Comments on: Palm Pre Review

Palm Pre ReviewThe Palm Pre is the long awaited, eagerly anticipated and uber-hyped next generation smartphone from Palm Inc. First unveiled at the Consumer Electronics Show in January amidst much fanfare, the device has been an online media darling ever since.

Arriving in Sprint retail stores on June 6, the Palm Pre is the result of a corporate restructuring years in the making and tons of behind the scenes work. It will also be available from Best Buy and select Wall-Mart stores in the US. The Pre will sell for $199 from Sprint after rebates and a two year service contract. The full retail price without a contract will be $599.

Now that it's finally here, read on as PalmInfocenter presents our in-depth review of the Palm Pre.

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So, Ryan....

twrock @ 6/4/2009 2:34:56 AM # Q
I'm really curious. How long have you had the device? I assume you were under some sort of NDA until today, right?

Looks like Palm really does have a nice smartphone to start selling on Saturday. Unfortunately, this still doesn't look like the device for me. Should make plenty of other people happy though.

Hey Palm! Where's my PDA with Wifi and phone capabilities?

RE: So, Ryan....
Ryan @ 6/4/2009 10:45:20 AM # Q
So I've only had a Pre for 6 days so far. Palm is being rather limited with the amount of time its allowing reviewers to spend with the device. PIC was only granted a 7 day trial, while in the past the standard has been at least three weeks.

However, I'm now reading a few reviews where they mention that they've had it for weeks.

RE: So, Ryan....
LiveFaith @ 6/4/2009 12:29:44 PM # Q
Maybe you'll learn your lesson and deliver more Palm Kool-Aid in the next review. :-D Juuuuuust jokin'. Good review!
Pat Horne
RE: So, Ryan....
twrock @ 6/4/2009 4:29:17 PM # Q
Ryan wrote:
However, I'm now reading a few reviews where they mention that they've had it for weeks.

Chalk it up to "journalistic license". They had the device for a few days last week and a few days this week. Last week + this week = "weeks". :-)

Hey Palm! Where's my PDA with Wifi and phone capabilities?

RE: So, Ryan....
mikecane @ 6/4/2009 5:07:49 PM # Q
Hey, it's great that PIC was granted the ability to have a review out the same day as everyone else. Do you think this is a sign of a New Palm?
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Great review

freakout @ 6/4/2009 2:43:51 AM # Q
nice work Ryan. Glad to hear about the keyboard, especially. Can't wait to get my hands on one of these!
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stonehat @ 6/4/2009 3:07:17 AM # Q
Good show of enthusiasm, but silly mistakes and poor writing make this hard for me to read.
You need a sub-editor.

RE: Sub-editor
twrock @ 6/4/2009 5:44:50 AM # Q
stonehat wrote:
Good show of enthusiasm, but silly mistakes and poor writing make this hard for me to read.
You need a sub-editor.

Did you join just to make that comment?! Really?!!

Hey Palm! Where's my PDA with Wifi and phone capabilities?

RE: Sub-editor
Ryan @ 6/4/2009 10:49:58 AM # Q
I'm going to be correcting some stuff throughout the day. If anyone spots any glaring errors I always appreciate a quick email about it.

But still, I had to publish an earlier draft than I would have liked. I had a limited amount of time to prepare the review in advance and it seems the NDA time was tossed out the window when some sites posted their reviews early. These things take a great deal of effort and long time to compose, especially without sub-editors, graphic artists and such at your disposal.

RE: Sub-editor
SeldomVisitor @ 6/4/2009 10:55:45 AM # Q
Fill the Pre "multitasking applications" to overflow, back off one app, then take and make phone calls.

RE: Sub-editor
freakout @ 6/5/2009 3:57:00 AM # Q
I thought you were saying the Pre is vaporware, SV. Why would such a test matter? :P
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photo / iPhoto import?

pmjoe @ 6/4/2009 4:00:36 AM # Q
In the iTunes photo, it shows you have 33.3 MB of photos. I know you said iTunes won't sync photos, but it looks like it recognizes they're there. Will iPhoto recognize the Pre and import photos from it?

Will any/most applications for digital cameras import from the Pre?

RE: photo / iPhoto import?
Ryan @ 6/4/2009 10:51:43 AM # Q
As you can see, I tried to get photos onto the device via iTunes, but it did not work. iTunes went through the motions of syncing over some stuff from iPhoto, but they never showed up on the Pre.

As far as I know the Media Sync mode only works with Music, Podcasts and Videos at this time.

RE: photo / iPhoto import?
pmjoe @ 6/4/2009 3:24:56 PM # Q
I meant if you take photos on the Pre, can you import them into iPhoto with the Import button?
RE: photo / iPhoto import?
Ryan @ 6/4/2009 3:32:13 PM # Q
ok, yes. That you can do when it is mounted in USB mode. It stores the photos in a standard DCIM folder.
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Mac support

Jensen_G @ 6/4/2009 5:10:57 AM # Q
I have heartd nothing abouty Mac support in terms of getting all my information from my Apple apps (iCal, Adress book, iPhoto, etc) into the Pre. I do have MobileMe, if that makes any difference. Any word on this?

Also, while I guess it is a large stride that the Pre has iTunes support, this actually means very little to me because 30 of my albums are bought from the iTunes Music Store, the DRM of which the Pre does not support. I could spend $100 to upgrade my music to iTunes plus, but don't really want to . .

RE: Mac support
twrock @ 6/4/2009 5:34:53 AM # Q
Jensen_G wrote:
...30 of my albums are bought from the iTunes Music Store....

"Welcome to the Hotel California."

DRM ranks right up there with "Windows Genuine Advantage." :-)

Hey Palm! Where's my PDA with Wifi and phone capabilities?

RE: Mac sync support
Ryan @ 6/4/2009 10:55:37 AM # Q
The Palm Data Transfer Assistant application for Mac OS and Windows, will initially sync over your Appointments, Contacts and Tasks from iCal and Address book. This is only a one time, one way data dump.

For iPhoto, you would have to bring your pictures in manually with the Pre mounted as a USB drive.

I'm sure the good folks at Mark/Space are hard at work on a version of missing sync for the Pre as there is not much in the way of sync, unless you use google/facebook.

RE: Mac support
gulmatan @ 6/4/2009 1:49:40 PM # Q
Two questions come to mind.

First, what are the data transfer options for migrating PalmDesktop PIM data/

Secondly, I'm not all that excited to dump AT&T as my cell provider so, even though, to get a Pre without a Sprint is 6 C notes, will there be a contract-free or even phone-free model of the Pre?
Sharp Wizard 6500> Palm m500> m515> Tungsten T> Zire 71> T|E> T|X

RE: Mac support
BillK @ 6/4/2009 9:32:59 PM # Q
Jensen_G wrote:
I have heartd nothing about Mac support ....

I have heard nothing about Palm's support for their own Pre. That is, with Palm's long-established poor history of supporting their own products, will they now begin to support and provide upgrades to WebOS and to their own apps for the Pre?

Palm's PDAs received near zero support from Palm, in terms of system or software upgrades. That being so, will the early Pre adopters be forever stuck at Vers 1.0. If not, then how long will it take Palm to release Vers 1.1, 1.5, etc, for Gen 1 Pre. Has Palm learn from Apple that ongoing software upgrades are what the customers want.

This issue makes me hold off on getting a Pre!

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xImtc @ 6/4/2009 5:57:13 AM # Q
Does it work with music subscription services? This is a dealbreaker for me, as I always use my phone as my music player, ever since I had PocketTunes running on my Treo 600.

Once you've used Rhapsody, you can never go back to iTunes and buying music.

RE: Rhapsody
twrock @ 6/4/2009 7:49:26 AM # Q
xImtc wrote:
Once you've used Rhapsody, you can never go back to iTunes and buying music.

Yep, you can never go back. Rhapsody figured out how to lock people in too! :-)

Hey Palm! Where's my PDA with Wifi and phone capabilities?

RE: Rhapsody
LiveFaith @ 6/4/2009 12:34:47 PM # Q
gTunes anyone?
Pat Horne
RE: Rhapsody
xImtc @ 6/9/2009 7:37:49 PM # Q
Touche. But seriously, does it work?
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palmit @ 6/4/2009 10:53:27 AM # Q
Nice review! I think you missed mentioning the camera shutter speed. I saw on another video how fast the shutter speed is while taking multiple pictures. Also I saw that Palm recommends not using batteries made for the Centro or other phones in the Pre.
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malgeri @ 6/4/2009 12:07:18 PM # Q
Are the calendar, todo, and memo functions just like the palm os. For my use the pda functions are essential, all the rest is nice but not required.
LiveFaith @ 6/4/2009 12:36:16 PM # Q
No. Apparently better than their 1996 counterparts.
Pat Horne
hkklife @ 6/4/2009 12:48:31 PM # Q
I have actually been thinking that, Synergy & improved aesthetics silliness, the Pre's PIM functions (especially contacts & memos) fall short in several ways from the classic Palm OS versions.

Pilot 1000->Pilot 5000->PalmPilot Pro->IIIe->Vx->m505->T|T->T|T2->T|C->T|T3->T|T5->Zodiac 2->TX->Verizon Treo 700P->Verizon Treo 755p->?

Ryan @ 6/4/2009 1:09:18 PM # Q
I intend to update the review and expand on a few things such as this. The PIM apps are quite similar to their Palm OS counterparts, but there are also a good deal of differences. Many old options have been dropped that you may be used to with the classic apps, while plenty of other things such as all the impressive online capabilities and synergy have been added.
mikecane @ 6/4/2009 5:18:13 PM # Q
I need to know if repeating events still work the same: Daily, Weekly, Monthly, and even Yearly.

And what about the alarm sounds for these? Is there a selection? And is it yet possible to import sound files to customize event alarms? PLEASE tell me we're still not stuck with the damned BEEP BEEP BEEP of Garnet!

freakout @ 6/4/2009 8:06:13 PM # Q
watch precentral's PIM video. Calendar event editing is at 5:20

The menu offers all the same options as Palm OS (except "Category" and "Private"). Dieter mentions that there are all the usual repeat options, including a "custom" one.

