Fake Call for Treo Updated
Toysoft has released a major update to its FakeCall Treo utility. Fake Call is a program that is intended to give Treo owners a way to escape impromptu office meetings and unwanted social interactions -- by accurately simulating incoming phone calls. The app gives you a number of clever and discreet ways to activate fake calls at your command. For example you can simply switch the silencer slider or schedule a specific time via an appointment or alarm and your phony call will come in. The program is designed to be identical to the Treo's usual calling screens and will even simulate a voice on the other end of the line.
FakeCall v2.1 for Palm OS is available now with a free trial period. It costs $6.95 USD to register. It is compatible with the Treo 600/650/700P/680/755.
Article Comments
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RE: Hey Cane! This is Perfect.
Eejit Cane does it again
Yet another put down sailed straight over "Little Mike's" head, Reverend. But a man of the cloth like you should not be poking little dogs with a pointy stick like this!
In any event, a more believable pop-up would be David Hasselhoff's name + photo, with a custom ringtone of "The Hoff" ranting Cane-style about how the "eejits" at Wendy's gave him the wrong burger.
RE: Hey Cane! This is Perfect.
Pat Horne
RE: Hey Cane! This is Perfect.
Pat Horne
RE: Hey Caney! This is Perfect. Pretend someone calls you!
That ladder would lead Caney out of his New York sewer/home and up into the streets, at last. Someday - with a little luck - Caney may elevate his social standing + finally become a "respectable" ranting street person. We can only prey pray...
*End* I'm afraid if I say *Next* it will throw thread into endless loop.
Why shouldn't this thread be EXACTLY like my Crapeo 700p? Why shouldn't everyone suffer along with me? WHY?!?!?!
RE: Hey Cane! This is Perfect.
Hm. I wasn't aware that "providing pointless and childish abuse" was something that fell under a pastor's job description.
Live 'n' learn.
RE: Hey Cane! This is Perfect.
Biopsy care instructions
1)Hm. I wasn't aware that "providing pointless and childish complaints about posts to a Palm fanboy site" was something that fell under PalmSource/Access manager "stonemirror" (Davis Schlesinger's) job description.
Perhaps if Mr. Schlesinger spent more time worrying about getting a functioning, relatively bug-free mobile operating system into real shipping devices people would be less inclined to think of PalmSourceit is in terms of a company capable of producing nothing but vaporware.
How many devices are currently shipping with Cobalt today, Mr. Schlesinger?
How many devices are currently shipping with ALPOS today, Mr. Schlesinger?
Hm. I wasn't aware that "providing pointless and childish abuse" was something that fell under a pastor's job description.
Hm. I wasn't aware that "providing pointless and childish complaints about posts to a Palm fanboy site" was something that fell under PalmSource/Access manager "stonemirror" (David Schlesinger's) job description.
Perhaps if Mr. Schlesinger spent more time worrying about getting a functioning, relatively bug-free mobile operating system into real shipping devices than he does about random Internet posts people would be less inclined to think of PalmSource as a company incapable of producing anything but vaporware.
How many devices are currently shipping with Cobalt (PalmOS 6) today, Mr. Schlesinger?
How many devices are currently shipping with ALP-OS today, Mr. Schlesinger?
Oh, dear.
Sony CLIE UX100: 128 MB real RAM, OLED screen. All the PDA anyone really ever wanted.
The Palm eCONomy = Communism™
The Great Palm Swindle: http://www.palminfocenter.com/comments/7864/#108038
NetFrontLinux - the next major cellphone OS?: http://www.palminfocenter.com/comments/8060/#111823
RE: Hey Kirvin! This is Perfect.
Access is TOAST. Anyone look at their financial status since buying PalmSource?
Thanks for playing...suckers.
Fake apps for palm... great!
I'm waiting for the release of Fake Addressbook that is filled with all sorts of lunch dates, dinner dates, nights out at the nightclub with your Fake Contacts (probably 70% of whom should be female and have fake names that sound like exotic dancer names).
Fake todo list includes lots of well-rounded activities like playing baseball with your son, walking your dog, jogging 10 miles, donating money to worthy charities, volunteering for the red cross, learning how to be more sensitive and be a better spouse.
Fake Photos contains pictures of young, fit, beautiful, healthy, happy, ethnically diverse, family-focused people with smiles.
Fake Mail contains hundreds of emails that are not work related. This includes dozens of evites to cool theme parties, dozens of emails wishing you happy birthday, dozens of emails thanking you for being such a great friend, and emails from fake family members with quaint stories and news bits about your fake relatives (who are conveniently listed in your Fake Contacts and pictured in your Fake Photos)
Fake Stocks shows all of your stock positions. Good thing you bought so much CSCO, DNA, INTC, MSFT back in 1987!
USR Palm Pilot 1000 --> Palm Pilot Professional --> TRG SuperPilot --> Palm IIIc --> Palm V --> Palm M505 --> Palm M515 --> Tungsten T|2 --> Treo 600 --> LifeDrive --> iPhone
RE: Fake apps for palm... great!
You gotta do what takes to get those legendary 30,000 apps! See what you're missin' on that iPhone. Stuck in bad convos with nobody callin'. :-D
Pat Horne
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Hey Cane! This is Perfect.
If you can set this to pop-up your virtual girlfriend's picture and her name, then this could be the answer you're looking for. Just set it whenever you are around a crowd to go off with the "She's a Brick House" ringtone and viola!!!
I thot of you immediately when I read this. It's perfect.
Pat Horne