PalmInfocenter Launches New Software Store
PalmInfocenter and MobiHand have teamed up to offer a new PalmInfocenter Palm OS software store. The store offers thousands of applications as well as a mobile version for wireless downloads. To celebrate the launch, all software in the store is available for 20% off the regular price for a limited time. Read on for more details.
The new PalmInfocenter Software Store carries the best in class Palm OS titles. It offers the convenience of the PIC interface with the large number of applications available from MobiHand. Users can navigate the software catalog by categories, device type, best sellers and updated and new software. There are also a number of RSS feeds available to keep up to date with what's new.
Mobile Version
There is also a mobile version of the store available. Users can download and purchase software wirelessly from their Palm OS handheld or smartphone. It is also accessible from the mobile version of PalmInfocenter. You can also just enter: in your Palm mobile web browser.
20% Off Coupon
For the first month we are offering a 20% discount on all software in the store. To take advantage of this deal, simply enter "PIC" as the promotion code during checkout. This coupon is good through December 14th.
All purchases made through the site will go a long way to help support PalmInfocenter and the Palm OS developer community.
Article Comments
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RE: Over the air: Nice.
I'd just rather join up with Gekko, Voice etc. to contribute a few more $ myself then try to force everyone to pay to register to read the forums etc and end up smothering the site in the process.
I've had pretty lame experiences with both Handango AND PalmGear lately--not sending reg. codes for purchaed software without incessant prodding on my end, not allowing claims for version updates by developers who will not honor discount sale pricing on those sites etc etc.
I think the whole downloadable software market needs to be turned on its ear and roughed up a bit. Things need to be improved for both the BUYER and the DEVELOPER lest the middlemen take the $ and run and leave everyone else holding the bag.
Pilot 1000-->Pilot 5000-->PalmPilot Pro-->IIIe-->Vx-->m505-->T|T-->T|T2-->T|C-->T|T3-->T|T5
RE: Over the air: Nice.
Seems to me that if you're "laying" in bed, that's far more interesting than anything else you could be doing.
this'll be an alternative to try
"Do you know the difference between an error and a mistake? Anyone can make an error, but that error doesn't become a mistake until you refuse to correct it."
-Grand Admiral Thrawn
the secret to enjoying your job is to have a hobby that's even worse
My PDAs: Visor --> Visor Neo (blue) --> Zire 71 --> Tungsten T3 (with 4 of 6 screws still remaining) ~?~> zodiac 2?
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Over the air: Nice.