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Thank You

mapenn @ 6/4/2009 1:04:51 PM # Q
Thanks for the nice review, Ryan. It was very helpful and informative.
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sidamos @ 6/4/2009 2:40:59 PM # Q
What about sending contacts, photos and mp3 with Bluetooth?
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Initial sync

sidamos @ 6/4/2009 2:41:29 PM # Q
Can I transfer calendar and contacts from Palm Deskop with the initial sync? As far as I understood, it does not work for tasks and memos?
RE: Initial sync
Sweet Casey @ 6/4/2009 3:02:51 PM # Q
Great review. Can't wait to get mine Saturday. My only regrets are likely to be it is not a world phone and there is no memory expansion. I also think it would have been cool to include Kleer Wireless headphone technology so we could listen to cd-quality lossless music formats without plugging in the separate Kleer transmitter. Maybe next version.
RE: Initial sync
vfsi @ 12/7/2009 4:17:59 PM # Q
If you live online (Facebook & Google) and can charge it in the middle of the day Buy it. If you need your phone to last 18+ hours between charges and if you use Outlook or Palm Desktop, RUN AWAY! This is not your phone. Why would Palm abandon the horse that brought them, Palm Desktop? And to all the "Professional" reviewers of this Phone, Shame on you. You failed to state that the Outlook and the Desktop could NOT BE SYNCED without using an online service. This should have been a HEADLINE for this review. Shame Shame.
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Physical Keyboard vs. on screen keyboad

pencom @ 6/4/2009 4:27:41 PM # Q
The physical keyboard verses the on screen keyboard issue, i.e., the Pre vs. the iPhone, is probably going to be a moot point. This is really nothing more then a software issue. If Palm is not already working on or contracted out to have this software developed, you can be almost 100% sure there are a number of third party, after market software houses working on this as of this posting. This type of application is not terribly complex. How the on screen keyboard application looks and performs will depend on whether or not Palm wants to do it in-house or just let the market provide the solution. It would be roughly the same for an aftermarket barcode / software application. Apple could, of course, equalize this by offering a physical keyboard, but this does not appear to be in the offering for the immediate future.
RE: Physical Keyboard vs. on screen keyboad
jca666us @ 6/4/2009 7:09:10 PM # Q
except the pre's screen is smaller than the iphone's, so a virtual keyboard could get pretty cramped.
RE: Physical Keyboard vs. on screen keyboad
nastebu @ 6/4/2009 7:39:56 PM # Q
plus the thing that makes the virtual keyboard work isn't the little buttons, it's the error correction software. That's not so easy to just crank out.
RE: Physical Keyboard vs. on screen keyboad
pencom @ 6/5/2009 9:29:25 AM # Q
My point here is "not" that an on screen keyboard is a good thing….I believe it is horrible. There are no data entry systems like this provided by any computer manufacturer in the world. All desktop and laptop computers use tactile style keyboards. There is one exception…..tablet PCs….and we can see how well they are doing. Why? You can type on a normal tactile style keyboard without looking at your fingers. You cannot do that with a screen style keyboard without massive amounts of errors. An on screen keyboard also obscures a great deal of the screen. Palm already provides data entry correction logic with their keyboard. The same logic or a modification of that logic would be used with an on screen keyboard, "if" they choose to offer the option. Choosing an on screen keyboard option as an addition to the physical keyboard would probably be just a PR move to silence critics. This is just an opinion, but I believe that Apple wanted a "clean" look to their device and was willing to go to the on screen keyboard to achieve this, i.e. form over function.
RE: Physical Keyboard vs. on screen keyboad
nastebu @ 6/5/2009 9:42:58 AM # Q
There are a couple areas where the virtual beats the physical. One is that the keyboard can rotate with the phone, so you can enter data in landscape as well as portrait. Another is changing languages and keyboard types. The iPhone keyboard has a little button that switches between languages so you can zap between Japanese, English, Spanish, etc. very easily. You can pop up Chinese character handwriting recognition, a keyboard with devoted buttons for .com, .org, etc. or a numerical keyboard. It really is excellent.
RE: Physical Keyboard vs. on screen keyboad
BaalthazaaR @ 6/5/2009 10:52:53 AM # Q
nastebu wrote:
There are a couple areas where the virtual beats the physical. One is that the keyboard can rotate with the phone, so you can enter data in landscape as well as portrait. Another is changing languages and keyboard types. The iPhone keyboard has a little button that switches between languages so you can zap between Japanese, English, Spanish, etc. very easily. You can pop up Chinese character handwriting recognition, a keyboard with devoted buttons for .com, .org, etc. or a numerical keyboard. It really is excellent.

How well does handwriting recognition work with a finger?

RE: Physical Keyboard vs. on screen keyboad
SeldomVisitor @ 6/5/2009 12:45:13 PM # Q
> How well does handwriting recognition work with a finger?

After this weekend, a question to pose to all those Asian and Asia-based Pre owners.

RE: Physical Keyboard vs. on screen keyboad
twrock @ 6/5/2009 4:28:31 PM # Q
nastebu wrote:
You can pop up Chinese character handwriting recognition....

Yeah, I really have a hard time imagining using a 3.1 inch screen to do this. I suppose a lot can be done in the software to make it more "intuitive" at figuring out what you wanted to write, but a finger is really blunt and a 3.1 inch screen is really small. (And honestly, there are other reasons why the Pre is not the device I want.)

This is definitely in the "I've got to see it and touch it myself" realm for me. I'm waiting for at least an Android 2.0 device. By that time, this kind of stuff should be fully worked out and I can do some comparison myself on the actual products (Android phone, iPhone, etc.). Who knows, by that time maybe even Palm will have out a device that is more compelling for me to test.

Hey Palm! Where's my PDA with Wifi and phone capabilities?

RE: Physical Keyboard vs. on screen keyboad
DarthRepublican @ 6/5/2009 10:24:39 PM # Q
Since the Pre already has a physical keyboard, a virtual keyboard may not see as much use as it would on a device with no physical keyboard. I've seen this first hand with my T-Mobile G1 which recently got the OTA update to Android 1.5 (Cupcake) which has a virtual keyboard. After playing around with it for a while, I quickly went back to the regular physical keyboard for most of my uses. Usually when I do use the G1's virtual keyboard, it's because I only expect to enter a few characters such as when I'm doing a search or entering the URL of a page which is already either bookmarked or which I've visited before. In the latter case, the browser will pull up bookmark and history pages so I can usually get to the page I'm looking for by typing three characters or less. For typing larger amounts of text, I'm pretty comfortable with opening the G1 and typing on a real keyboard.

The bottom line is that the Pre's physical keyboard would have to be pretty terrible for a virtual keyboard to become important. And if the physical keyboard is that bad, I'd rather not get it in the first place....
Screw convergence
Palm III->Visor Deluxe->Visor Platinum->Visor Prism->Tungsten E->Palm LifeDrive->Palm TX
Visor Pro+VisorPhone->Treo 180g->Treo 270->Treo 600->Treo 680->T-Mobile G1

RE: Physical Keyboard vs. on screen keyboad
nastebu @ 6/7/2009 12:53:43 AM # Q
Does the pre have multilingual input? I haven't heard anything.

The iPhone Chinese character input does a good job of guessing the character you want. After a stroke or two it pops up some suggestions and usually one is right. I have little experience in this but I guess that's standard? The pre's screen is small but surely theycaj implement something like that.

RE: Physical Keyboard vs. on screen keyboad
twrock @ 6/7/2009 4:46:07 AM # Q
I've only seen videos of the iPhone character recognition, and it does look amazing. But a 3.5 inch screen is significantly more surface area over 3.1, so I wouldn't be surprised if the Pre didn't function as well in this aspect. (
I also think that it's one thing for a "native writer" to be entering those characters, but quite another thing for someone like me who is simply trying to copy what they are looking at in order to be able to look up the word in a dictionary. I'm quite good with a stylus on my TX. I don't know if I could achieve that accuracy with my finger. I want to "try before I buy".

Hey Palm! Where's my PDA with Wifi and phone capabilities?
RE: Physical Keyboard vs. on screen keyboad
jca666us @ 6/7/2009 7:19:52 AM # Q
The iphone keyboard takes a few days to get the hang of - I type about as fast on it as my friends do with devices that have "real" keyboards.

It's funny how many people on here bitch about the iphone's lack of a "real" keyboard, yet how many of them use a stylus with graffiti to type words using a stylus?

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Overall, it sounds like ...

mikecane @ 6/4/2009 5:15:47 PM # Q
... it's not completely finished yet. Slow Calendar loading is very disappointing. I have that with the LifeDrive and it irritates the hell out of me because I can remember the speediness of the Palm III, CLIE S320, and Tungsten TE. Really, to have to wait several seconds to get to the calendar is inexcusable.

The Photo app sounds like a real PITA too. Needs less friction.

The sample photos weren't impressive at all. I've taken sample iPhone pics at Apple Stores and emailed them to myself, so I've seen them on my desktop. The iPhone camera has fewer pixels but I can see it simply still takes better photos. The Pre pics all look too grainy and that outdoor one look like it had a PhotoShop effect run on it, making it look painterly. None of the sharpness I expected at all.

Well, I won't be on line Saturday but I will be near a Sprint Store, so I hope to at least get to fondle one for myself.

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millydog @ 6/4/2009 8:45:05 PM # Q
The best review that I have read thus far. Others that I have read have stated some incorrect info...such as no app store in one review.
Just wondering if it supports MMS out of the box?
Ryan @ 6/4/2009 9:21:20 PM # Q
Thanks. Yes, MMS is supported in the messaging application.
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text memos?

marino88 @ 6/5/2009 12:35:53 AM # Q
Great review.
Does it have a memo application just like the memo in palmOS ? Because from what I've read this far, what pre has is a post-it type memo which limits the amount of text can be typed in.

RE: text memos?
Ryan @ 6/5/2009 10:06:49 AM # Q
Yes, a memos app is on board and is pictured in one of the shots above. It is pretty basic, but functional, and I'm not sure what the size limit on it is.
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Google Talk (Pre)

MsChat @ 6/9/2009 4:16:13 PM # Q
Is there a way to load picture from phone on google talk or do i have to do it from home computer?

