Four New Additions to the App Catalog
Coinciding with the Palm Pre's North North American launch, four new apps have been added to the official. on-device webOS App Catalog. Yelp is a local business guide, Yahtzee (demo) is a webOS version of the classic game, Tetris Mania (also a demo) needs little explanation, and The Canadian Press Mobile is a driving simulator wherein you pilot an automoblie full of journalists.
Um. Wait. Actually, turns out it's a news app. It's interesting to note that gaming mega-colossus Electronic Arts are the publishers of Tetris Mania; seems the titans of virtual sports are dipping their corporate toes in Palm's waters. Let's hope they find a warm spot. (And let's abandon this analogy right now before it gets any more dubious.)
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RE: Tetris is a 30 Sec Demo
RE: Tetris is a 30 Sec Demo
abosco wrote:
You're right. It definitely sounds like those 30 seconds of Tetris are way better than the iPhone's TomTom app.
And Sprint Navigation beats the tar out of a fart app on the iPhone, so what's your point again?
RE: Tetris is a 30 Sec Demo
With these 4, what's the grand total? Has it broken 100 yet?
RE: Tetris is a 30 Sec Demo
Let's be honest. People who like the Pre better are so because it is essentially an iPhone clone without the Apple branding. Just call it like it is.
RE: Tetris is a 30 Sec Demo
RE: Tetris is a 30 Sec Demo
Let's be honest. People who like the Pre better are so because it is essentially an iPhone clone without the Apple branding.
Speaking for myself, I'd be lying if I didn't admit that's a big part of it for me. But the real keyboard, removable battery, and open Linux (not to mention avoiding iTunes at all costs) are also very important.
Plus, I just plain like Palm. It's partly the underdog thing, but it's also in their UI design. webOS looks to have transplanted some of the best aspects of Palm OS into a very spunky new package.
RE: Tetris is a 30 Sec Demo
>avoiding iTunes at all costs) are also very important.
Wait Freak, you do mean a physical keyboard, correct? The iphone also has a "real" keyboard - the keys just happen to be virtual.
As for "open" Linux - both it and the iphone OS are based upon unix...
>Plus, I just plain like Palm.
No doubt about that - with all of the excuses you make for them.
>It's partly the underdog thing,
That is *the* *most* *important* factor when deciding upon a cell phone - LMAO!!!!
>it's also in their UI design.
Which was *strongly* *inspired* (i.e. ripped off) from Apple.
>webOS looks to have transplanted some of the best aspects of Palm OS
>into a very spunky new package.
Which aspects would those be freak? Please elaborate.
While you're at it, also note webos seems to have it's own unique set of issues (sluggish performance, lack of compiled applications, underdeveloped feature set).
RE: Tetris is a 30 Sec Demo
Scrollin' scrollin' scrollin'...
RE: Tetris is a 30 Sec Demo
I do find it incredibly amusing that you've been programmed to believe that Palm cloned Apple. The iPhone was not created in a vacuum itself, you know...
RE: Tetris is a 30 Sec Demo
Remember the Newton MessagePad?
It was released in 1993 and pre-dated the Palm Pilot by three years.
RE: Tetris is a 30 Sec Demo
RE: Tetris is a 30 Sec Demo
As usual, I give you far too much credit.
The point, troll-bot, is that nothing is created in a vacuum. All human invention is built on the back of previous human invention. You take what works, you improve on it, you maybe bolt on some new bells and whistles. As much as you'd like to believe it, Apple did not invent the entire category of handheld computers. Here's some educational reading for you:
But even Casio's effort in 1983 was clearly influenced by concepts that had been introduced decades earlier in science fiction. Shit, Captain Kirk was signing off orders on portable tablets (generally presented by a hot yeoman) in the 1960's.
RE: Tetris is a 30 Sec Demo
I never said the Palm cloned Apple - pull your head out of your ass and read what I actually wrote, not what you would like to believe I wrote.
I wrote that they directly influenced Palm.
Apple released a PDA (and coined the actual phrase) in 1993 - Palm followed in 1996.
Even though Palm was a market leader, they stagnated for over ten years.
You are such a moron.
Let me ask you to elaborate on *your* statement again: what aspects of Palm OS were ported over to the Pre's webos?
You can't elaborate because you don't have an answer.
RE: Tetris is a 30 Sec Demo
The wave launcher is the most obvious example, transplanting the concept of one-button access to common applications to the new touch-gesture paradigm (which, yes, Apple pioneered). There's the quick-access drop-down settings menu up in the corner of every app. There's Universal Search, a clear descendant of the Palm OS Find and the Treo's find-as-you-type Contacts solution. There's Synergy, which has taken Palm's traditional strength - PIM - and revamped it for the 21st century, where people keep their data in different places all over the cloud.
I wrote that they directly influenced Palm.
No. You said:
which was *strongly* *inspired* (i.e. ripped off) from Apple....then proceeded to imply that the Newton was the sole influence for the Palm Pilot, which it was not.
As your programming dictates, your obvious intent is turning what could be an interesting discussion of what individuals are looking for in a mobile device into a partisan pissing contest.
RE: Tetris is a 30 Sec Demo
Two years ago, there were no apps for iPhone, while the Treo could "literally" fly an airplane.
If you are into IT, Palm deserves your loyalty.
RE: Tetris is a 30 Sec Demo
If you are into IT, Palm deserves your loyalty.
