Qmobilesoft Releases CallRec 5.1 Update
The recent release of the latest update to Qmobilesoft’s CallRec program, version 5.0, contained a number of crippling bugs for users of the various Palm OS Treos. Many users (myself included) reported spontaneous crashes and endless reset loops that could only be cured by completely deleting version 5.0 or reverting back to an older version. Since the program defaults to auto-record incoming and outgoing calls on the Treo, this could lead to disastrous results for nearly all users of the program.
Fortunately, Qmobilesoft has responded swiftly to their customers’ concerns with the quiet release of version 5.1 of the program. Initial testing on a Verizon 700p shows a significant improvement in stability and recording performance with none of the spontaneous reboots or crashes that plagued the earlier version.
CallRec v5.1 is compatible with the latest Treo 755p in addition to the 700p, 680, and 650. It is available now for $19.99 and includes a complimentary 7-day trial period. Users of version 4.0 or 4.1 can update to 5.1 at no charge. The program is contained in its own self-extracting, self-executing auto-installer that preserves earlier versions registration information.
You can read PIC’s review of CallRec 4.0 here.
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RE: Great support
RE: Great support
Palm- Um, Don't Buy QMobilSoft
Though I'm sure you could use the cash(!)-- As has been shown time and time again when Palm buys small software companies (they've tried their hand at this countless times by now), all they end up doing is absorbing the great technology, forgetting why thy bought it in the first place, engaging in endless p***ing matches and turf wars about whether the acquired technology and paradigm is or is not superior to the ongoing exploratory project that has been simmering in a lab for X months already (or compare it to the last two companies' tech they bought). Then, with aplomb, they sap the empowerment out of the entrepreneurs they've just hired with endless meetings, stick them away in a pasture with jobs that have them chasing their tails free from any innovative possibilities to freely develop solutions customers might wish to use, and provide a lowest common denominator solution to the market that is a hollow shell of the former product.
uh, no. Don't let's see that again pleeese. :)
Mike Compeau
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Great support
I'm sure I wasn't the only person contacting support, but the fact that they offered me information every step of the way, even when things weren't right, makes me appreciate developers like this, and glad that I supported them by purchasing the software.
Man, other companies could really learn a thing or two from these folks about customer service in the face of a problem software release.
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