4cast Weather Browser Updated
ShSh software has released a new version of its popular 4cast weather browser for Palm OS. 4cast downloads weather information from the Internet and displays it in a nice palm native interface. It supports 5-day forecasts for multiple cities, weather maps and alerts. 4cast can also be used as a plugin for 2day, DateBk6 and ZLauncher. This update includes support the new yahoo weather format, enhanced skinning support (now compatible with TAKEphONE skins) and other miscellaneous improvements and fixes.
4cast v1.90 for Palm OS is available now with a free trial period. It costs $9.95 to register the full version.
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RE: Am I the only one who wants radar???
RE: Am I the only one who wants radar???
If I understand your comment on maps/sat. images correctly, then 4cast can do this - press 'M' from the main screen (or menu+M), and you will be taken to a screen detailing the various maps/images offered by the Yahoo website, and also be able to add two of your own custom URLs for maps.
Only limitation currently is those has to be JPG image maps. I am considering adding GIF options later on.
Regarding advantages over checking weather on your browser:
- Auto-updates on scheduled intervals (so your forecast is ready when you want it).
- Easier viewing of the information.
- PLugin into other apps such as 2day, DateBk6, ZLauncher, Initiate, etc.
Note: I am the developer of 4cast, so I may be biased...
Shimon Shnitzer
- Telephony & Communication development
on the Windows & Palm OS platforms.
- Maker of TAKEphONE & 2day:
"Take telephony into your Palm"
Web: http://www.shsh.com
A new version posted
Just updated the release to 1.90 (016) -
Got lots of complaints about using an installer, so now the PRC file is the actual application (no installer used).
Was using the installer to make sure the pnoJpegLib.prc file is installed together with the application file (for JPG display - wallpapers & map images). Now it's up to the user to install it (if it's not already there).
The pnoJpegLib.prc file is available within the 4cast ZIP file, or here:
Shimon Shnitzer
- Telephony & Communication development
on the Windows & Palm OS platforms.
- Maker of TAKEphONE & 2day:
"Take telephony into your Palm"
Web: http://www.shsh.com
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Am I the only one who wants radar???
What's the point of being up-to-date on the weather if you can't get any images. And, since you *can* get images via Blazer via any number of web sites, what's the point of having a static weather feed on the Treo? Are you going to forget what the day's weather is?
Maybe I'm missing something, but could somebody please explain why stuff like this is preferrable to just going onto Weatherbug or Weather Channel or any of a number of weather sites customized for mobile viewing?