Six New webOS Apps Added to the Catalog
Palm has just updated the webOS App Catalog with six new applications. Three of the new apps are utilities: Mileage Monitor by Foxtail Software (automobile millage and maintenance utility), Rusty Brick's Shabbat Shalom (a Shabbos timetable), Kosher2Go by Rocketouch (kosher food database). While the other three are casual games: ESPN Zoom by EpicTilt (photo puzzle game), Bubbles! from (bubble popping game) and Word Ace by Self Aware Games (multiplayer word creation game).
All of the applications are free or ad supported titles. They can all be downloaded now from the on-device Palm App Catalog.
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41 apps total and finally some good games
RE: 41 apps total and finally some good games
If people only knew that the Pre can run such revolutionary games, everyone would be throwing their iPhones into the nearest river and buying Pre's!
These two apps will be forever remembered as the two that revolutionized mobile gaming.
Latest Comments
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That's a good sign