Two New Palm OS Video Recorders
Two new video capturing programs have been made available for devices that ship with a camera. Developers have now brought a means to capture video clips to the palmOne Treo 600 and Zire 71.
Live! - Treo 600
Live! is a new video capturing application for the Treo 600 from Toysoft that does motion videos with out sound. Video can be recorded to main memory with or without compression and to an external SD card without compression. A movies length is limited to the amount of internal free space available. You can set the recording and play back speed and the number of frames to record. After the video is saved you can export the video to individual JPG files to the external card.
MoveRec - Treo 600
The first Treo 600 movie software MovieRec has been recently updated to v1.04. The freeware application fixes a number of previous bugs and adds functionality. You can now record, playback and manage multiple movie clips, adjust capture rates and settings and export to external storage in the mpeg1 or H.263 format.
Zire 71 Movie Maker
Dmitry Grinberg is the first third party developer to bring video recording to the palmOne Zire 71, with was shipped with a still only camera. The Zire Movie Maker records 160x120 pixel videos. It does not record sound as the Zire 71 does not include a mic. The app lets you control the capture settings and also features a number of video filters. The program requires 2MB of free memory, but the more free space will allow you to record longer clips.
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RE: Video recording with Voice hopefully coming to Treo600 soon!
Dave Haupert
RE: Video recording with Voice hopefully coming to Treo600 soon!
Information for GSM firmware patch can be found at Treocentral.
Someone just posted that the SPrint version exist, but no word when it will be released.
No link to developer site
I resent the way you have provided only one link to the Zire 71 app - to your PalmGear-linked sale page for the app, not to the developer site, as we are used to at PIC.
Is this going to be standard from now on? In which case I need to look for another site to get my palm info from, because this is certainly not acceptable.
Atul Chitnis
RE: No link to developer site
RE: No link to developer site
Visor Deluxe > iPod > Clie SJ33 > Zire 71 > ?
RE: No link to developer site
In this case, I actually intentionally left out a link to Dmitry's site ( because it has been down for over a day at the time of publication, and coincidentally still is.
RE: No link to developer site
RE: No link to developer site
I appreciate the explanation, but can we also have some accompanying policy about this? No one here will want to hurt PIC by denying it revenue if one wants to buy something, but as has been pointed out earlier, a clearly marked "buy" link would be much more in line with the policies and positioning of PIC. Mark the button "Want to buy AND support PIC?", and watch the goodwill flow.
One more thing that you can do is to add a "add to wishlist" feature that basically just tracks the app for later purchase, if so desired, with a link back to the original PIC article. That way, a user, once s/he decides to buy the app, could easily come back to PIC and do so, instead of going elsewhere and hunting for it.
However, I am quite firm about articles themselves not trying to be "flypaper" - that would violate the very thing we so enjoy about PIC.
Even of the original link was not reachable, you could just make a note there (link may not be reachable at this time) - if it becomes available later, subsequent readers would still be able to go to the site.
Atul Chitnis
RE: No link to developer site
Atul Chitnis
Not impressing.
RE: Not impressing.
DVD?? for sure SUCH a LONG way
"PDA's have a long way to go before we'll see usable video, or better yet DVD quality video. "
Man, for sure there's a long way. Say, like we still need DVD sized CCD resolutions, and up-to-the-task optics, and good bandwidth, and some encoding/decoding hardware. And some nasty quantity of fast memory. And then firewire, I guess.
But, hey, THEN TV studios will be able to trash their cameras and just buy PDAs for their reporters.
Well, at least you didn't asked for 7.1 sound. Whew. :P
(what about an iMax camera? well, let's leave that for a SDIO card... XD )
I'm sure that "things will progress quickly", but... are you sure you want a PDA??
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Video recording with Voice hopefully coming to Treo600 soon!
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