Also when downloading free ringtones from a third party site like myxer where are they being downloaded on the pre.


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Dropped Calls on Palm Pre?

Tport @ 8/7/2009 8:08:51 AM # Q
Hello. We just bought two palm pre phones last Thursday. We truly love the phone and everything that you can do with it, however, we have been experiencing a lot of issues with low signal strength and dropped calls. We've searched through reviews to see if this is common but can't really find any discussion about people having this issue. Sometimes the EV button for the EVDO highlights and we get full bars for a couple of seconds but then it drops back down to no EVDO and one or two bars. We switched from Embarq to Sprint phones last week when we purchased the pre, however, Embarq uses the Sprint service also so this should have been a seamless change. With our old phones we never had issues with the service dropping. I could be on an hour long conference call with no issue. Since we both are experiencing the same issue, we do not feel that the phones are defective so replacing them with another one probably won't make a difference. We also got a blackberry that same day and can use that at the house without the call dropping.

These are the steps that we have taken to date:

1) Originally the phone was set up to roam all available networks but we changed our setting to use Sprint network only. We had the same issue both ways.
2) We had tech support send us a PRL update. Both phones are at 60652. We also did the network update manually on each phone ourselves in the phone preferences screen. Yesterday, we took the phones back to the store and had the tech there do the PRL and network updates.
3) Yesterday we downloaded and installed the Palm WebOS 1.1 update. We had to do this via a WiFi connection because it would not download due to connection speed.

We are now out of ideas. We don't really want to switch to a different phone so we are hoping that someone can lead us in a direction to make this work!

RE: Dropped Calls on Palm Pre?
hkklife @ 8/7/2009 8:06:10 PM # Q
Every smartphone Palm has ever produced has made for a lousy phone as far as signal strength, call quality, maintaing reliable connections etc.

If you want rock-solid voice performance, get a Motorola or a Nokia dumbphone. The best call performance I've encountered on a modern smartphone would have to be a Motorola Q (the only good thing about that device, actually) and some of the newer BlackBerry models (Tour, Bold etc).

Keeping in mind the plethora of problems that have been reported online, Pre quality does seem to vary wildly from unit to unit. I'd recommend switching your units out for new ones just to see if the problem can be repeated. Of course, this could be a Sprint reception issue. A newer phone might come with the WebOS 1.1 update pre-loaded and have slightly better performance.

Good luck and keep us posted!
Pilot 1000->Pilot 5000->PalmPilot Pro->IIIe->Vx->m505->T|T->T|T2->T|C->T|T3->T|T5->Zodiac 2->TX->Verizon Treo 700P->Verizon Treo 755p->?

RE: Dropped Calls on Palm Pre?
Gekko @ 8/8/2009 7:17:15 AM # M Q
disagree. my Sprint Centro has crystal clear reliable voice quality and coverage.

p.s. posting this poolside from my Centro.

RE: Dropped Calls on Palm Pre?
rpa @ 8/11/2009 3:50:29 PM # Q
gekko: any problems with your Centro freezing on incoming calls? Mine got so bad it was freezing on almost all incoming calls and even on other functions so I mailed it back today.
RE: Dropped Calls on Palm Pre?
Gekko @ 8/11/2009 4:10:31 PM # Q

nope. you probably have a conflicting or resource-hogging third party app installed.
RE: Dropped Calls on Palm Pre?
rpa @ 8/11/2009 8:03:41 PM # Q
That's what I thought until I did a hard reset w/o any 3rd party apps. Worked GREAT for a few months until this last week then all went to hell with every call inducing a freeze. Or even hitting the power button causing the device to lock up. If you do a Google search on Centro freezing you will see a few people are having this problem. Too bad as the Centro is a fine combination of features (when working). Back to the old Moto flip phone now....:-(

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sync function - palm pre not for professionals using outlook

TiffanyM @ 9/30/2009 2:23:14 PM # Q
I have had my palm pre for a week as much as I like the applications, I am heading to return it today. For professionals looking to use the palm pre I would not recommend it. Whoever decided the phone couldn't sync with outlook unless an outside application was purchased and even then would only sync if the computer being used had a wireless card is was missing the boat. There are a ton of users out there like me who will like the functionality but without the ability to sync with a desktop the phone is useless in a work environment. HUGE MISTAKE in my opinion by palm for not providing some sort of an option for professionals who need to use outlook and who have a desktop without a need for a wireless connection.
RE: sync function - palm pre not for professionals using outlook
Gekko @ 9/30/2009 2:49:42 PM # Q

yes - but you can synergize your facebook friends.

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Now I have my own Pre...

freakout @ 11/2/2009 10:06:26 PM # Q just arrived today. Let the games begin!

(posted from Pre... Oooo_ i'm gonna need to update my sig....
Sometime PIC blogger
Treo 270 -> Treo 650 -> Treo 680 -> Centro
I apologise for any and all emoticons in my posts. You may shoot them on sight.

RE: Now I have my own Pre...
hkklife @ 11/2/2009 11:09:01 PM # Q
Congrats!! Please do an "initial impressions" piece when time permits. I will HOPEFULLY have a hands-on fondle report this weekend from the Moto Droid (not buying one yet, just going to fondle it).

Pilot 1000->Pilot 5000->PalmPilot Pro->IIIe->Vx->m505->T|T->T|T2->T|C->T|T3->T|T5->Zodiac 2->TX->Verizon Treo 700P->Verizon Treo 755p->?

RE: Now I have my own Pre... Initial Impressions!
Tim Carroll @ 11/2/2009 11:38:33 PM # Q
^^ I look forward to reading it!

Initial thoughts on the Pre:

* I *really* wish I'd shelled out for an international power charger... it's trickle-charging over USB now and is *hopelessly* slow. It would probably help if I stopped playing with it. :) And of course my Touchstone is sitting on the desk, silently mocking me.

*That aside, it feels GREAT in the hand.

*The thin keyboard feels weird. Not bad, just going to take some adjustment. I love that commas are now a dedicated key rather than an option+ key (although I only just realised that when I looked at the typo in my post above, heh.) QWERTZ has tripped me up already, but I'm getting used to it quickly. May not even bother to hack the keyboard at this rate.

*The screen looks amazing...

*...but the touch calibration is a bit dodgy. I seem to keep missing targets, but will improve with practice I'm sure.

* The speaker is way too damn quiet compared to the Centro.

* Phone call quality sounds just like the Centro, as in "better than adequate, not quite amazing."

* Phone signal strength seems weaker - I always got full bars on Centro but am only getting half-strength on the Pre. Of course, the Centro was operating on the 2G network, not the 3G, so I suppose my 3G signal might just be weaker.

* Speaking of 3G, my Optus SIM card works perfectly. No compatibility problems, thank the FSM. MMS, Internet and activation all worked without a hitch.

* LAG. There is definite lag when scrolling in some apps, and in sometimes when responding to touch. Palm really needs to sort out that GPU pronto.

* The camera is a revelation! Shots come out looking *way* better than on the Centro.

* Universal Search kicks ass.

* The USB door is the cheapest, flimsiest-feeling piece of crap I've ever seen. I can just tell I'm gonna wind up breaking the damn thing off.

* Flipping and flicking cards is just plain fun.

* In keeping with the running theme of every Palm device I've ever owned, the headphone jack seems flaky right outta the box. Crackles or only plays the left channel unless it's in exactly right. I hope to God I don't have a repeat of the Treo 680 situation, where it died two weeks after I started using it....

That's it for now... I have this funny feeling I'll be calling in sick to work tomorrow so I can take the time to hack this thing to buggery and back. First step: Doctoring to webOS 1.2.....
Sometime PIC blogger
Treo 270 --> Treo 650 --> Treo 680 --> Centro --> Pre
I apologise for any and all emoticons in my posts. You may shoot them on sight.

RE: Now I have my own Pre...
Gekko @ 11/3/2009 5:05:21 AM # Q

my review from 6-8-09 - compare and contrast -

my issues -

1. Sound Quality of Phone - Awful hissing and humming in background - especially with headset.
2. i like the Contacts, Calendar PIMs of the old PalmOS. it just works. the webOS PIMs aren't as clean, simple, intuitive, and easy as PalmOS.
3. keyboard - while the keyboard isn't smaller than Centro, it is more uncomfortable to use. why? the end of the keyboard is sharp and it slices at my hand sometimes when i try to type. the sides are sharp too. also, the whole keyboard piece (that bottom of the phone) is thin and hard to hold vs. a candy bar. and the device is not balance properly when open. i always feel like i need two hands to use it. unwieldy and flimsy. "feels like typing into a plastic cup."
4. slider - i'm tired of opening an closing it to get at the keyboard.
5. responsiveness consistency unpredictability of WebOS - it didn't always do what i wanted it to do. i'd press a button and sometimes it would respond and other times not. Centro PalmOS might be simple but it JUST WORKED. WebOS has a mind of its own. OS gets shaky and chuggy and wobbly and it scares me holding my data. it was also unpredictable - many times doing a different thing for the same action.
6. battery life sucked. abysmal. all of this pushing and pulling and synergizing has a price.
7. multitasking - what multitasking? saving and icon to be brought up later is not multitasking! on my old Centro i can listen to STREAMING RADIO like Pockettunes while i surf the web or do email. i can't stream Sprint TV/Radio and do something else on the Pre. havent tried Pandora but i want live radio stations! and i opened up like 5 basic cards (3 were PIM) and it made me shut them down WTF? jumping back and forth from card to card with a hefty elay is not fun multitasking for me.
8. WindowsMedia Streaming - i like bloomberg radio etc. - can't stream it on PRE! Centro had no problem with WMA9 streams!
9. Synergy - i don't like it. i want a CENTRALIZED MERGED location for my data and the ability to move it wherever i want. with Pre/WebOS - in EAS my data is trapped in that EAS work server account. if i leave my employer, i better TRY to back up the Outlook data from the Outlook side in the nick of time. because once i'm disconnected from that server - the data is trapped in the PRE and no way to get it out. i don't like this. with Centro, all i have to do is change the EAS settings to a new server and sync and i'm good to go. can't do that with PRE. it puts my data in a locked proprietary silo that i can't get at.
10. Google Calendar/Contacts - suck.
11. Lack of SD Card - sucks. i want to Auto Backup my data to SD.
12. flimsy/clumsy USB door - yeah i can use touchstone to charge it but what about in the car?
13. No 5 Way - i miss that easy simple navigation. poking around with my finger is inaccurate and clumsy.
14. No "Select All" in Copy/Cut/Paste. sorry that Orange/Shift Key dance doesn't cut it.
15. Gesture area - annoying. holding the device i hit it all the time and do stuff and launch stuff i dont want to.
16. intermittent charging failure is a problem. i can't have a device that sometimes wants to charge and sometimes doesn't. not sure if this is a software or hardware bug but i'm tired of trying to track it down. my phone is my lifeline and i cant have a phone that sometimes wants to charge and sometimes doesn't.
17. Browser - seems great at first but the font is so small - i'm tired of constantly pinching and squeezing.

