Normsoft Releases Pocket Tunes Update
NormSoft has released an update to their popular Pocket Tunes mp3 program. The newest version of the app, v4.0.3, is dated July 6th 2007 and according to NormSoft's changelog, appears to have only one significant change from the previous version. It rectifies an issue where users of newer Treos with the app in ROM (680, 700p, 755p) can update to the latest version of the basic version of the player 4.0.3 after the conclusion of their trial period of the Deluxe version. Previously, users had to delete the newer RAM-resident version to revert back to the bundled ROM version.
Pocket Tunes Deluxe sells for $37.95 and a free trial is available. A basic version is also available for $19.95, which omits the support for online music stores. You can read our Pocket Tunes 4 Review here.
Pocket Tunes 4.0.3 can be downloaded directly from Blazer using the app's auto-update checker. An integrated self-install routine lets users install the latest version onto their Treos without having to perform a Hotsync.
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RE: how about fixing version 3?
joad, Normsoft haven't done anything sneaky. Version 3's last update was in July 2006 - long before the 755p was ever released. You should blame Palm, for constantly changing the way these things work on different devices. I actually feel sorry for developers like Normsoft who have to constantly re-tune their apps for devices with the same OS.
on a different tack: how are you finding the 755p? Is it a worthwhile improvement over the 700p? and how does the voice quality compare?
RE: how about fixing version 3?
I had an eval 755p for a few days. Comparing it head to head with my 700p (working on the comparison article now & trying to wait for the 1.10 Verizon update so I can test a patched 700p as well), the 755p had marginally better voice quality on both ends. Ear speaker was louder, as was speakerphone volume. The LCD was "whiter" and brighter, as was the keyboard backlight. The whole package seemed better built with a better response from the keyboard.
I did notice that the keys are marginally smaller on the 755p. This combined with the reduction in thickness makes the unit actually harder to type on than my 700p. And the "rumpshaker" Seidio 3200mAh battery on my 700p actually makes the unit more pleasant to type on. I think the 755p's LCD is also marginally smaller than the 700p's as well.
Overall, it's a much improved formfactor and package. Less dorky looking, easier to carry in your pocket, better quality voice performance (still far inferior to a good dumbphone, of course). I just with the fullsize SD slot was still there and the stock battery is too weak for a CDMA phone. It's also inexcusable for Palm/Dataviz to be shipping a 2-generations-ago version of DTG on the flagship Treo.
As far as Joad's comments....I think that Normsoft does have a fine, fine product in PTunes. They are charging a bit too much for their app relative to what you get in the "free" bundled version and/or in similarly pricfed standalone flash-based cheapie mp3 players. Take a Palm, throw in $40 for PTunes Deluxe, $30 for CorePlayer and a decent 2gb or 4gb SD/SDHC card....there's $100 or more right there.
Pilot 1000-->Pilot 5000-->PalmPilot Pro-->IIIe-->Vx-->m505-->T|T-->T|T2-->T|C-->T|T3-->T|T5-->TX-->Treo 700P
RE: how about fixing version 3?
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how about fixing version 3?
Now I'm all for anyone that wants to pay the huge upgrade fee to get whatever version 4 offers over 3 - but when version 3 works just fine on the Treo 755 except for this silly bug, it would be nice if the developer would release a maintenance fix for those of us that our licenses of PTDeluxe 3 are sufficient.
When decent flash-based MP3 players can be had for around $50 nowadays, my $40 copy of Pocket Tunes Deluxe seems plenty sufficient. Normsoft already gets a licensing fee from my purchase of the 755 - as version 4 basic is included in the ROM (and I don't use it). Seems they could "throw a bone" to their licensees and fix PTD 3.x to work on that same device.
Why do I need to buy an "upgrade" just to allow my 755's backlight to turn off, Normsoft?