Sprint Slashes Pre, Pixi Prices
Sprint has finally lowered its official asking price for Palm's webOS lineup. Effective today, the original Sprint Palm Pre drops to $49 and the Pixi is free after the usual rebates and contract discounts.
These price adjustments come many months after other US carriers have lowered their comparatively better equipped Plus models to free.
In related news, Sprint's web store is still offering the Palm Centro, also for free after a new plan and a web special rebate. A red refurbished model appears to be one of the last carrier supported Palm OS Garnet models available domestically.
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RE: Palm TX
As a web tablet or multimedia device etc, it is dark ages. A used gen1 Ipod Touch is light years ahead.
Pat Horne
RE: Palm TX
RobertoV6 wrote:
I need you to speed up my Pre...
Can you do that?...
Well you could just go into the Precentral forums and read up on, webOS Quickinstall, Homebrew, and overclocking and do it yourself. Once you get webOS Quickinstall running on your computer and Preware running on your phone, it's really quite easy to customize every single aspect of your Pre, including its speed.
Fool/Palm Apologist
Shouting down the PIC Faithful Since 2009
Screw convergence
Palm III->Visor Deluxe->Visor Platinum->Visor Prism->Tungsten E->Palm LifeDrive->Palm TX->Palm Pre
Visor Pro+VisorPhone->Treo 180g->Treo 270->Treo 600->Treo 680->T-Mobile G1->Palm Pre
RE: Palm TX
DarthRepublican wrote:
RobertoV6 wrote:
I need you to speed up my Pre...
Can you do that?...
Well you could just go into the Precentral forums and read up on, webOS Quickinstall, Homebrew, and overclocking and do it yourself. Once you get webOS Quickinstall running on your computer and Preware running on your phone, it's really quite easy to customize every single aspect of your Pre, including its speed.
Just to get you started.
Here is the Precentral Homebrew gallery so you can see what you are missing:
How to install webOS QuickInstall on your computer:
Preware for installing Homebrew software directly on your Pre:
For truly speeding up your Pre, you need Uberkernel and Govnah:
Here's a trick that might help you without installing any software. Results vary widely however - in my experience it helps a little, others claim that it doesn't help at all:
Fool/Palm Apologist
Shouting down the PIC Faithful Since 2009
Screw convergence
Palm III->Visor Deluxe->Visor Platinum->Visor Prism->Tungsten E->Palm LifeDrive->Palm TX->Palm Pre
Visor Pro+VisorPhone->Treo 180g->Treo 270->Treo 600->Treo 680->T-Mobile G1->Palm Pre
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Palm TX