RE: Now I have my own Pre...
DarthRepublican @ 11/3/2009 12:53:59 PM # Q
Gekko wrote:

my review from 6-8-09 - compare and contrast -

Reruns so soon? You can't run reruns during the November sweeps.

my issues -

At this point it's important to note that this guy had his phone for three days before returning it and it was clearly defective.

1. Sound Quality of Phone - Awful hissing and humming in background - especially with headset.

I haven't had any problems with sound over the past four -- almost five -- months.

2. i like the Contacts, Calendar PIMs of the old PalmOS. it just works. the webOS PIMs aren't as clean, simple, intuitive, and easy as PalmOS.

I liked Datebk5 which is much more powerful than the old PalmOS PIMs. I'd say that the webOS PIMs are fairly clean but way too simple for their own good. Features from the old PIMs are definitely missed. Perhaps the biggest omission from the webOS PIMs however is Synergy, the most hyped feature of webOS. There is no way to sync records for the Memo and Tasks applications to anything. If there had been, they would have been roughly equivalent to the old PalmOS apps.

I tried to use the Google Tasks mobile web app for a while but it is too dumb in its mobile version to function as a true task manager. I have been playing with various older PalmOS apps under Classic like Progect but so far I am finding myself using the desktop version of Google Tasks more and more which is a less than optimal thing for me. I have never been happy with any task management software so perhaps I'm just too finicky or perhaps I need to join the Getting Things Done cult.

3. keyboard - while the keyboard isn't smaller than Centro, it is more uncomfortable to use. why? the end of the keyboard is sharp and it slices at my hand sometimes when i try to type. the sides are sharp

I have no idea how you held your Pre when you had it but my hand never even touches the sides when I use the keyboard so I had no idea what you you were talking about it

too. also, the whole keyboard piece (that bottom of the phone) is thin and hard to hold vs. a candy bar. and the device is not balance properly when open. i always feel like i need two hands to use it. unwieldy and flimsy. "feels like typing into a plastic cup."

It took me about a week to get used to typing on my Pre and while I'll probably never be able to type as fast as I could with my old Treo 680 (face it, a well-implemented larger keyboard is always preferable to well implemented smaller keyboard) I got up to speed fairly quickly with the Pre and can type comfortably and quickly on it.

4. slider - i'm tired of opening an closing it to get at the keyboard.

Eh, once you get used to using Universal Search, opening the keyboard becomes second nature. And now that I have the Pre patched to hang up when I close the slider, opening and closing it feels much more natural.

5. responsiveness consistency unpredictability of WebOS - it didn't always do what i wanted it to do. i'd press a button and sometimes it would respond and other times not. Centro PalmOS might be simple but it JUST WORKED. WebOS has a mind of its own. OS gets shaky and chuggy and wobbly and it scares me holding my data. it was also unpredictable - many times doing a different thing for the same action.

The Pre was pretty flaky during its first month or two of existence. Palm put out an update the day after the Pre debuted for precisely this reason. By 1.1 webOS was much more stable and fast. 1.2 felt like a step back. While it added features this was the first update where I felt that my Pre was slower and less stable than before. 1.2.1 helped a bit in this regard and generally speaking, Palm has done a good job of updating webOS.

6. battery life sucked. abysmal. all of this pushing and pulling and synergizing has a price.

I average about 10 to 12 hours of battery life not much less than what got from my Treo 680 and certainly better than what I get from my T-Mobile G1.

7. multitasking - what multitasking? saving and icon to be brought up later is not multitasking! on my old Centro i can listen to STREAMING RADIO like Pockettunes while i surf the web or do email. i can't stream Sprint TV/Radio and do something else on the Pre. havent tried Pandora but i want live radio stations! and i opened up like 5 basic cards (3 were PIM) and it made me shut them down WTF? jumping back and forth from card to card with a hefty elay is not fun multitasking for me.

This varies from one app to another. SprintTV is designed to shut down when it's not in the foreground since it's primarily a video application. which is a modified version of Mediafly will continue to play while you do other stuff. In any case, speed does suffer as you open more cards and there are memory leaks which need to be addressed. Palm has been addressing them however, I get fewer "too many cards" errors now than back in June.

8. WindowsMedia Streaming - i like bloomberg radio etc. - can't stream it on PRE! Centro had no problem with WMA9 streams!

Which is why you spent a year begging people to try your Bloomberg stream every time a new media came out until Bloomberg finally fixed their stream so it would run on your Centro. In any case, I just checked Mediafly and Bloomberg has a number of podcasts accessible through it. That may not be what you're looking for but I imagine live feeds can't be far away.

9. Synergy - i don't like it. i want a CENTRALIZED MERGED location for my data and the ability to move it wherever i want. with Pre/WebOS - in EAS my data is trapped in that EAS work server account. if i leave my employer, i better TRY to back up the Outlook data from the Outlook side in the nick of time. because once i'm disconnected from that server - the data is trapped in the PRE and no way to get it out. i don't like this. with Centro, all i have to do is change the EAS settings to a new server and sync and i'm good to go. can't do that with PRE. it puts my data in a locked proprietary silo that i can't get at.

I actually sympathize with this view to a certain extent. I tend to keep my data merged to Google instead of to Palm. And there are applications like PocketMirror and Echo from Chapura and The Missing Sync from MarkSpace which are meant to address this issue.

10. Google Calendar/Contacts - suck.

Meh, I'm pretty satisfied with the contacts and even though the Calendar needs a lot of work, it's ability to sync to multiple calendars makes up for its other shortcomings.

11. Lack of SD Card - sucks. i want to Auto Backup my data to SD.

I would have preferred a microSD card too but I'm willing to do without for the moment.

12. flimsy/clumsy USB door - yeah i can use touchstone to charge it but what about in the car?

Proof positive that you rarely if ever read the responses to your posts,

Even if you're not the adventurous type who would wire a Touchstone charger directly into your car's electrical system, you can still just stick to the dash and plug it into the cigarette lighter and the Pre will charge. You might want to keep it tucked in the center console in case you drive like a maniac but otherwise, there is no reason why you couldn't use the Touchstone in your car.

13. No 5 Way - i miss that easy simple navigation. poking around with my finger is inaccurate and clumsy.

That's what she said!

14. No "Select All" in Copy/Cut/Paste. sorry that Orange/Shift Key dance doesn't cut it.

"Select All" was added to webOS in version 1.2.

15. Gesture area - annoying. holding the device i hit it all the time and do stuff and launch stuff i dont want to.

I got used to the gesture area pretty quickly. My only problem with the gesture area is that I'm reluctant to use it on cold days when I'm wearing gloves. Not many days have gone like that but when they do I find myself reverting to my T-Mobile G1 with its dedicated hard buttons.

16. intermittent charging failure is a problem. i can't have a device that sometimes wants to charge and sometimes doesn't. not sure if this is a software or hardware bug but i'm tired of trying to track it down. my phone is my lifeline and i cant have a phone that sometimes wants to charge and sometimes doesn't.

It was probably a hardware bug but I have encountered a software bug where my Pre will sometimes be unable to use the Touchstone to charge and needs to be reset.

17. Browser - seems great at first but the font is so small - i'm tired of constantly pinching and squeezing.

I said it before and I'm saying it now, real preverts don't pinch or squeeze, they double tap.

Palm Apologist
Shouting down the PIC Faithful Since 2009
Screw convergence
Palm III->Visor Deluxe->Visor Platinum->Visor Prism->Tungsten E->Palm LifeDrive->Palm TX->Palm Pre
Visor Pro+VisorPhone->Treo 180g->Treo 270->Treo 600->Treo 680->T-Mobile G1->Palm Pre

RE: Now I have my own Pre...
Gekko @ 11/3/2009 1:31:09 PM # Q

it's a dog.
RE: Now I have my own Pre...
abosco @ 11/3/2009 1:56:31 PM # M Q
I think it's funny that you say Gekko had a defective unit, and then surrender about three quarters of his points to, "Yeah, that bugs me too," or, "I don't use that, so I haven't had that problem."
Sharp keyboard? You big sheila
Tim Carroll @ 11/3/2009 2:01:01 PM # Q
If you define that keyboard edge as sharp, you must have hands softer than a baby Lizardman. :P I'm fine with it.
RE: Now I have my own Pre...
SeldomVisitor @ 11/3/2009 2:10:49 PM # Q
If Darth-etc carries around 479 different devices at all times, it is not surprising that the battery life of any single device is relatively "superlative".

RE: Now I have my own Pre...
Gekko @ 11/3/2009 2:28:39 PM # Q
RE: Now I have my own Pre...
Gekko @ 11/3/2009 3:44:10 PM # Q
RE: Now I have my own Pre...
Gekko @ 11/3/2009 3:55:46 PM # Q
RE: Now I have my own Pre...
DarthRepublican @ 11/3/2009 4:06:24 PM # Q
abosco wrote:
I think it's funny that you say Gekko had a defective unit, and then surrender about three quarters of his points to, "Yeah, that bugs me too," or, "I don't use that, so I haven't had that problem."

