NinerPad Released for Palm OS
NinerPad is a new note taking, task, project tracking and sketch pad application for Palm OS devices. It allows you to create notes on your device in your own handwriting. You can create folders and groups, apply tags, search and set reminder actions for each note. The app gives you a nearly unlimited size canvas. You can also export your notes for sharing or integration with other applications.
NinerPad v1.0R1 for Palm OS is available now from Niner Productions. The trial version is essentially a free lite version of the app without nags or an expiration. Registering the full version for $11.00 unlocks additional features such as the .gif export and mulitple workspaces.
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RE: NinerPad
The last known classic PDA user.
I've recently upgraded from a Palm TX to a Newton MP2000!
RE: NinerPad
RE: NinerPad
RE: NinerPad
The interface is nice and if there are continued updates that make it work better with the TX I will probably buy it.
On a side note, it really pisses me off that Palm used such a cheap digitizer in the TX. On top of that we are stuck with Graffiti 2 which also stinks. I've used the Graffiti 2 for nearly 3 years now and I still have so many blasted mistakes with it. For the love of input Palm, please add a handwriting recognition like the Newton HWR or Microsoft Transcriber into your alleged new OS Nova. If Apple could do it 15 years ago then surely someone at Palm could come up with something.
The last known classic PDA user.
I've recently upgraded from a Palm TX to a Newton MP2000!
RE: NinerPad
About your text input problem, it's a mistake on my part (too much testing on the Palm simulator and not enough in situ). That users don't always have a computer keyboard connected to their PDA must have skipped my mind... hem. I will release a short fix for that (as well as for a couple of TX landscape support related problems) shortly, say in less than 10 days.
PS: handwriting recognition... Apple is apparently quite a bit behind Microsoft in this matter and I recall seeing a post of theirs to that effect not so long ago; they may be looking for experts.
PPS: I had a 3rd generation Newton and was quite satisfied with its handwriting recognition accuracy (really). But it was a cumbersome beast - that may have been why I had begun wearing cargo pants at the time - and, no matter how much "we" tried, it eventually became apparent that our lifestyle requirements were incompatible. We parted ways after 2 years and I soon settled for a lowly Palm III. My Newton was "green with envy", poor thing. :|
RE: NinerPad
As for Microsoft being ahead of Apple in HWR recognition I guess that is to be excepted since Microsoft bought the technology from Apple and Steve Jobs killed off their PDA line. I must say that if I plan to do much note-taking I will whip out the Tungsten T instead of the TX and use graffiti 1. If I am at my desk however, I will pull out the Newton MP2000. Writing on the Newton is simply the closest to pen and paper minus the pen and paper I have ever used. Microsoft Transcriber is close but the ease of use of the Newton is even better. If Apple came out with a more Newtonish device (Yes that would be with a stylus Steve) then I would switch platforms in a second. Pecking of little keyboards just is not the same as writing naturally and having it become a document in front of your eyes.
You have peeked my interest however in your statement about Microsoft. What exactly is Microsoft using this HWR recognition in If it has advanced this much ahead of the Newton. I have used the PocketPC (2000) version of Transcriber and like I said it is nice but still not as nice as the Newton. I have not used any of the newer PocketPC or Microsoft Mobile products so maybe a newer version on a device like the HP PDA's would be better?
Since the PDA is dead (supposedly) I guess maybe it's even a moot point. More people apparently enjoy the pecking of little keyboards to writing.
The last known classic PDA user.
I've recently upgraded from a Palm TX to a Newton MP2000!
RE: NinerPad
The last known classic PDA user.
I've recently upgraded from a Palm TX to a Newton MP2000!
RE: NinerPad
You might want to re-download and install ninerpad 1.0R1 available from Though I have not yet fixed the landscape mode support for the TX (still boinky, display wise), I put in place the fix for automatic expansion of the dynamic input area when you are either tagging, filing, searching, or setting reminder actions for notes. Sorry for the previous omission.
When I said that Microsoft was ahead of Apple in the HWR dept., I meant "insofar as currently officially supported Apple hardware is concerned, and based on the little reading that I have done on this". A friend showed me his tablet PC and how he uses Microsoft Notes to keep track of retake calls on animation work. A lot of writing goes on at these times and Windows+Notes seems competent HWR wise, at least as much as what I was accustomed to on my Newton. Though his setup seems powerful however, it does not give off that "back of the napkin" vibe that the Newton did, and I miss that the most.
RE: NinerPad
The last known classic PDA user.
I've recently upgraded from a Palm TX to a Newton MP2000!
RE: NinerPad
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I am the author of NinerPad and want to point out that the search feature is actually part of the free version. The registered version adds GIF export, multiple workspaces, saved searches and folder shortcuts.