4GB SD Card Announced
ATP, a Taiwan memory manufacturer, has announced a new ProMax SD card line that will come in capacities of up to 2GB initially, with a 4GB card planned.
The new cards will Conform to the latest SD v1.1 system specification. They are rated at fast 133X transfer rates (up to read 20MB/s and 18MB/s write). Devices will have to use the SD 1.1 standard in order to operate with the 4GB version, which no Palm OS device yet supports.
The company plans to have the cards ready by the fouth quarter this year. ATP has not announced pricing.
Current Prices on 4GB SD Cards | Memory cards on sale
Thanks to Pat Horne for the tip.
Article Comments
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RE: 4GB of space?
RE: 4GB of space?
> Whoa. The Lifedrive is already obsolete...
Not yet.
Ryan on Thursday, June 02, 2005 12:59:58 PM wrote:
> 4GB SD Card Announced
> ATP, a Taiwan memory manufacturer, has announced a new ProMax SD
> card line that will come in capacities of up to 2GB initially,
> with a 4GB card planned.
So when we will see these 4GB cards is unknown.
RE: 4GB of space?
RE: Hard Drive vs. 4GB SD Card
RE: Hard Drive vs. 4GB SD Card
Seriously, I'm still waiting on those USB/SD card combos from Sandisk - they look like they could be handy in emergencies.
RE: Hard Drive vs. 4GB SD Card
I *would* like to be able to use my Palm as a USB portable drive, though.... :)
Pilot Pro -> III -> IIIe -> Nino (yeah...oops!) -> IIIc -> VIIx -> m505 -> NR70V -> NZ90 -> NX60 -> T3 -> Zire 72s
RE: Hard Drive vs. 4GB SD Card
Exactly! In addition, you have 128mb of RAM, not 64 'reserved' on the hard drive, a nice screen, and a vibrating alarm :) What a shame this came out over 1.5 years ago ;)
All good things...
RE: Hard Drive vs. 4GB SD Card
Pat Horne; www.churchoflivingfaith.com
RE: Hard Drive vs. 4GB SD Card
Reverend - you know as well as we do that it WILL be done - and be done a lot cheaper than that. As the SD Card technology continues to mature, economies of scale/competition kick in, these will get larger and larger and cheaper and cheaper.
I'd rather have a device with 64MB of *REAL* RAM and a 1GB Card than 10GB of NVFS/HD/NAND.
RE: Hard Drive vs. 4GB SD Card
But then so will HD's. Until 3D optical storage, and nano-cluster storage make their debut (outside of the lab) I don't see flash taking the stage from HD's just yet. Scale it up, and M-Systems 3.5" SCSI Flash HD in 90Gig flavor MSRP'd at $90,000 last year. This years 176GB model hasn't had it's price announced yet.
It's *because* everyone says, "why would I had a hard drive when I can get the same amount of storage in a flash card?", that HD's will stay on the near side of cheap, comparitively.
But yes, there is a day coming when HD's will go the way of the 8-track. But for today, there's the LifeDrive.
But PalmOne, come-on, put more cache in it, and extend the "RAM" partition to 128Gigs. At least the latter costs you nothing to compete with the box side-panel specs of a Windows Mobile device.
"I'd rather have a device with 64MB of *REAL* RAM and a 1GB Card than 10GB of NVFS/HD/NAND."
Choice is a good thing. Pick up a Zodiac while you can...
RE: Hard Drive vs. 4GB SD Card
But I also have a 20GB pocket HD. And 50+ CD-Rs from offloaded files! (You can do the math.)
LD2 needs a 20GB HD.
RE: Hard Drive vs. 4GB SD Card
RE: Hard Drive vs. 4GB SD Card
RE: Hard Drive vs. 4GB SD Card
MikeCon - what in the hell kind of data are you storing on all of this? It seems to me that your entire operation is little more than a solitary man in a messy apartment which may or may not contain a chicken.
RE: Hard Drive vs. 4GB SD Card
The Zodiac includes a copy of WordSmith, so that's not a worry.
RE: Hard Drive vs. 4GB SD Card
Obviously, anyone would rather have the SD card. And most would pick the Ferrari.
So why isn't everyone driving a Ferrari? Hmm...
RE: Hard Drive vs. 4GB SD Card
Insurance rates?
Sony CLIE UX100: 128 MB real RAM, OLED screen. All the PDA anyone really ever wanted.
The Palm Economy = Communism™
The Great Palm Swindle: http://www.palminfocenter.com/comment_view.asp?ID=7864#108038
RE: Hard Drive vs. 4GB SD Card
P2P is veddy veddy good to me.
I found the chicken dead this morning. There was some white starchy matter leaking from its, uh, drain. CSI is doing a swab. DNA is expected to match that known chickenhawk, VoR.
There is NEVER *enough* storage
-- well, this would be a start.
RE: Hard Drive vs. 4GB SD Card
How Fast?
RE: How Fast?
First question: Is that throughput 4-wire or SPI mode? Every PalmOS spec sheet I've seen shows only 2 of the 4 data lines in the SD slot connected.
VFS benchmarks fall short of the current card throughput, nevermind scorcher like this.
Still, good for ATP, just not real useful for us.
Now if that card has a USB2.0 tab on the side ala Sandisk, that'd be something...
RE: How Fast?
RE: How Fast?
> Does increased speed mean increased voltage draw too?
As a general rule-of-thumb, with digital-electronics, with increased speed comes an increased power requirement. Sometimes as bad as a square relationship; if one doubles the speed, one requires four times the power.
Since power is voltage times current (P = I V) and usually one holds the voltage constant, to increase the speed will call for increased current.
Will it work in a Palm
RE: Will it work in a Palm
"I'm not a cool person in real life, but I play one on the Internet".
RE: Will it work in a Palm
Due to the new fat32 driver Palm OS can address 4GB easily (as seen in the lifedrive). Older Palm devices do not have this capability natively, but there is an unofficial patch around which people can try and install.
RE: Will it work in a Palm
RE: Will it work in a Palm
RE: Will it work in a Palm
I'd be very curious to know more of the 'unofficial patch' that Surur refers to. I've had a Tungsten T3 for some time; bought a 2 GB SD card; and only then found that, due to FAT vs fat32, my T|T3 couldn't use the card.
This (a work-around that worked for some people) can be easily found with web searches:
But, alas, while it may work on other models, does not work on a T|T3.
I take it most of you have missed this part
RE: I take it most of you have missed this part
RE: I take it most of you have missed this part
This is the internet. We move at a faster pace. Tomorrow we will start complaining that you haven't yet produced an *8GB* card...
The file size limit
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4GB of space?
How about just moving to 128MB RAM and dual-slot SD/SDIO as a standard now, Palm?