Did I? I didn't surrender on his sound quality complaints (this is the reason why I suspect that his phone was defective) which would seem to be the most important complaint about a phone. I certainly didn't surrender to his complaints about the keyboard -- in fact I all but dismissed them as nonsensical. I pointed out that several of his original complaints like the lack of a "Select All" option for copy and paste have been rectified since he complained about them months ago. I pointed out how there is a growing list of software which aims to address his complaints about not being able to move his data off of Palm's cloud. I have no idea where I said anything remotely similar to "I don't use that," but I'm sure that it will be pointed out to me shortly. The fact that I'm willing to admit that something that bothers him bothers me too is more me being honest instead of being a "rah! rah!" cheerleader to his professional sourpuss.
Palm Apologist
Shouting down the PIC Faithful Since 2009
Screw convergence
Palm III->Visor Deluxe->Visor Platinum->Visor Prism->Tungsten E->Palm LifeDrive->Palm TX->Palm Pre
Visor Pro+VisorPhone->Treo 180g->Treo 270->Treo 600->Treo 680->T-Mobile G1->Palm Pre

RE: Now I have my own Pre...
DarthRepublican @ 11/3/2009 4:07:05 PM # Q
Gekko wrote:

it's a dog.

woof, woof.
Palm Apologist
Shouting down the PIC Faithful Since 2009
Screw convergence
Palm III->Visor Deluxe->Visor Platinum->Visor Prism->Tungsten E->Palm LifeDrive->Palm TX->Palm Pre
Visor Pro+VisorPhone->Treo 180g->Treo 270->Treo 600->Treo 680->T-Mobile G1->Palm Pre

RE: Now I have my own Pre...
DarthRepublican @ 11/3/2009 4:09:59 PM # Q
SeldomVisitor wrote:
If Darth-etc carries around 479 different devices at all times, it is not surprising that the battery life of any single device is relatively "superlative".

We all have our usage patterns. Some of us carry a variety of devices because it makes us more productive. Some of us buy a one device, leave it in a drawer, never use it, and obsess over every detail about the company that sold it to us for more than a decade.
Palm Apologist
Shouting down the PIC Faithful Since 2009
Screw convergence
Palm III->Visor Deluxe->Visor Platinum->Visor Prism->Tungsten E->Palm LifeDrive->Palm TX->Palm Pre
Visor Pro+VisorPhone->Treo 180g->Treo 270->Treo 600->Treo 680->T-Mobile G1->Palm Pre

RE: Now I have my own Pre...
DarthRepublican @ 11/3/2009 4:18:23 PM # Q
Gekko wrote:

you little bitch...

Palm Apologist
Shouting down the PIC Faithful Since 2009
Screw convergence
Palm III->Visor Deluxe->Visor Platinum->Visor Prism->Tungsten E->Palm LifeDrive->Palm TX->Palm Pre
Visor Pro+VisorPhone->Treo 180g->Treo 270->Treo 600->Treo 680->T-Mobile G1->Palm Pre

RE: Now I have my own Pre...
SeldomVisitor @ 11/3/2009 4:21:51 PM # Q
> We all have our usage patterns...

I suspect you were in "counterattack mode" during your response to my quite neutral and factual observation that, if you use a surfing device and a calculator device and a phone device, then it makes total sense that, say, your phone device will have superlative battery life relative to some other person's do-everything-including-phone device.

RE: Now I have my own Pre...
m130fullbutcontent @ 11/3/2009 4:37:42 PM # Q
I haven't been able to try a Pre out yet - but those video's on You-Tube showing some comedian cutting bread & another one cutting cheese with a Palm Pre are very funny :oD. Thanks for posting them..

Re Palm phones always being bad: - my ageing Treo 680 has been excellent call quality wise here in the UK-. Maybe this is partly a network issue ? (Was most impressed when on a first ever trip to your rather impressive Grand Canyon over there in Arizona last July a friend from N.Ireland rang me - and crystal clear was that call..(not that that proves much I realise).Said friend didn't know where I was & when I told him he replied in his 'deadpan' N. Irish accent 'Oh right'. Takes more to impress him clearly.

I wonder how robust these new Pre units will be? My old Treo 680 has been miraculously robust so far - surviving more drops on concrete etc than have smashed several screens/killed previous Palm PDA's I've had previously...It's a bit cracked in corners here & there but still doing fine service...(..Hopefully not famous last words..). Maybe I'll grab a Centro soon while there are some still about. I must admit I don't like the sound of the new webOS PIM'S & lack of desktop sync, attractive though much of the rest of the Pre sounds. Maybe I'll wait for more software & a Pixi , even though the name is a bit dodgy :oD (i.m.h.o. of course).

IIIe>IIIxe>m125>m130>T3>TE>T3>TX / Treo680

Jesus said : 'I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.'
John's Gospel ch. 14 vs 6, NIV

RE: Now I have my own Pre...
Gekko @ 11/3/2009 4:52:00 PM # Q
RE: Now I have my own Pre...
DarthRepublican @ 11/3/2009 5:17:17 PM # Q
SeldomVisitor wrote:
> We all have our usage patterns...

I suspect you were in "counterattack mode" during your response to my quite neutral and factual observation that, if you use a surfing device and a calculator device and a phone device, then it makes total sense that, say, your phone device will have superlative battery life relative to some other person's do-everything-including-phone device.

I suspected that your "neutral and factual observation" was a sarcastic quip based on a previous post of mine and responded in kind. The more I think about it, it seems more like an attempt to suggest that I'm somehow cheating in a game by using more than one device. Either way, I don't think it matters much since I know how long my Pre lasts.

In the first month or so after buying it, I made a concerted effort to use only the Pre for most of my work and it got about 10 to 12 hours of battery life based on that usage pattern. I wouldn't call that superlative since I still had to buy a second battery and wasn't using that heavily. With heavier usage, my Pre's battery life goes down but that would seem logical wouldn't it? You do a lot of talking and web surfing on your phone and its battery life goes down. I'm not sure that anyone has discovered a Rosetta Stone of technology here.

But with only 8 GB of memory, I quickly found myself going back to my iPod Classic for music and podcasts. Then I discovered My Tether and began using my Pre as a tether for my netbook (a great way to recharge the Pre if you use the USB cable and not as big a drain on the battery as you'd think if you use Bluetooth). Finally, Google updated the Android OS on my T-Mobile G1 to the point where it was much faster and more usable so I went back to using it in some situations. (Like using the G1 as a phone while my Pre is working as a data tether for my laptop.) I don't see why I should apologize for being exposed as a gadget geek while commenting on a gadget geek website.

Today I got a late start and left the house with my Pre's battery at 100% at about 10AM. Since I didn't spend a lot of time in the office today, I didn't have a chance to recharge my Pre and now it's almost 7PM and I'm writing this post with my Pre acting as a tether for my laptop. My battery is down to 21%. That's 9 hours right there with 79% of my battery used up. I imagine that if I had gotten home by 9PM (which is my usual hour to get home) I would have had to pop in my Pre's spare battery. That's not superlative but it's hardly abysmal considering how much I use my Pre. And yes, I do use it a lot despite having a second phone.

Palm Apologist
Shouting down the PIC Faithful Since 2009
Screw convergence
Palm III->Visor Deluxe->Visor Platinum->Visor Prism->Tungsten E->Palm LifeDrive->Palm TX->Palm Pre
Visor Pro+VisorPhone->Treo 180g->Treo 270->Treo 600->Treo 680->T-Mobile G1->Palm Pre

RE: Now I have my own Pre...
Gekko @ 11/3/2009 5:35:03 PM # Q

i'm up for a new phone with Sprint in June 2010. my guess is i'll be switching to Android. it offers everything i want and need and like -

1. Sprint
2. Good PIM
3. Real EAS
4. Push Gmail
5. FTP
6. Excel/Word
7. Streaming WMA9
8. Thousands of Apps and more coming
9. OPEN Platform
10. Google-Backed
11. Quality Hardware Vendors
12. Non-Proprietary Universal Standards
13. Flash
14. Eye Candy/Speedy/Efficient OS/GUI

RE: Now I have my own Pre...
Gekko @ 11/3/2009 5:36:09 PM # Q

15. microSD card.
16. Great Browser

RE: Now I have my own Pre...
DarthRepublican @ 11/3/2009 6:21:50 PM # Q
Just a quick off topic note. My Palm Pre just asked if it should install version 1.3 of webOS. It's rebooting right now....
Palm Apologist
Shouting down the PIC Faithful Since 2009
Screw convergence
Palm III->Visor Deluxe->Visor Platinum->Visor Prism->Tungsten E->Palm LifeDrive->Palm TX->Palm Pre
Visor Pro+VisorPhone->Treo 180g->Treo 270->Treo 600->Treo 680->T-Mobile G1->Palm Pre
RE: Now I have my own Pre...
Gekko @ 11/3/2009 6:27:42 PM # Q

so what do you want? a cookie?
RE: Now I have my own Pre...
DarthRepublican @ 11/3/2009 8:17:39 PM # Q
DarthRepublican wrote:
Just a quick off topic note. My Palm Pre just asked if it should install version 1.3 of webOS. It's rebooting right now....

Huh, the update completed but my device info still says that I'm at 1.2.1. Weird.
Palm Apologist
Shouting down the PIC Faithful Since 2009
Screw convergence
Palm III->Visor Deluxe->Visor Platinum->Visor Prism->Tungsten E->Palm LifeDrive->Palm TX->Palm Pre
Visor Pro+VisorPhone->Treo 180g->Treo 270->Treo 600->Treo 680->T-Mobile G1->Palm Pre

RE: Now I have my own Pre...
DarthRepublican @ 11/3/2009 8:18:27 PM # Q
Gekko wrote:

so what do you want? a cookie?

Don Rickles you ain't.
Palm Apologist
Shouting down the PIC Faithful Since 2009
Screw convergence
Palm III->Visor Deluxe->Visor Platinum->Visor Prism->Tungsten E->Palm LifeDrive->Palm TX->Palm Pre
Visor Pro+VisorPhone->Treo 180g->Treo 270->Treo 600->Treo 680->T-Mobile G1->Palm Pre

RE: Now I have my own Pre...
Tim Carroll @ 11/3/2009 8:33:45 PM # M Q
Just a quick off topic note. My Palm Pre just asked if it should install version 1.3 of webOS.

