PalmInfocenter Father's Day Treo 650 Giveaway
Scratching your head over what to give Dad for Father's Day? PalmInfocenter is giving away a chance to win a free Treo 650 Smartphone from palmOne. To enter send in your Best Dad stories, and our judges will choose the best story and will ship a Treo 650 out to them in time for Father's Day.
Best Dad Award
Is your father or significant other worthy of the title? If so, then we want to help celebrate Father's Day by giving away a Treo 650 smartphone from palmOne. Please post brief stories as to why your dad, or your significant other who is a dad, deserves a Treo 650.
How to Enter
The contest entry form is located here. Entries are limited to one per person and is open to the persons residing in the US only. The contest ends on 12pm PST, Thursday June 16th. The user with the best story will be chosen and notified on June 17th.
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Can I enter? I will pay for shipping to Australia if I win.
I guess not....but all the Palm comps only ever seem to be in the US and not open for the rest of us.
I'll go sulk by myself now. ;)
Jeepers, the notion of "country" is so old-fashioned. It's mainly an excuse for people (men) to go to war.
It doesn't take a lot of thought to figure out why Palm has to limit where the contest applies. Unless they're willing to spend $10,000 on lawyer fees making sure they're in compliance with arcane contest rules in every country from Afganistan to Zimbabwe, then it's best to limit who can enter. Even if Palm opened it up to the 10 or 20 countries that buy 99% of its products, no doubt some dumba$$ posting from an Afganistan cave would post here biotching that Palm is discriminating against goat lovers. Go figure.
Sony CLIE UX100: 128 MB real RAM, OLED screen. All the PDA anyone really ever wanted.
The Palm Economy = Communism™
The Great Palm Swindle:
RE: Father's Day Giveaway
RE: Father's Day Giveaway
Thanks to everyone for participating!
RE: Father's Day Giveaway
RE: Father's Day Giveaway
RE: Father's Day Giveaway
RE: Father's Day Giveaway
Her card to me for Father's day said" Sorry I couldn't win you a new gadget. :-(
Still Checking her emails :-) Wouldn't mind seeing what's posted. Kinda curious to see what she said about me!
RE: Father's Day Giveaway
RE: Father's Day Giveaway
RE: Father's Day Giveaway
RE: Father's Day Giveaway
Life......It's all about the Hole......
RE: Father's Day Giveaway
I'm still waiting for the mythical "color HandEra."
RE: Father's Day Giveaway
you mean to tell me that some guy who wrote about wanting to stuff a treo 650 down his father's ??? won the treo 650?
this was a father's day giveaway? are you serious?
Life......It's all about the Hole......
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GJ Ryan
The world will end in 2006. Just as it was predicted in the bible along with the release of Microsoft Longhorn.... :p