Upcoming SnapperMail 2.0 Details
Snapperfish today announced details of its upcoming release of SnapperMail version 2. The company expects to launch 2.0 in early May and has posted screenshots and new details about the upcoming release.
With 2.0, the SnapperMail product line expands with a new offering called Enterprise Edition aimed at meeting the email demands of high end professionals and enterprises. Enterprise Edition includes IMAP capability with the ability to sync mail from any number of remote subfolders and is compatible with Exchange, Notes, and Groupwise.
Premier and Enterprise Editions gain the ability to archive up to years of mail messages on external memory cards. Beyond IMAP support and memory card storage, SnapperMail 2.0 includes many additional improvements including:
- A facelifted and improved user interface
- Special non-standard font sizes for improved readability
- Expanding folder trees per account
- Discontinuous message selection
- Enhanced attachments, including attachment support for the Treo 600 camera.
- Automatic and manual bulk delete
SnapperMail 2.0 [Buy] will be priced from $29.95 to $59.95 depending on the edition. Reduced upgrade/crossgrade pricing is available. Due to customer requests, the company has tentatively allowed Enterprise Edition to be pre-purchased as Premier Edition 1.9 with a free upgrade to 2.0 when it is released.
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RE: pricey
But IMAP is really the one thing I can't live without right now. I've tried other email clients that offer IMAP but they pale in the usability aspect when compared to SM. Especially if you use a Treo 600 like I do. SM is a perfect client for the smartphone.
I guess I'll just have to wait a few months and save up more money. :(
RE: pricey
RE: pricey
Main PDA: NX70v + WL100
Gouging customers!! :(
I support http://Tapland.com/
RE: pricey
Then again, I could be wrong.
RE: pricey
RE: pricey
Not that I'll ever need 32,000 folders and 4Gig of card storage ;)
RE: pricey
$30. is drinking money for a night out....no biggie compared to the benefit.
RE: pricey
HUH? You can do that right now with the current version snappermail! Just move the pics to the card and upload from there. Or just use the FREE HS Mail client that can attach images direct from ram in the Treo Pic library. You certainly don't need version 2 to do this...
I support http://Tapland.com/
RE: pricey
YEP WAY WAY TO MUCH for upgrade purposes. WILL's prices show very little or no respect for existing customers.
Snapperfish also seem happy to just state that they are supporting the corporate market, with their pricing. WOW, that comment will be shure to loose a hell of a lot of customers, but hey if they only depend on the corporate clients, they shouldn't be affected to much by a mass exodus of private users.
I feel we need to pass the word around the PALM OS community, that SanpperMail are apparently now focusing on the corporate market, and if you are a Palm hobbyist, as well as a serious power user, DONT GET SUCKED IN BY SNAPPERMAIL. You need to realise that they are not good on their promises to the PALM OS private comunity
The new "[Buy]" link
RE: The new
NX80v + Wifi + BT + T616
RE: The new
This is a good thing.
In a previous news post I had stated that I didn't like ONLY links to Palmgear. This article has both links and I said well done. I don't see how this is a complaint at all.
Think before you respond next time.
RE: The new
Maybe if you had typed slower, abosco would've understood what you meant.
RE: The new
I was the guy who had originally complained about the "only link to buy" thing a while back, and this implementation (link to developer site, as well as clearly labelled purchase link) is very well done, and in fact very useful as well.
Atul Chitnis
No benefit to me
RE: No benefit to me
"This free trial includes SSL support which is found in the Premier Edition of SnapperMail. It will expire after 30 days. If you purchase SnapperMail you'll get access to a different downloadable version that accepts an unlock code. Unlock codes are sent via email, please wait up to 36 hours for unlock codes to arrive."
RE: No benefit to me
Buy or pass ??
- Solo
RE: Buy or pass ??
I payed $60 for it ($50 + 20% VAT) and now I have to spent another $30 ($25+20% VAT) and I wont even get IMAP support ? what a joke. If I kwow this I would moved on and have bought mark/space mail 2 which does support SSL & filtering. the GUI is not that much clean but in the end I'd save hefty $50 ...
plus snappermail still doesn't have filtering implemented!
RE: Buy or pass ??
As much as I like Snapper, is there a client out there that does filtering?
RE: Buy or pass ??
but on the other had it supports SSL and costs only $30
480x320 support?
RE: 480x320 support?
skip it and use versamail
ATTN Will Lau: You've just alienated your 5 biggest fanboys
P.S. You should have sold yourself to Palm last year. They're cleaning up their email app as we speak and will soon be releasing a version that will bite you in the @ss. Seriously.
Hope you keep developing your great app, though. Good luck.
It's just too big.
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paying $30 for upgrading from Snappermail 1.0 premier to 2.0 premier is pretty much :-/