Heh. After i installed Classic mine asked me last night if I wanted to update and install 1.1.3... which it was already running. Odd.

RE: Now I have my own Pre...
ChiA @ 11/4/2009 4:22:07 AM # Q
Gekko said:
9. Synergy - i don't like it. i want a CENTRALIZED MERGED location for my data and the ability to move it wherever i want
the data is trapped in the PRE and no way to get it out. i don't like this

Lizardman, have you considered this solution, the Missing Sync for Palm Pre:

It's a possible solution but has anyone here tried it?

RE: Now I have my own Pre...
Gekko @ 11/4/2009 4:51:14 AM # Q

freakout - why don't you pull that Pre out of your ass and finish writing your review already?

RE: Now I have my own Pre...
Tim Carroll @ 11/4/2009 4:55:22 AM # Q
^^ LOL. Ewww.

Dude, I've had it for two days. Gimme a week at least... I need to get my hands on a decent video camera too, 'cause I'm going to do some side-by-side comparisons of common tasks on the Pre and the Centro.

Also, I'm hesitant to cast judgement 'cause it always takes time to break them in properly... but battery life so far stinks. Maybe it's 'cause I can't stop playing with it, but I left the house at 9.30 this morning on a full charge and was down to 5% by 5.30.
Sometime PIC blogger
Treo 270 --> Treo 650 --> Treo 680 --> Centro --> Pre
I apologise for any and all emoticons in my posts. You may shoot them on sight.

RE: Now I have my own Pre...
Gekko @ 11/4/2009 5:01:31 AM # Q
>I'm going to do some side-by-side comparisons of common tasks on the Pre and the Centro.

good. maybe go through some of my punch list above.

RE: Now I have my own Pre...
nastebu @ 11/4/2009 6:32:00 AM # Q
I'm eager to read the review too, but I'd suggest buying a good case rather than relying on body orifices.

Freak, what's your biggest (positive) surprise so far playing with it?

Gekko @ 11/5/2009 4:58:02 PM # Q

OK - where are the DROID fondle reports???????????

RE: Now I have my own Pre...
Tim Carroll @ 11/7/2009 12:16:01 AM # Q
Freak, what's your biggest (positive) surprise so far playing with it?

Biggest positive surprise? The keyboard. The slider isn't half as annoying as I feared it would be after years of exposed keyboards, and in fact actually a bit roomier to type on than the Centro board. Plus there's something that's just so much fun about sliding it up and down...

Oh, and Palm rejigged the keys too - having @ and commas as dedicated keys and underscores as an option key (rather than an alt-menu thing) is very, very much appreciated in the Internet era.

My only problem is QWERTZ. My thumb-memory is still adjusting, but I think it's going to take a long time...

Oh, and the screen is just gorgeous. Absolutely gorgeous. After the Centro it's just amazing. Can't take my eyes off it...

RE: Now I have my own Pre...
Gekko @ 11/7/2009 12:33:15 AM # Q

is it hard to type with one thumb up your ass all the time?

RE: Now I have my own Pre...
freakout @ 11/7/2009 1:01:11 AM # M Q
How could I possibly fit a thumb up there with all these gerbils running around? xD
RE: Now I have my own Pre...
SeldomVisitor @ 11/7/2009 4:27:16 AM # Q
Don't use the GPS.

RE: Now I have my own Pre...
Gekko @ 11/7/2009 5:06:01 AM # Q

too much information.

so you've had the the pig for about 5 days, what's the verdict?

RE: Now I have my own Pre...
Tim Carroll @ 11/7/2009 12:39:27 PM # Q
SV - why would I not use the GPS? It works fine. (I reckon Rod's problem with his CDMA Pre had something to do with it trying to poll Sprint's servers for data. But it works fine for me on both the O2 and the Sprint firmware.)

Gekko - I like it a lot. Do I like it as much as my Centro? I'm not sure. Still on the fence. Writeup coming next week, with videos...

RE: Now I have my own Pre...
SeldomVisitor @ 11/7/2009 1:33:22 PM # Q
My apologies - I don;t pay much attention to names thus do not knw who "Rod" is.

The GPS comment - might have made it before here - has to do with the GPS supposedly not working south of the Equator.

RE: Now I have my own Pre...
Tim Carroll @ 11/7/2009 4:14:47 PM # Q
"rod" refers to rod whitby, the WebOS Internals founder. He imported a CDMA Pre to Oz a little while ago and found that the GPS didn't work properly, but that seems to be an issue unique to the CDMA hardware - the GSM works just fine. Very accurate too... although I keep it off to save battery life.
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Big Moss on The Droid: The Best Verizon Has To Offer

Gekko @ 11/5/2009 5:27:14 PM # Q

Motorola's Droid Is Smart Success for Verizon Users

November 4, 2009
by Walter S. Mossberg

RE: Big Moss on The Droid: The Best Verizon Has To Offer
hkklife @ 11/5/2009 10:12:30 PM # Q
They ain't out yet officially! And I'm not THAT much of a geek that I am going to run out to a VZW store at midnight and/or 6am. I'll cruise by there tomorrow during lunch and see what's shakin'.

FWIW, the local BB last night had a Droid dummy/mockup unit, as well as an LG Chocolate 3 and the HTC Eris. VZW's finally got some decent hardware out just in time for the holiday season...and we are still kinda/sorta assuming that the Pre will arrive in Q1 2010.

The Droid was very solid feeling. It felt better in the hand that that horrid BB Storm I briefly had and even the gold accents come off better in person (more muted than I was expecting) than they did in the original pictures online. I like the d-pad on the keyboard but I REALLY wish they had relocated it to the lefthand side. Overall, the keyboard looked pretty lame from a comfort/tactile feedback standpoint but that's a small price to pay for that huge, high-res screen!

My MAIN worry about the Droid are the inherently weak PIM capabilities of Android and how well (if at all) my 13+ years of Palm OS PIM data can be migrated over. i don't fancy spending months combing through my contacts to make sure there are no corrupted fields or missing entries.

On a lesser note, I'm also concerned about the relatively pitiful onboard memory of the Droid as well as Android's silly policy of not permitting apps to be installed to an external storage card...something I was doing in 2001 with my m505!

Of course, there are some concerns about the usual UI lag & performance hiccups, but having dealt with the T5, LifeDrive, and Treo 700p in years past, I am not worried that much. Having such a magnificent screen, 3.5mm jack, a decent browser, wi-fi, and "free" GPS goes a long way toward alleviating the majority of my concerns.

IF I get a Droid (and I won't right off the bat), I will take full advantage of the 30 day return period and if I am anything less than impressed it'll go back and I'll return to the relative safety of my trusy 755p.
Pilot 1000->Pilot 5000->PalmPilot Pro->IIIe->Vx->m505->T|T->T|T2->T|C->T|T3->T|T5->Zodiac 2->TX->Verizon Treo 700P->Verizon Treo 755p->?

RE: Big Moss on The Droid: The Best Verizon Has To Offer
Gekko @ 11/6/2009 4:06:22 AM # Q

lessons learned -

1. always do a "Frozen in Time" Last Backup of your old device in its format before you migrate to the new device. On SD Card or USB Drive if you can. you need the time machine to get back if there's trouble in the future.
2. always keep your old device and accessories for a minimum of 2 weeks before you sell or give them away. even if you THINK you love the new device at first.
3. be skeptical of 1.0 generation devices. don't believe the hype.

RE: Big Moss on The Droid: The Best Verizon Has To Offer
Gekko @ 11/6/2009 8:54:46 AM # Q

ok hkk - we'll be expecting a full fondle report no later than 2pm today. hurry up at eat that biscuit and gravy sandwich and get it done!

RE: Big Moss on The Droid: The Best Verizon Has To Offer
Gekko @ 11/6/2009 10:34:29 AM # Q

November 04, 2009 - In this video we give you a preview and walkthrough of the new Motorola DROID smartphone from Verizon Wireless. We go over Android 2.0, Google Maps Navigation, the QWERTY keyboard, and more.

RE: Big Moss on The Droid: The Best Verizon Has To Offer
Gekko @ 11/6/2009 12:56:08 PM # M Q
Hello posting from a droid in a vzw store at an undisclosed location. Must remember to clear cache and log out to protect my identity. Why do all vzw reps have bad breath?
RE: Big Moss on The Droid: The Best Verizon Has To Offer
mikecane @ 11/6/2009 4:45:04 PM # Q
And what's the verdict, Gekko? I've not fondled any Android yet but have been paying attention to the Androided Archos 5 IT. Did you know there's Documents To Go for Android? I'd still like to know what PIMs there are and about moving my LifeDrive data to those.

I wouldn't go with the Droid myself. That keyboard looks like crap for typing. The HTC Hero or something similar is appealing.

And today I learn not only won't there be a Verizon iPhone in January -- it will be *third quarter* 2010. And then it will have a SMALLER 2.8" screen!! WTF?!

Well, maybe I can hope for an iPod Touch WITH A CAMERA in January finally.

RE: Big Moss on The Droid: The Best Verizon Has To Offer
Gekko @ 11/6/2009 5:14:29 PM # Q

my thoughts after 5 minutes with the vzw moto droid -

1. device is solid. buld quality is 8/10.
2. i was surprised how relatively thin and small this device is in person. on the web it looks like a brick. it's a little bit on the heavy side relative to what i'm used to (centro) but not too bad to make a difference.
3. form factor is totally square feels ok in the hand but i kind of prefer a rounded off device but again - not too bad to make a difference and you'd get used to it quick.
4. screen is beautiful - crisp clear big and and bright.
5. haptic feedback on bottom 4 hard keys is cool.
6. browser and web surfing is fast and beautiful on that big screen.
7. Contacts and Calendar is OK and acceptable although not at the simplistic beauty level of the old PalmOS PIMs. i think we could get used to it.
8. Soft keyboard is OK but you miss the multitouch here. i hit some errors.
9. Hard Keyboard is poor IMO. very small keys, very flat, little/no space between each key. i don't have huge fat fingers but the zero key clearance and small size makes it a pain to type IMO.
10. D-Pad on right side - i didnt use it and not sure i would.

i barely scratched the surface. i had multiple vzw sales droids and customers breathing down my neck and i really hate people anyway so i had to get the hell out of there. i also touched the vzw HTC Droid which looked much like the HTC Hero but didnt get a chance to play with that one. i hear it's cheaper, slower processor, and less crisp display.

the bottom line is - if i was on vzw, i would probably give one of these Droids a shot.

