flashy and functional, they are at least stable and usable.
RE: I am so disappointed...
For me it looks like they are in a big need of money. And to get this they "produce" new upgrades and new upgrades and new upgrades. (Agendus 6.0 in January, 6.1. in June (same time splitting up in "Standard" and "pro" version), 7.0 in ) Without being interested in solving problems. Let's wait and see how long they will be in the market.
T3 owners beware!
So I sent them this e-mail:
Does Agendus use ALL the extra fields on the Tungsten T3, including the
Location field in the calendar, the repeating todos in the the task
database and the birthday and multiple address fields in the contact
database? The web site only mentions the birthday field.
Here's the reply I got from them...
From: iambic Customer Service <customerservice@iambic.com>
Subject: RE: [Other / unlisted] - [Looking for some more info on Agendus 7]
Date: December 11, 2003 8:38:55 PM EST
To: blocked out to stop spammers
No, only the b day fields
Best regards,
Technical Support
iambic Software
*If you respond to this email, please attach all previous messages and
files relating to this issue.
-----Original Message-----
From: blocked to stop spammers
Sent: Thursday, December 11, 2003 9:12 AM
To: iambic Sales
Subject: [Other / unlisted] - [Looking for some more info on Agendus 7]
Does Agendus use ALL the extra fields on the Tungsten T3, including the
Location field in the calendar, the repeating todos in the the task
database and the birthday and multiple address fields in the contact
database? The web site only mentions the birthday field.
RE: T3 owners beware!
Basically, everything in the Contacts side of things is fully supported.
The Location field in the calendar is not supported, and they still use their own proprietary method for supporting repeating Tasks.
I need it
Iambic Agendus
I recently tried Agendus 7 on my T3. Here are my gripes about it (not necessarily bugs, but reasons I will not purchase this product).
1. T3's location field is not supported. When I am in my car, late for a meeting, I need to see the location field so I know where to call. Click on a meeting in agendus and you get an ugly, usless time bar, but you can't see what number to dial into. What good is a PIM if you can't find your meeting locations? I work in a large company, so we have hundreds of lines and conference rooms, and I need that field visible.
I have to laugh that Palm themselves screwed up their own calendar application by making that field disappear when you click on a meeting. What an idiotic problem to have. But Agendus will not display it at all.
2. I used to love the function in Action Names when I completed a todo and it could be logged to the Daily Journal. I use the Franklin-Covey method, and I hate manually writing my journal. In Agendus, the logging is only done to a contact? Why would I need that? When I need to see when I completed some action, I don't need someone's name and address. I need my history file and the date I did it.
3. I just read the story about Iambic's unethical hijacking of Pimlico's name for their URL. That makes them scum, imo.
4. Their forum responses are pretty lame. If you write to Pimlico, you get straight answers. If you write to Iambic, "MonsterCrash" may or may not respond to you, and if they do, it usually is to say "Thanks for the feedback. We will implement this next time." Next time?
I paid for Action Names Datebook - twice. I don't feel I should have to pay for a product that basically looks exactly like it did in 2001.
I'm done with Iambic. They can go to Hell.
What I Would Really Like
One thing I HAVE always missed, however, is AN/Agendus' wonderful Contacts interface, which IMO has no equal. I love the tabs, the different sorting abilities, and the call logging capabilities. I took a look at the beta of 7.0 just ot see what it could do. I was pleased to see that it supports the new fields for contacts, something no one else has seemed to do yet. I would love to see this Contacts part of Agendus as a stand-alone app. While I still have much disdain for Iambic, I can see myself coughing up $10.00 or so for this little feature, which seems to be the part of Agendus with few if any bugs.
Give me the stand-alone app over the whole of Agendus anyday, and maybe you could even call it Action Names again.
Always remember that you are unique. Just like everyone else.
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Pretty slick
Well done! Iambic, colour programs are just what we need for our palms