Is there a reason for that? Because Blackberry has the largest installed userbase of enterprise workers, Windows Mobile has been supporting enterprise workers for the longest, and the iPhone is the fastest growing smartphone in the enterprise environment.
Why Palm over any of those three for business? That just doesn't make sense to me.
RE: Tetris is blocktastic
one money quote of many (prepare for spam-dump!):
In all, Palm put as much effort into making the webOS a first-rate messaging experience as Apple did into making the iPhone a first-rate media experience, and with just as much success. So if most of your communication consists of Twitter, email, SMS, and IM with the people in your Facebook network and/or Gmail contacts list, then the Pre will do for your personal messaging what your work BlackBerry does for your business messaging. Furthermore, I'm sure that email, SMS, Twitter, and IM aren't the end of it—I expect that things like Facebook updates will shortly be added to the list of notifications that can be pushed to you on the device. In short, if it's an update or message that comes from a network service, it's likely that the webOS's Synergy component will support it eventually.And, of course, Exchange- and Domino-based instant message integration is no doubt in the works as well. This will be necessary if Palm is to make headway in the enterprise....
.....Palm Profiles: ...tomorrow the enterprise
One of the most underhyped yet important features of the Pre is its support for over-the-air backup/restore using Palm's Profiles service. Like so many other Pre reviewers, my first review unit broke (the middle column of the keyboard stopped working). When Palm sent me a new unit, I used a built-in app to completely wipe the old one, and I did most of the setup on the new one by simply entering my Palm Profiles credentials. (Note that Palm doesn't offer OTA wipes yet, but this would be a trivial tweak of what it already has. It does indeed have remote wipe already.) Once the new Pre authenticated me with Palm, it downloaded my apps, account information, and preferences, and after a reboot I was IMing and emailing again without having to reenter any of my data.
Note that if you log into Palm Profiles online, there isn't much there. Palm has left this section pretty bare-bones, and I suspect that this is for a reason. It doesn't take a lot of imagination to see that Palm can easily release an enterprise profile management server that would let corporate IT departments create and manage profiles for a mobile workforce. It might even just tie everything to your Exchange credentials, instead of having you make an extra set of mobile device credentials.
It's likely that a future webOS enterprise scenario will look something like this:
When you're hired, you're issued a new or wiped Palm device along with log-in credentials for a corporate profile. On booting the device for the first time, you enter your credentials, and the device connects to the profile server and pulls down all of the apps and preferences that you've been assigned by IT. Your e-mail, IM, custom internal apps (CRM and the like), are all set up and ready to go as a result of that one initial log-in. And if you need access to more apps, you go to a private version of the App Catalog that has been customized for your company.
If you lose the device, IT can remote-wipe it and issue you a new one. Your profile, which has been backed up over-the-air, is still intact, and after logging into the profile server with your new device all your data is there.
RE: Tetris is a 30 Sec Demo
Screw convergence
Palm III->Visor Deluxe->Visor Platinum->Visor Prism->Tungsten E->Palm LifeDrive->Palm TX->Palm Pre
Visor Pro+VisorPhone->Treo 180g->Treo 270->Treo 600->Treo 680->T-Mobile G1->Palm Pre
RE: Tetris is a 30 Sec Demo
>There's the quick-access drop-down settings menu up in the corner of
>every app.
I agree; that's something that they did migrate over from POS - hardly innovative.
>There's Universal Search, a clear descendant of the Palm OS Find
Which is a clear descendant on the Newton's search facilities...
>Treo's find-as-you-type Contacts solution.
hahaha...I had "find as you type" 20 years ago in emacs!
>then proceeded to imply that the Newton was the sole influence for the
>Palm Pilot, which it was not.
No; that's what you read into what I wrote. I never said it was the sole influence...a direct influence - yes. The sole influence - not at all.
>Palm has dedicated all of its efforts to solely develop and serve the
>PDA/smart-phone market for well over a decade.
It has also languished for several years...that's why blackberry and iphone are kicking their ass.
>Two years ago, there were no apps for iPhone, while the Treo could
>"literally" fly an airplane.
LOL!!! Now you can drop a Treo in the trash.
>If you are into IT, Palm deserves your loyalty.
If you are into IT, you go for the best technology.
RE: jca666us is a 30 IQ-point troll
As your programming dictates, your obvious intent is turning what could be an interesting discussion of what individuals are looking for in a mobile device into a partisan pissing contest.
True yesterday. Still true today!
App store
I'm so glad i switched to windows mobile
RE: I'm so glad i switched to windows mobile
(Cue flamewar)
RE: I'm so glad i switched to windows mobile
cstamper wrote:
Anything is better than WinMob, almost even PalmOS.
Correction: PalmOS is better than WinMob. "Almost even" is incorrect. :-)
Hey Palm! Where's my PDA with Wifi and phone capabilities?
RE: I'm so glad i switched to windows mobile
All of that said, it was with a small feeling of relief that I packed it back into the box to go back to Palm. Sure, it's powerful. But it was lacking that most crucial element of all: fun. Me, I'll be sticking with Palm OS.
(--crosses fingers--We're like this, we are.)
Demos are too short
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Tetris is a 30 Sec Demo
What a JOKE! At least give 3 Minutes to try it at all. Save your download time for something else, its an insult to all of us that are waiting months for the tiny trickle of apps available for the Pre. They wonder why so many people are rooting the Pre to put 100's of apps available right now on it.
Very Disappointed in the route this has taken. I do Still LOVE this Phone, and its much better then the iPhone any day.