RE: Big Moss on The Droid: The Best Verizon Has To Offer
nastebu @ 11/6/2009 5:16:21 PM # Q
Mike, the Macrumors article on this says an iPhone will be released on Verizon "by" the third quarter and "within" 2010, which means they are just guessing on the date.

If it's true it's very difficult news for Palm if Apple starts expanding the iPhone product line specifically looking to pick up market share.

RE: Big Moss on The Droid: The Best Verizon Has To Offer
Gekko @ 11/6/2009 5:23:42 PM # Q

if Sprint gets the iPhone in addition to Android 2.0+ it will be a tough call for me when i'm up for a new phone in June 2010.

right now i'm leaning toward Android. more open platform and i don't have to be an "iPhone guy".

RE: Big Moss on The Droid: The Best Verizon Has To Offer
Gekko @ 11/6/2009 5:43:19 PM # Q
RE: Big Moss on The Droid: The Best Verizon Has To Offer
abosco @ 11/6/2009 11:28:44 PM # Q
Sheesh. That comparison makes me feel like it's 2003 all over again. So much customizing and tweaking only to get something that's almost as good as the competition.

No AT&T. Google services are awesome. Almost like an iPhone for everything else. That's what I got out of that. I live in blanket AT&T 3G, and I only use GMail and YouTube, which has Push and a native app. I hope you guys see something much better, because I'm still drawing a yawn over here.

Want to know what I did when I bought my first iPhone?

1) Stand in line for hours like a jackass next to a bunch of hipsters and fat WoW geeks.
2) Buy iPhone and carry it like a trophy in front if every guy in the mall (similar to a Tiffany's bag to women).
3) Plug new phone into computer to charge.
4) Activate and sync. All of my media suddenly appears on the phone.
5) Get some singles and head to the titty bar.

I got pulled over that night. Mid-sentence, the cop sees it in the center console and says, "Is that it!?" I didn't let him touch it. I was issued a ticket.

m105 -> NX70v -> NX80v -> iPhone -> iPhone 3G

RE: Big Moss on The Droid: The Best Verizon Has To Offer
nastebu @ 11/7/2009 6:32:03 AM # Q
whoa, Verizon is upping the early termination fee to $350. Ugh. I've paid one of those fees twice.
RE: Big Moss on The Droid: The Best Verizon Has To Offer
Gekko @ 11/7/2009 6:38:02 AM # Q
RE: Big Moss on The Droid: The Best Verizon Has To Offer
mikecane @ 11/7/2009 8:54:56 AM # Q
The ETF goes down by $10 per month. And the explanation I saw was to stop apparent scamming that's been going on with new hardware being bought cheep and then eBayed or whatever.

I noticed the Sprint store I pass by no longer has demo Pres for fondling. Dammit. Still have not given one a thorough molesting. Maybe when the Pixi comes out I'll sojourn out for a threesome! And maybe make it an outright orgy by doing the HTC Hero too.

So far, I want in this order: iPhone (but not AT&T), Android (maybe Acer Liquid, but nothing other than that has impressed me yet), Palm Pixi (and the Pixi could jump to #2 based on new apps -- although that damned crapcam hobbles it!).

RE: Big Moss on The Droid: The Best Verizon Has To Offer
mikecane @ 11/7/2009 9:10:28 AM # Q
And let me make it clearer: *iPhone* not the WTF 2.8" screen *iPhone JUNIOR* apparently in the frikkin pipeline. Hell, sell that one under the DISNEY label!
Initial Moto Droid vs. FrankenGarnet impressions
hkklife @ 11/8/2009 12:47:10 AM # Q
In what turned out to be a quick initial Droid fondle, then became a sessioin of helping a colleague and his wife take the Android plunge, I splurged and bought a Droid after playing with it for a few hours. I was that impressed with the screen, overall specs, and the phenoimenal navigation capabilities.

So after a wild 48 hours of intermittent testing (remember guys, I'm on vacation at the moment and believe it or not I have more interesting things to do other than write up Garnet vs. Android comparisons), I have a few observations:

-Google Maps on Android 2.0 is STUNNING, epsecially the turn by turn navigation. This is the Droid's killer app a

-Speech recognition works incredibly well. VERY handy feature that will spoil you rotten. It really is as easy as saying "pizza" "chinese" "starbucks" etc. I even used it to find Korean food tonight!

-Stunning LCD quality & size. The whites are actually WHITE! No dismal yellows or reddish-tinted whites. This is a superb photo/web/video viewing device.

-WiFi works well and connects quickly. Of course I've never had a smartphone with wi-fi.

-Battery life doesn't appear (at least not initially) to be as superb as some reviews say but it's seemingly far better than, say, a Centro or a Pre or my 755p with a stock battery.

-Keyboard is usable but slight disapointing and fiddly to type quickly on. I can be accurate or I can be fast but I cannot do both like I could on the classic Treo "smile" arrangement.

-Fantastic build quality. Battery life isn't spectacular but quite good all things considered. Unlike some naysayers, I don't mind the chunky formfactor at all. Remember one slightly bulky advanced devcice still beats carrying around 2 obsolete, clunky devices.

-Native Amazon mp3 store app works very well and downloads songs VERY speedily.

-Built-in mp3/media apps on Android 2.0 are servicable but need some improvements. Same goes for the phone app dialer.

-Solid RF performance/reception/voice quality. Probably the best I've encountered on a CDMA smartphone

-Browser isn't as good as Safari or the Pre, but it's a very close 3rd.

-Sound output is superb through the 3.5mm jack. No crackles and good volume. I haven't tested BT yet.

-The non-Gmail "Mail" app for POP & IMAP blows. Versamail 4.x runs circles around it.

-The onscreen keyboard blows in comparison to iPhone

-The camera is Nywhere between semiu-horrid and completely horrible in anything less than a dead-still stationary outside shot in full daylight. Video recording seems to be far from the "DVD quality" we've seen touted for this device previously.

-The PIMs suck horribly compared to any Palm OS device. I cannnot stress this enough. I cannot stress this enough. And no straight-up "memos" app either.

-16gb in a bundled yet STILL EXPANADABLE microSDHC card is just genius and a good value to boot. Palm and Apple, PLEASE pay attention!

-Accelerometer isn't as snappy as the iPhone's but it's better than my old BB Storm. There are still some occasonal glitches and random OS quirks and hangups but overall it's quite usable.

-Android's App store is a joke, as is the 3rd party & feebie app/game selections (at least the handful I've played with so far). I've seen more impressive Garnet apps dating back to 2004-05.

P.S. I replaced my Moto v9m RAZR2 dumbphone with the Droid. I STIL have my Treo 755p going for the time beng until I can figure out how to impor ALL of my 13+ years of Palm OS PIM data into Android.
Pilot 1000->Pilot 5000->PalmPilot Pro->IIIe->Vx->m505->T|T->T|T2->T|C->T|T3->T|T5->Zodiac 2->TX->Verizon Treo 700P->Verizon Treo 755p->?

RE: Big Moss on The Droid: The Best Verizon Has To Offer
Gekko @ 11/8/2009 2:32:06 AM # Q

hkk - thanks for the quick report. tell us your thoughts on Contacts and Calendar specifically.

RE: Big Moss on The Droid: The Best Verizon Has To Offer
Gekko @ 11/8/2009 2:40:00 AM # Q

p.s. to get your PIM Data to Droid, use the 755p EAS and sync to Gmail. then sync Gmail to Droid.

Memos are toast. i switched all my critical Memos to MS Word Docs (and use DTG) and deleted the non-critical Memos. i don't use Memos App anymore. i never used Tasks so no big deal. i'm down to Contacts and Calendar for PIM Data and feel liberated. it was a PIA but my critical Memos are no longer trapped in a legacy proprietary non-supported format. the forced house cleaning ended up being a good thing too.

RE: Big Moss on The Droid: The Best Verizon Has To Offer
hkklife @ 11/8/2009 11:23:29 AM # Q

I don't use Tasks either. Good point on the memos and I've been contemplating doing that for years but never gotten around to it.

I must admit, the Droid has probably the best combination of build quality/RF performance/hardware specs/formfactor in a smartphone. I also want to reiterate how crisp and clear the voice call quality is---VZW is always good but this one consistently outperforms every other VZ smartphone, including various BBs, my Treo 755p etc. The LBS/tight Google Maps/GPS integration is truly a killer app but I still think Android needs another generation or two to catch up to where the iPhone and Pre are as far as overall usability and refinement. Some parts of Android 2.0 still look distinctly like like 1.0 and unrefined. I've given up to any current mobile platform ever catching up to Palm OS as far as one-handed usability and PIM capabilities. Whoever said that the "new" PIM is cloud-centric social networking & aggregation instead of the old-fashioned "input all of your contacts from business cards" desktop sync methodology sure was right. That said, I am still firmly in the old school method of inputting everything manually once and for all instead of pulling in data from the cloud.

When I get back from this trip I'll delve into contacts & calendar and various other minutiae.

One other thing of note to mention that seems quite foolish is that the Droid is tied to whatever Gmail account was used for initial setup. You cannot change your "profile" unless you hard reset the phone and wipe it and associate it with a new Gmail account from scratch.
Pilot 1000->Pilot 5000->PalmPilot Pro->IIIe->Vx->m505->T|T->T|T2->T|C->T|T3->T|T5->Zodiac 2->TX->Verizon Treo 700P->Verizon Treo 755p->?

RE: Big Moss on The Droid: The Best Verizon Has To Offer
Gekko @ 11/8/2009 11:46:11 AM # Q

look how far we've come -

RE: Big Moss on The Droid: The Best Verizon Has To Offer
mikecane @ 11/10/2009 1:03:21 PM # Q
So someone else have Gone Rouge, er, Rogue, um, DROID.

