Resco Explorer 2008 Released
Resco has released an all new version of Resco Explorer for Palm OS devices. Explorer is a powerful and feature rich file system browser, image viewer, launcher, zipper, backup utility and FTP/LAN browser with an impressive range of features and customizable options. The new 2008 version includes many GUI improvements including smooth scrolling and an improved search dialogue, bluetooth browsing and FTP support, an improved audio player with network streaming support, new general options and a secure storage area that will allow you to encrypt files and folders of your data in a secured area. You can view the full list of updates here.
Resco Explorer 2008 v4.01.4 is available now for $29.95. It includes a free trial version and supports most Palm OS 5 and above devices.
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RE: Great App - Love the FTP
Love Resco Apps, they are some of the best in my opinion.
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RE: Great App - Love the FTP
Still tend to use freeware FileProg for most file movement and such, as the Resco Explorer icons and layout are a bit larger than I''d like. Update from last year''s version are a whopping $15, though if you bought it within last 364 days they apparently give you update code without add''l fees. Hope I get more use out of it this year...
**Another vote for a >100MB RAM Treo**
animated GIF??
it seems that it can't view animated GIFs, or is it just me??
i am currently using FileZ and Resco Photo Viewer, so i was thinking it would be better to consolidate these features.
the other advanced features are nice, though i won't be using them as extensively as compared to the file manager and image viewer.
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Great App - Love the FTP
the FTP is awesome. i''m storing critical files on my ISP''s server - not on my SD card. i then use this app to FTP them back/forth as needed from my treo. and i can access/edit those same files from my treo or any PC in the world. SO, i deal with ONE ORIGINAL copy of each file - regardless if i use treo or pc. this beats syncing two copies back and forth.