This might interest you then:

Geez, Gekko, why go to all that trouble of MS Wording your Memos? You could have just kept them in Palm Desktop. It still works, right? Right? Bueller?

RE: Big Moss on The Droid: The Best Verizon Has To Offer
Gekko @ 11/10/2009 1:14:44 PM # Q

MS Word is an open non-proprietary standard (can be read by multiple applications throughout the universe) hence that is what i use. and i store them via FTP cloud and can access them anywhere at anytime anywhere in the world on any device.

Palm Desktop? are you kidding??? that's old legacy proprietary dead non-supported closed technology. i'd be better off using a tablet and chisel or cave paintings. get with the program, it's almost 2010. are you moving forward or will you be left behind surrounded by dust and ashes?

next question?

RE: Big Moss on The Droid: The Best Verizon Has To Offer
mikecane @ 11/10/2009 5:36:13 PM # Q
>>>MS Word is an open non-proprietary standard

*snort* Really, who do you expect to believe that?

And what do you use to access them on the Centro?

RE: Big Moss on The Droid: The Best Verizon Has To Offer
gmayhak @ 11/10/2009 7:07:02 PM # Q
RE: Big Moss on The Droid: The Best Verizon Has To Offer
hkklife @ 11/10/2009 7:59:55 PM # Q
Well, I've been Droiding away here pretty much nonstop for the past few days. The things (both hardware and software) that annoyed me initially still annoy me. The things that impressed me on day 1 still imporess the hell out of me.

In a nutshell, the Droid can easily make you toss your standalone GPS unit, ESPECIALLY if you are going to a destination that's got full data coverage. The web browser is superb (for the most part) and the screen is quite possibly the finest I've ever seen or used in person on a mobile device. Unfortunately it falls apart spectacularly when it comes to a few big things (PIM, PIM, PIM) and a few small things (many layers of menus to wade through to, say, turn off wi-fi or GPS or perform a quick dial. And please don't say "there's an app for that". That's a sorry, half-assed Palm OS 4.0 response. A mobile OS should be reasonably full featured, bulletproof, and intuitive right out of the box "as is".

Right now it looks like my best option is going to be....carrying Droid for web, media, and phone purposes and keep a Palm Z22 in my other pocket for PIM purposes. Mike Cane, where's that wallet-sized Palm OS Franklin Rex device when I need one?
Pilot 1000->Pilot 5000->PalmPilot Pro->IIIe->Vx->m505->T|T->T|T2->T|C->T|T3->T|T5->Zodiac 2->TX->Verizon Treo 700P->Verizon Treo 755p->?

RE: Big Moss on The Droid: The Best Verizon Has To Offer
Gekko @ 11/10/2009 11:37:16 PM # Q

hkk - specifically what don't you like about the Android PIM? it seemed pretty acceptable to me. and what do you think about the iPhone PIM?

RE: Big Moss on The Droid: The Best Verizon Has To Offer
Gekko @ 11/12/2009 1:37:27 PM # Q

i just played with the Sprint HTC Hero Android Contact Application again. it's not too good. trying to enter in a new PIM data entry (Contact and Calendar) is tedious and not straightforward like on PalmOS. at this point i'm pretty sure even WinMob is better. hopefully WinMob 7 will be best of all worlds. i'll have to revisit iPhone.

RE: Big Moss on The Droid: The Best Verizon Has To Offer
hkklife @ 11/12/2009 7:49:09 PM # Q
As tedious and unintuitive as the Contacts app is, I think the Calendar app is even worse. It also has a tendency to lag, at least on the Android, when you start bringing imported data over.

One of the Droids that I "assisted" a colleague in purchasing last week went back today. The others are still in the acclimation phase but there may be some additional returns. I reiterate---Droid and Android 2.0 is a great web browser & nav device, best screen on the market, solid media device, medicore keyboard and very disappointing native e-mail and PIM apps.
Pilot 1000->Pilot 5000->PalmPilot Pro->IIIe->Vx->m505->T|T->T|T2->T|C->T|T3->T|T5->Zodiac 2->TX->Verizon Treo 700P->Verizon Treo 755p->?

RE: Big Moss on The Droid: The Best Verizon Has To Offer
Tim Carroll @ 11/12/2009 10:52:44 PM # Q
PIM on webOS is a bit weird. On the one hand, I love Synergy - 99% of the people I call or text regularly are on Facebook, and the automatic contact pic updating alone is worth the price of admission. Plus, while Google's online Calendar and Contacts apps are very basic, I love being able to access my PIM data from any 'net-connected desktop - as opposed to having it all locked away on my home PC.

On the other hand, I really miss the D-Pad for fast navigating between fields, and the webOS lag gets extremely annoying at times - especially so in the calendar, which stinks. No Agenda view (although there's an excellent homebrew app for that) and no time zone support, which is crucial when I'm trying to stay in sync with contacts in multiple timezones. (And no World Clock. I loved the Palm OS World Clock. Give me a webOS World Clock!)

gonna get stuck into my big-ass PalmOS vs. webOS writeup this weekend, provided life doesn't get in the way. You should do one for Android Kris...

RE: Big Moss on The Droid: The Best Verizon Has To Offer
hkklife @ 11/12/2009 11:09:59 PM # Q
Timmmmmay, I intend to write up exactly such a beast, just as soon as time permits. I'm still on vacation, remember? I am geeky but not THAT geeks that I'd take an Android vs. Palm writeup over babes, beer, and beaches (not, ahem, in that order of course).

FWIW, I am juggling/fumbling with a dumbphone, my 755p and my Droid whilst traveling. This utter madness has got to stop!!
Pilot 1000->Pilot 5000->PalmPilot Pro->IIIe->Vx->m505->T|T->T|T2->T|C->T|T3->T|T5->Zodiac 2->TX->Verizon Treo 700P->Verizon Treo 755p->?

RE: Big Moss on The Droid: The Best Verizon Has To Offer
nastebu @ 11/12/2009 11:13:33 PM # Q
On the subject of time zone support, the iPhone doesn't have it either (or enough of it). You can switch the whole device from one time zone to another, but you have to drill way deep into the system preferences menu first to do it, so you can't just choose a time zone to enter an appointment in.

Which is especially odd because the time zone support in iCal is excellent.

RE: Big Moss on The Droid: The Best Verizon Has To Offer
Gekko @ 11/13/2009 3:45:38 AM # Q

i'd like to know what a former PalmOS but current iPhone heavy PIM user thinks of iPhone PIM vs. PalmOS PIM.

it seems to me that WinMob is second to PalmOS for PIM??? here's hope for WinMob 7???

i hope MSFT doesn't go all Office 2007 on us.

RE: Big Moss on The Droid: The Best Verizon Has To Offer
mikecane @ 11/13/2009 9:58:02 AM # Q
>>>Mike Cane, where's that wallet-sized Palm OS Franklin Rex device when I need one?

Oh ho! So now my past tormenting mockers come begging for what I saw as a necessity years ago!

Suffer, you blind heathen dogs!

No more Zen of Palm for YOU!

RE: Big Moss on The Droid: The Best Verizon Has To Offer
abosco @ 11/13/2009 12:44:23 PM # Q
Contacts kicks ass, I don't use To-Do's, and Notes is adequate for short entries. Calendar is still behind Palm OS. Graphically, it looks better. However, it takes more steps to enter an appointment, change the time, etc. There are also a few quick features that could be added to make it a dream. There is no week view. Why can't I flip the phone landscape and see a rundown of my day-by-day appointments? Notifications are consistent and reliable.

It syncs well with iTunes and Outlook, and I keep hearing how great EAS is. Unfortunately, my company's IT dept is comprised of shit-chucking apes who do not yet support the iPhone on the Exchange server. What is this, 2006? Get with the ****ing times.

In short, it works, but it's not the phone's strength. If you're serious about it but not entirely sure, pick up an old iPod Touch. Try it out, and if it works, sell the Touch and buy the iPhone.

m105 -> NX70v -> NX80v -> iPhone -> iPhone 3G

RE: Big Moss on The Droid: The Best Verizon Has To Offer
Gekko @ 11/13/2009 4:47:07 PM # Q
RE: Big Moss on The Droid: The Best Verizon Has To Offer
nastebu @ 11/13/2009 9:18:36 PM # Q
As an aside to the time zone point, the iPhone contacts handles international addresses very well. In the input box there's a drop down menu for countries so you can input in pretty much any country's format.
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unlocked pre?

antikryst @ 3/26/2010 2:24:03 AM # Q
anywhere i can get an unlocked gsm pre? ive been a longtime palm fan... through ups and downs.

palm 3, palm vx, tungsten t, and now centro... which is about to die. and i want a pre.. any ideas?

im not from the US and its not here in the philippines officially. i have access to the US though (in the US every so often) so i can get it there if it is available unlocked.

RE: unlocked pre?
e_tellurian @ 3/26/2010 8:35:42 AM # Q
What do they say at the Palm site? Have you tried asking there too?


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RE: unlocked pre?
antikryst @ 3/26/2010 6:11:35 PM # Q (philippine site) still says - "Palm Philippines - Palm Centro and Treo Smartphones Handhelds and Accessories"

theres a picture of the pre but nothing else... it just links to the pre portion of no carriers have it. no one is selling it here.

i can have someone get me a pre in the US, but no one is selling it there unlocked as well.

saw an unlocked samsung android yesterday being sold locally (official samsung) for $300 usd... might just settle for that. i could give it a few more months though.

palm is tanking and i want to support them since i love palm products... but they are not even marketing their phones here.

we used to have palms here from the tungsten line to the centro. but that was it.

RE: unlocked pre?
e_tellurian @ 3/26/2010 7:05:03 PM # Q
Try contacting the webmaster at the site and see what can be done at that end. If you love Palm perhaps the webmaster can be your cupit.

Hope you get your Palm.


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whatnoob @ 5/7/2010 2:04:06 PM # Q
Since this is the original Pre review, I just wanted to let everyone know that I have been happy with pre since day 1 coming close to a year now.
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